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Forum Index > Find Roleplayers > Anyone wanna RP?
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Level 56
The Perfectionist
Joined: 5/7/2018
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Posted: 7/5/2021 at 9:03 AM Post #1
so im kinda bored. anyone wanna RP? im up for anything, just give me suggestions.

themes i like: sci-fi, fantasy, some horror, romance, rivals to freinds (and maybe lovers), dragon world like in HTTYD, anything with dinosaurs (ESPECIALLY JURASSIC WORLD [side note, do NOT spoil Dominion for me or you will be unfreinded and banned from my life]), anything with kaijus (that means big monster that often wrecks Japan in Japanese, like Godzilla)

triggers: i dont have any, really.

characters i often play: i play either male or female, often in the LGBTQ community and with some sort of issue to show they arent perfect. because no one is. and thats fine.

things of note: i often enjoy romance, but anything past hugging, kissing, and cuddling needs to go to PMs. also, dont make things gory or incredibly sad, since that upsets me. lastly, please be online at least once a day. if you have any issues with time, let me know. i wont end the RP if your gone for a bit, but i might get worried.
Edited By Dragonsrcool54 on 11/29/2021 at 7:35 AM.
Level 60
The Perfectionist
Joined: 1/5/2021
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Posted: 7/11/2021 at 7:37 PM Post #2
I'm down for a fantasy Roleplay with some kind of romance if you are!
Level 56
The Perfectionist
Joined: 5/7/2018
Threads: 75
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Posted: 7/11/2021 at 8:21 PM Post #3
Sweet! What do you have in mind for a character and plot thing?
Level 60
The Perfectionist
Joined: 1/5/2021
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Posted: 7/11/2021 at 8:26 PM Post #4
I'm thinking maybe an Enemies to Lovers type thing with furries or something but that just my thoughts
Level 56
The Perfectionist
Joined: 5/7/2018
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Posted: 7/11/2021 at 8:28 PM Post #5
Im fine with that. Quick heads up, I dont call those creatures furries. Dont ask me why, it just makes me cringe. I prefer anthros or anthromorphs.
Level 60
The Perfectionist
Joined: 1/5/2021
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Posted: 7/11/2021 at 8:30 PM Post #6
That's fine with me I'm just not used to them yet and tend to say that instead =/
Level 56
The Perfectionist
Joined: 5/7/2018
Threads: 75
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Posted: 7/11/2021 at 8:32 PM Post #7

Ooo, idea. Maybe its a cross species thing? Like, humans and anthros hate each other for some unknown reason, and our characters do hate each other at first, but soon connect and become freinds and soon lovers.
Level 60
The Perfectionist
Joined: 1/5/2021
Threads: 60
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Posted: 7/11/2021 at 8:33 PM Post #8
Yes!! That sounds great!
Level 56
The Perfectionist
Joined: 5/7/2018
Threads: 75
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Posted: 7/11/2021 at 9:00 PM Post #9

By the way, what gender and sexualities can you play? And are you ok with (after the characters become lovers, of course) funny business, as one was of putting it, occurs in PMS?
Level 60
The Perfectionist
Joined: 1/5/2021
Threads: 60
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Posted: 7/11/2021 at 9:05 PM Post #10
I mainly play gay and pan males and yes I am ok with it.
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