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Forum Index > Roleplaying > Tail beast hybrids || RP
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Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/3/2019
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Posted: 12/31/2020 at 4:06 PM Post #1
Tail beast hybrids || RP

Long ago before the time of man there where Tail beast who protected the land. When a group of 104 humans came with there leader, Whalen Darius. Whalen asked the pack of tail beast if he and the group can have a land to make a town so they can live in. The Alpha of the Tail beast whom name was Mika Yuu, walked up. Mika nodes his head at Whalen. Jabez who was Whalen brother plotted for away to take the tail beast power and make it his own. Whalen told the Alpha of the tail beast, that when the town is built they can live in the town and interact. With Jabez in the back looking furious.
Mika was shocked at what Whalen told them. Mika told Whalen that he is a tail beast friend and ambassador. After a year the town is built. Everyone wanted Whalen to be the mayor of the town. Whalen then told the Alpha tail beast that the town is built. Mika and his older sister moved into town where the first to move into the town. After they moved in many more tail beast came into town. After a few years the tail beast found love with some of the humans. The first couple is Mika and Whalen, Everyone rejoiced but one, Jabez was the only one to not like the couple or union of the tail beast and humans. Jabez retaliated and told Whalen what he thought what the tail beast are supposed to be used for. Whalen was shaken up at his brother's words. Whalen then told Jabez that he is banished from the town. The tailed beast sent Jabez in a limbo .The town grew with many couples, Whalen decide to name the town Mythicross. Since humans has have a good relationship with the tail beast, humans get to live up to around 23,000,000 years old. But peace doesn't last forever

(Tail beast live up to around 153,000,000 Hybrids live up to around 55,780,000)

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1. No godmodding, or out of genre ( I will tell you what the genre is) , etc.
2. Do not kill or injure someone's character without consent!
3. rules of a normal RP!
4.cussing to a minimum
5. You can have as many characters as you want to just keep track of them
6. if you want to have your character date another players character in the roleplay please ask for their permission first in the ping and post
7. If I asked you to edit your character it is you forgot to add something to it. You can do it to any of my characters to if I am missed anything too.
8. If you want your character to be the kid of another player it is the same rule of number 6
9. Invite friends and other people
10. Respect others please
11. Op-ness is fine as long as its not too op for example your oc destroy the world with a snap of their finger or something like that.

Lovador, Jolynnb, Coffecreamer, Eclipticgalaxy, Sabrina72391, Lightsagafox, Phoenixwinchester

Edited By Lovador on 1/3/2021 at 10:17 AM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/3/2019
Threads: 92
Posts: 26,628
Posted: 12/31/2020 at 4:20 PM Post #2
Starting post

*Morning (7:30 am) and it's a Monday*

Luceras woke up and starts to get ready for the day. He saw the time and his eyes widen. He quickly got ready and head to the school for work.

Mika woke beside his husband Whalen and kisses his forehead to wake him up, "Wake up it's time to go to work," Mika said getting ready for work.

Azriel is already at the library working.

Whalen woke up to Mika tell him to get ready for work. He sighed and got up and gets ready for work.

Aquira is working on a sword for her friend/cousin Luceras to have.
Level 34
Spooky Shopper
Joined: 11/1/2019
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Posted: 12/31/2020 at 4:30 PM Post #3
She stretched sliding out of bed and grabs some clothes getting in the shower and washing up drying her hair. She got dressed in her black dress showing her curves and brushing her hair into a pony tail and throwing on her tennis shoes and her bag

Olivia curled up in the bed before getting woken up by ellas music and rolling out of bed grabbing her clothes, and moving past ella and getting in the shower, and getting out throwing on her shorts and crop top with some more tennis shoes and brushing her down
Level 61
High Priest
Joined: 11/9/2020
Threads: 85
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Posted: 12/31/2020 at 5:57 PM Post #4
Kazuya Shiroma- Buttercup (nick name )
Wakes up when his alarm goes off at 6:00 and gets ready he gets in the shower and washes his hair then he gets out dries his hair and body ... The he brushes his fluffy pink hair and puts on his first day outffit : A black and red croptop that had the words "Devil Darling " on it , black shorts wt red fishnet tights , and Chunky Gothic Buckle Platform Boots . He puts his eyepatch on to hide his difrent colored eye .Then he walks into the kitchen grabs a muffin and walks to the libary to get some books (manga BL) ......

Nozomi Mizuki- Toots(nickname)
Gets up right after Buttercup leaves and goes and finshes getting ready Her first day of Teaching offuit is : A nice floral dress wt black heels ....
Edited By Coffecreamer on 12/31/2020 at 6:25 PM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/3/2019
Threads: 92
Posts: 26,628
Posted: 12/31/2020 at 6:00 PM Post #5
(Wrong rp here is the RP and they are going to art class, You're oc will magically be in the same class as everyone else.)
Edited By Lovador on 1/2/2021 at 8:40 AM.
Level 65
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/15/2018
Threads: 116
Posts: 2,003
Posted: 1/2/2021 at 9:14 PM Post #6
@@First Part is overview

*Groans, gets up slowly, and gets ready for day*

-is just getting home from night shift- *showers and goes to take a nap*

*smiles at Blu* *finishes her most recent design and puts her art stuff away*

*wakes up Blond and gets ready to go to work* *picks up Flare and drops the girls at the front entrance* *parks and heads to her office*

Blond "Blondie"
*wakes up and gets ready for school* *greets Yandie*

Flare "Yandere or Yandie"
*goes to meet Brune and Blondie*

*gets up to go to work* *sees Flare is already gone* *shrugs and goes to work*

@@Second Part is longer with more details

JJ sighs and gets up after a long night of star-gazing he is exhausted but knows he has stuff he has to do. He gets up and takes a shower before getting dressed. He then heads to get some food from the fridge, he decides on a leftover BLT sandwich. He then heads out to his front yard to practice his guitar.

Blu heads home after a long night shift as a Town Law Officer. He nods in greeting to Scar as she comes to take over for him. After he gets home he smiles at his sister to acknowledge her greeting before taking a shower. After his shower, he tosses on a pair of shorts and passes out on his bed.

Indie greets Blu when he walks in to their apartment and finishes her most recent clothing design. After she is done she packs her art stuff up and puts it away. After she puts it away she goes to her first house to clean as a maid. She plans to work a volunteer shift at the library in the evening.

Brune wakes up and goes to get her younger sister up. She throws a pillow at Blond and laughs when she falls out of bed in shock. She then goes and makes bacon and eggs for breakfast for them, packing some for Flare. She eats her breakfast and waits for her sister before heading to pick Flare up. After they pick up Flare she heads to the school. She drops them at the front entrance before parking in the staff parking lot and heads to her office after saying hello to Whalen and any others on her way.

Blondie wakes up with a start after being attacked by a rogue "throw" pillow. She ends up falling out of bed and yells at her sister. She gets ready for school and goes to eat breakfast. After breakfast, she gets in the car. After they pick up Yandie, she greets her and gives her, her breakfast. Then run into the school to their lockers after getting dropped off. (Their lockers are neighbors)

Yandere (Flare) wakes up when the sun rises and gets ready for school. After she is ready, she walks to meet Blondie and Brune. She thanks them for the breakfast and teases Blondie. After they reach the school she follows Blondie.

Scar wakes up and gets ready for work. After she is ready she notices Flare is already gone. 'I wonder where she went... Is this normal for her?' She heads to work and ponders how to reconnect with her younger sister. She nods at Blu as he leaves and takes his place guarding the town.

@@@ Also for anyone who cares I'm on Wattpad and writing fiction and fan-fiction. My username is LilithWinchester0713 --Other info for following me is now on my profile here
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 12/4/2017
Threads: 7
Posts: 2,310
Posted: 1/4/2021 at 1:03 PM Post #7
(The Fox is back :>)
Ring... Ring.. Ring.......

A flash of white struck the wall where that blasted sound originated. A pillow hit the device, muffling the noise before falling onto the ground. A series of blaring alarms echoed around Meia's room. The device responsible for Meia's wake up call is called a magical alarm clock. Whom Meia has dubbed "The Worst Creation Mankind Has Made." Its appearance is that of an orb etched onto the wall, portraying the current time in Mythicross.

Following the thump of the thrown pillow, Meia groggily rose from her beloved bed and lazily shuffled to her closet. A few minutes later, Meia came out wearing what she calls "casual." She is fitted with a brown apron along with a brown leather belt that held a hammer and iron pliers. Beneath her Apron was a dark green tank top with khaki pants tucked into her father's old boots. After a quick clean up of her room, Meia set outs searching for the town's Mayor.
"I forgot to close the shop!" Meia facepalms and begins to sprint back to her place, which serves as a general store/blacksmith with enough leftover space to sleep. Its structure for sure would antagonize professional architectures.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/3/2019
Threads: 92
Posts: 26,628
Posted: 1/4/2021 at 5:31 PM Post #8
Luceras is runs to the school and pants. He waked inside and head to his class and starts to teach on how to survive outside.

Mika & Whalen
Mika is walking with his husband. He looks around the town with his eyes. Whalen looks at Mika and said, "You know you don't need to watch out for him Mika," Mika looks at Whalen and smiled, "I know but it's my duty to protect the towns mayor love," Whalen slightly blushed at that.

Azriel is helping kids check out a book.

Aquira is almost finished with the sword.
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