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Forum Index > Find Roleplayers > ouroboros - signups closed
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Level 68
Majestic Ice Carver
Joined: 12/13/2020
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Posted: 3/4/2021 at 3:05 PM Post #1
Deep within the forest, surrounded by a circle of perfectly placed trees, is a worn stone statue of a snake eating its own tail, known as the ouroboros. This statue, once adorned with gifts dedicated to the god it represents, now is covered in moss and dirt, left to rot as time passes on.

As more and more time passes, the large stretch of and it is on passes hands through generations, held on to by the few who remember the god as he once was. A city is built around the land, and though many offers have been made, the owner of the land refuses to sell it. Centuries have passed since the god was worshiped by everyone, and by now his name has been erased from history and its shrine buried in the dirt.

There is hope for those who worship the god, though. Hope In the form of a prophecy foretold by the last seer; a prophecy that tells of a group of individuals whos existence would feed the gods power, until he was strong enough to rise up and take back what was his once again.

Extra info; the years is 2021 (and covid does not exist in this world). You do not know of the statue, or the god, or the cult. Youre just regular people. One day, each one of you gets a advertisement for a group thats just too good not to join; the advertisement promises a different thing to each person, something they would be very interested in (this is meant to provide some insight to what motivates your character).

Signup form:

What did your advertisement promise:
Appearance (images welcome):
Extra info:
Pinglist: y/n?

current pinglist: stringworms, Mystiria827, Hibiscusfeline, jolynnb, Larkien, Lovador
Edited By Stringworms on 3/5/2021 at 7:11 AM.
Level 68
Majestic Ice Carver
Joined: 12/13/2020
Threads: 105
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Posted: 3/4/2021 at 3:08 PM Post #2
Name: Jack morrison
Age: 21
Gender: male
sexuality: gay
What did your advertisement promise: a group of people to volunteer with at the local animal shelter
Appearance (images welcome): Jack is tall and muscular, standing at 6'1 with blond hair and blue eyes.
Extra info: Jack is kind, and spends a lot of time helping out at events for the animal shelter, despite this, he is no stranger to fighting.
Pinglist: y/n? yes
Edited By Stringworms on 3/5/2021 at 3:35 PM.
Level 34
Spooky Shopper
Joined: 11/1/2019
Threads: 22
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Posted: 3/4/2021 at 3:20 PM Post #3
VERY very Straight
What did your advertisement promise:
She can start her own clothing shop, not big and not to small ,just right
Appearance (images welcome): without the horns she's 4'11
Extra info:
Lilly is a bright sensitive girl who always has a passion in what she's doing, even if she's sweeping up a sidewalk she would always stay positive in a very negative situation, she doesn't have many friends since she is a tend to herself kinda girl doing her, she loves baking and eating cookies >:D , she loves fashion since she has gotten that from her mother and could always easily make a piece of clothing that some one would dare to love, she's outgoing to strangers even if they show her any negativity(Can people have pets? just wonderinggggg heheheheh >:)
Pinglist: y/n? yes PWEASE!!!

Matthew Perez
What did your advertisement promise:
A Job at the city library
Appearance (images welcome):

Extra info:
Matthew is a very Cold hearted boy, he hardly speaks and when he does it either means your annoying him, or it's just his duty, He is usually seen communicating in sign language but he only does that with his actual friends which he hardly does at all, he loves his music and loves reading storys especially the scary ones, One thing you can say about this handsome chunk of meat is that he has a soft spot for short girls,be doesn't know why it's just truly adorable to him minding he is 6'0 any girl under 5'0 has hi heart for the most part,well not ALL of them, he loves the library BECAUSE he feels like it's the only place he can actually think without either being stalked by chicks or someone is bothering him to his core, he can be bluntly honest so you don't wanna get on his bad side
Pinglist: y/n? yes
Edited By Jolynnb on 3/4/2021 at 3:54 PM.
Level 69
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/21/2019
Threads: 40
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Posted: 3/4/2021 at 3:25 PM Post #4
Name: Adelia Orion
Age: 24
Gender: Female
What did your advertisement promise: An interesting seminar on astronomy
Appearance (images welcome):
Smart, whimsical, and a little idealistic, Adelia is solid yet graceful, seeming much taller than her stature of 5'2. She has stormy blue grey eyes and rosy cheeks, and her fashion choices are often quite tasteful although a little out of date. She HATES being underestimated or feeling helpless. Astronomy is one of her many hobbies.
Extra info: Adelia is very well read and highly intelligent, but a little belligerent and easy to take advantage of. She's a remarkably different person while either alone or desperate, and when inspiration hits her those who oppose her had better watch out.
Pinglist: y/n? Yes please!
Level 50
Joined: 2/11/2021
Threads: 26
Posts: 484
Posted: 3/4/2021 at 3:29 PM Post #5
Name: Lei Berubetto
Age: 17
Gender: Female
What did your advertisement promise: High payment photography jobs
Appearance (images welcome):

Extra info: Despite Lei's sunny look her personality is the polar opposite. Cold and closed off, she's only really happy when around close friends or doing things she loves!
Pinglist: y
Level 68
Majestic Ice Carver
Joined: 12/13/2020
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Posted: 3/4/2021 at 3:38 PM Post #6
i'm going to have to say no to pets, sorry ^^;
Level 68
Majestic Ice Carver
Joined: 12/13/2020
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Posted: 3/4/2021 at 3:39 PM Post #7
love your characters interest in astrology! she'll fit in perfect with one of my characters >:)
Level 68
Majestic Ice Carver
Joined: 12/13/2020
Threads: 105
Posts: 3,186
Posted: 3/4/2021 at 3:39 PM Post #8
i love the contrast between your characters look and personality!
Level 34
Spooky Shopper
Joined: 11/1/2019
Threads: 22
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Posted: 3/4/2021 at 3:40 PM Post #9
I added a male since I don't want Jack to be the only man running around all alone XD
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/3/2019
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Posted: 3/4/2021 at 3:42 PM Post #10



What did your advertisement promise:
That she can start her own Martial arts dojo and a shelter for teens that got kicked out of their homes.

Appearance (images welcome):

Extra info:
Scarlet is 6'5 feet tall. She knows how to fight and what's it like living on the streets as a teen. She has this scar(just the one over the eye) over her right eye from a fight when she was 18 years old.

Pinglist: y/n?
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