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Forum Index > General Discussion > Going to help the artists whomever they...
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Level 64
Joined: 6/28/2018
Threads: 36
Posts: 96
Posted: 12/4/2020 at 7:17 PM Post #1
I'll be attempting to help out the artists who are doing all the design stuff by giving them doodles of ideas I have on new breeds of sylesti's and possibly designing new outfits, and other stuff, as well as any ideas I have which don't have to be used at all for they're simply ideas nothing more nothing less and I will probably post the designs and ideas in the suggestion box seeing as they're basically suggestions I'll be making to give the artists ideas and maybe even inspiration of what the new stuff might look like, but my designs and ideas are defiantly not going to be the actual designs placed in the game so don't go asking me when will these be placed in the game because I'm not one of the artists I won't become one ever until I become the age of eighteen (Three years from now) for legal reasons with copyrights which aren't really fun to get in trouble for so don't go yell at Krin or any of the people in charge of the game they don't want to get in trouble with copyright issues at all which is a very good idea that everyone should understand though... I found a new way to help without breaking any laws or copyright stuff so until I turn eighteen I'll use this idea of mine to help the current artists or future artists out as much as I can for I feel like I should help and anyone who wants to join in with helping the artists you can do the same thing as I make designs of what you think the new stuff might look like as well as ideas you might have even if you think they're bad because you never know people might love your idea so much though they could also hate it, there's no problem with that because with those comments it'll help you reshape your idea into something better then post it in the suggestion box and you don't need any talent in drawing at all you can still help no matter what even if it's simply just describing an idea of a design it'll still help a lot.

That's all I have to say so now I shall start with helping out and anyone who's interested you may start too, but please make sure to stay safe, and healthy don't go doing this if you're sick or anything of that sort instead take a rest, eat soup, or even just watch Netflix and chillax then when you feel better and feel like it you can design whatever you'd like it could be a new breed of sylesti, a new outfit or avatar look, a new philter it could be anything you can imagine, now I'll be heading off I wish everyone a grand day or night bye-bye.
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