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Forum Index > General Discussion > We Need Donors/More Members/Buyers Hel...
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Author Thread Post
Level 61
High Priest
Joined: 11/9/2020
Threads: 85
Posts: 1,770
Posted: 3/15/2021 at 8:47 PM Post #1
Hello I am CoffeCreamer the Co - founder of Proioxis Team !! We have many great members but sadly we dont have enough to open shop you see their are still roles that we need to be filled . I will list them below as I will give a discription of what we do I will also list the other groups you can join aswell . So please help us out and become a member or buyer it would help ethier way !!

Buyers : Hey if your looking to buy then i will link the shop below I hope we can make you pet dreams come true .

Members / Donors : If our looking to join then i will link the team signup forum below thank you and I cant wait to work wth you .

Jobs that need to be filled :
Donor : Provides funding for the projects and is credited very fundmental

Dyer : dyes pets and works wth the design team

Booking accountant : takes down the orders from the forum and help update the people onn their order also helps wth prices .

Funds manager : controls where and to who money goes to has to be good at math !!
Reaserach Team : to make sure designs are not stolen and that our designs arent stolen , and make sure if someone said they asked the creator to make sure they did and make sure they didnt steal it !!

Breeding pets team : Mean if someone want a baby from a pair we have you guys breed them and give them a baby egg

All jobs we offer :

Donor : Provides funding for the projects and is credited very fundmental

Dyer : dyes pets and works wth the design team

Booking accountant : takes down the orders from the forum and help update the people onn their order also helps wth prices .

Funds manager : controls where and to who money goes to has to be good at math !!

Design Team : to create desgins to put up for sale / you will be credited

Reaserach Team : to make sure designs are not stolen and that our designs arent stolen , and make sure if someone said they asked the creator to make sure they did and make sure they didnt steal it !!

Stable holders : They hold the pets and set them up for the people who are buying them

Breeding pets team : Mean if someone want a baby from a pair we have you guys breed them and give them a baby egg
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