I really, desperately need gold! Or essences! But, golds my primary focus. I just CANNOT stop breeding, which:
A. Depletes my gold stash
B. Fills my hatchery
C. The eggs grow up and are moved to my stables
D. My stables become full and all pets are released.
So...please! Gold!
I have two pages of hatchery, 1 is full of hatchlings and 2 is on its way, and only 8 stable spots left!
Edited By Wolfofwings on 3/25/2021 at 9:20 AM.
Level 70
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 9/7/2020
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Posted: 3/25/2021 at 9:40 AM
Post #2
some ways to earn gold are...
1. Missions are the BEST way to earn gold.
2. If you go to trolls blight caverns and press "explore" then if you find battle press "runaway" if you find an object press "reveal" then you will get a chest full of gold, or a fairy mushroom.
3. Once you get to the lost grove (the last thing to explore on the map so far) you can earn a lot of gold every day.
4. Sell stuff of HIGH VALUE such as tagged (non bred pets, exclusive or tamed THEMES) You can tell if a pet is themed if you go to the bottom of the page and see something like this if the star is gold like that then it is tagged, but if it is blue then it is PB (purebred). Tagged will sell faster, and for a much higher price fewer if it has fewer traits. Avatar items can also sell for a lot if they are rare. If something is a new item (just got released for a festival) then it will sell very fast, but if it is near the end of the fest then the value will be low. Another thing to sell would be equipment. A lot of equipment will not sell though. Only lost grove equipment has a chance of being sold on the broker. LG (lost grove) equipment consists of exotic (least value) vinethorn (fair value) and stoneweave (amazing value, 750k-1.5mil per piece) but it is very hard to find since the only way is through grinding for the blacksmith. All other equip should be sold to the site because there is a very very low chance of it being sold. You can sell to the site by right-clicking something in your inventory, you can put something on the broker by clicking the item in inventory and pressing "broker item".
5. Selling fest currency, during fests there is a currency like winter fest is frost tokens, fall fest in chocolate coins, etc. Then there are mini fests like week of love (WoL) Which have candy hearts you can sell, and fortune fest (WoF/FF) which have ticket pieces you can sell. You can see the lowest price on the broker by clicking broker item, then just lower it by a few coins or like 5,000g or something. Then people will buy yours because it is the cheapest! The mini fests currency is a LOT harder to get to it sells for a whole ton more.
Ok, I think that is enough for now. I hope this helped! If you have any more questions just ask, I would be happy to give you a hand!
2. If you go to trolls blight caverns and press "explore" then if you find battle press "runaway" if you find an object press "reveal" then you will get a chest full of gold, or a fairy mushroom.
3. Once you get to the lost grove (the last thing to explore on the map so far) you can earn a lot of gold every day.
4. Sell stuff of HIGH VALUE such as tagged (non bred pets, exclusive or tamed THEMES) You can tell if a pet is themed if you go to the bottom of the page and see something like this if the star is gold like that then it is tagged, but if it is blue then it is PB (purebred). Tagged will sell faster, and for a much higher price fewer if it has fewer traits. Avatar items can also sell for a lot if they are rare. If something is a new item (just got released for a festival) then it will sell very fast, but if it is near the end of the fest then the value will be low. Another thing to sell would be equipment. A lot of equipment will not sell though. Only lost grove equipment has a chance of being sold on the broker. LG (lost grove) equipment consists of exotic (least value) vinethorn (fair value) and stoneweave (amazing value, 750k-1.5mil per piece) but it is very hard to find since the only way is through grinding for the blacksmith. All other equip should be sold to the site because there is a very very low chance of it being sold. You can sell to the site by right-clicking something in your inventory, you can put something on the broker by clicking the item in inventory and pressing "broker item".
5. Selling fest currency, during fests there is a currency like winter fest is frost tokens, fall fest in chocolate coins, etc. Then there are mini fests like week of love (WoL) Which have candy hearts you can sell, and fortune fest (WoF/FF) which have ticket pieces you can sell. You can see the lowest price on the broker by clicking broker item, then just lower it by a few coins or like 5,000g or something. Then people will buy yours because it is the cheapest! The mini fests currency is a LOT harder to get to it sells for a whole ton more.
Ok, I think that is enough for now. I hope this helped! If you have any more questions just ask, I would be happy to give you a hand!
Thank you so much!
Level 72
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 2/17/2016
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Posted: 3/25/2021 at 12:52 PM
Post #4
My suggestion is the release pets that you don't feel particularly attached to. Pets that are not project pets or themed/tagged pets are typically not valuable (and people do not buy them) so do not feel bad releasing them. This would help eliminate the issue of having to get stable space quickly and give you more time to collect gold
Edit: I agree with Luna that missions are the BEST way to earn gold
My suggestion is the release pets that you don't feel particularly attached to. Pets that are not project pets or themed/tagged pets are typically not valuable (and people do not buy them) so do not feel bad releasing them. This would help eliminate the issue of having to get stable space quickly and give you more time to collect gold
Edit: I agree with Luna that missions are the BEST way to earn gold
Thanks for your advice! I actually love eggs of all kinds and hate the thought of releasing them, because then my gold was spent for nothing.*
*Thats not actually it, I love the sport of breeding (but hate when the perfect pet is unavailable), and enjoy giving namesany ideas will be accepted immediately! But, if you see an egg/hatchling that you love, Id be glad to let you buy it. Or, if youre interested in breeding, the adults are up for sale! And, Ill accept any friend requests that come my way.
Totally unrelated questions:
What is your favorite animal?
What about numbers?
Me: Dogs, pandas, cats...cuteness
Also me: 0, because it always presents new possibilities
Answer not required, just a friendly QUIZ
*Whats your spirit animal?
Me: Whale, butterfly
Hopes: Dog
Thanks for the advice!
*Such a long reply! Wow!
Level 75
The Fortuitous
Joined: 8/28/2019
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Posted: 3/25/2021 at 4:00 PM
Post #6
I saw this thread and couldn't stop myself from 1. agreeing with the two above mission posts, 2. tell you a story that happened to me two or so weeks ago.
So I do missions very regularly. Every time I log on (like 5 times a day lol) I send my pets out on as many missions as possible. But I don't bother to open the satchels usually because it's a lot of work (so so many pop ups). Then one day, I decided to open them all (I had about 100 of each). Once I sold (to the game in the sell area of the inventory) all the potions and armor It gave me, my grand gold earned total was *drum roll please*
Over 1 million!
Just your friendly reminder to always do your missions. It can earn you millions, literally. XD
Level 72
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 2/17/2016
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Posted: 3/25/2021 at 8:22 PM
Post #7
Not wanting to release is understandable (in fact most "newer" players feel strongly against releasing. I did too) but you will come to realize that pets that do not have visible traits or non-project pets/themed pets are just not worth the cost of stable space. Totally your call tho! Just some advice :D
And to answer your "unrelated questions"
What is your favorite animal? Penguins!!
What about numbers? Hmmmm perhaps 6 or 3
Whats your spirit animal? This is a tough one. I am not too sure actually
Also to ping someone, use the on the bottom right hand corner.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/15/2014
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Posted: 3/28/2021 at 9:18 PM
Post #8
i just saw your post about loosing gold when releassing and, while it is true for very young pets releassing pets of 42 day or + of age increass the egg spawn rate in the LG.
Of course, you dont nead to do anything you dont want too but if the breeding cost is the raison to keep pets you dont realy like it's worth releassing for a potentiat tagged and/or restricted trait pet egg later. ^-^
Level 75
The Whimsical
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Posted: 3/29/2021 at 6:57 PM
Post #9
Missions are definitely the easiest way to get gold.
Starting out at lower levels you can send pretty much any level pet on easy missions, but later on I would suggest having specific mission pets. (I have 3 of each for each mission type seen on the first tab, last three rows, of my stables) These mission pets only have the abilities of the mission they are sent on: Heath, Strength, Intelligence, Dexterity, and Agility. Since they are only used for missions it doesn't matter what element you choose for them as long as you can increase their chosen stat.
Doing this is also nice because then your pets don't just sit in your stables looking pretty, they help out by earning gold.
To start you on missions (as I see you haven't done many) you can have this lad. https://www.sylestia.com/view/pets/?petid=3628124 I can also send you some equipment for him if you'd like. I can send extra too for other pets you have or for you to sell to help with the money problem. He's about your level so you can use him right away. He also hasn't have had any level up points assigned so you can do what you want with him. He'd be good for missions or for battles.
When selling things for money try to find what similar items/pets are selling for. Sometimes it's better off to sell an item in the sell tab (as was mentioned above) than trying to sell it on the broker.
Edited By Marsandin on 3/29/2021 at 6:59 PM.
Level 60
The Tender
Joined: 3/2/2021
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Posted: 3/30/2021 at 4:27 PM
Post #10
Thank you everyone!
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