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Forum Index > General Discussion > What Happens to Your Plants?
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Level 62
Joined: 1/20/2021
Threads: 3
Posts: 38
Posted: 5/20/2021 at 9:32 AM Post #1
I have a minor question, when the festival is over, what happens to any growing plants?
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 11/2/2014
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Posted: 5/20/2021 at 4:19 PM Post #2
it's a little based on how many there are left growing but as a general rule: once the fest zone closes, there's one week left to grow any plants.
When that week ends, we lose access to the Garden, and the majority of plants left growing cease to exist. Plants that were ready to be harvested but which weren't collected go into limbo for a day or two until Krin delivers them to thier owner's hatchery.
Krin may make certain exceptions when it comes to the ones that were still growing- generally if they were over a certain percentage of growth/Bonus and had either fertilizer or were a majestic seed, then they will also get delivered (the amount of growth being an indicator that the seed was actively being worked on, rather than just thrown on at the last minute

from last year's springfest:
"-Any completed, but unclaimed, Plant will be harvested for players after the Festival closes.

-Any and all Majestic Plants will be harvested for players after the Festival closes.

-Any Regular and Fabled Plants with at least 1/2 Bonus will be harvested for players after the Festival closes.

-Any other unfinished Plants will be lost."
Level 62
Joined: 1/20/2021
Threads: 3
Posts: 38
Posted: 5/20/2021 at 6:44 PM Post #3
oh ok, thanks!
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