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Forum Index > Roleplaying > Dragon Uprising
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Level 18
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Posted: 11/10/2019 at 7:03 PM Post #91
Aloisia didn't like how the stranger thought he could tell them how to act. Wasn't he new to the city, doesn't he know that they're grown and he doesn't need to baby them? They shook it off and glanced up at him through their blindfold. "A new dragon shouldn't be getting into other dragons' business. You'll get killed in your sleep if you aren't careful. Anyway, in this place, you don't know if someone's bluffing." They turned to the dragonet. "Let's get you home, also, brute, you can come along, I'll show you where to go and what not to do."
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/15/2014
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Posted: 11/10/2019 at 7:23 PM Post #92
He growl at the nickname. " Bold of you to asume you can teach me anything, shorty, and even bloder to think i am new around here. I just prefer relying on myself to get food instead of waiting around for it."
Level 18
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Posted: 11/10/2019 at 8:06 PM Post #93
"Now look who's losing their temper.", They chuckled, their sharp black teeth glimmering through their lips. "I advise you to follow or you're going to get eaten alive if you're caught sleeping outside someone will either mug you or drag you up to one of the imperial guard's talons for some extra coin." Aloisia didn't mind the nickname, almost everyone they knew called them by an adjective poking at their small appearance. They began to lead the young dragonet to where they knew they lived. They always kept tabs on as many dragons as they possibly could.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/15/2014
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Posted: 11/10/2019 at 8:16 PM Post #94
" Somhow i doubt eating me would be an easy task, as for capturing me... most wont even atempt it unless they are trained for it." He stated flatly, between him knowing very well how to fight and the dryness of the land around this town, he wasn't too wory for himself, if anything the natural heat of the area would power up his armor making him a major wild fire hazard.
Level 18
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Posted: 11/10/2019 at 9:11 PM Post #95
"You know what I mean.", Aloisia snapped, they sighed, grumbling something as they walked past him. The dragonet who was snatched by his horn was silent, not wanting to bother getting himself in even more trouble. "Not like I need a new dragon to deal with anyway.", They sighed as they turned a corner. *There is no reasoning with those from the outside, anyway, that one had a pride the size of the empire itself.*, They thought, relaxing a bit. *Oh yeah, I'm going to try and be mister cool guy who has just dropped in and make things worse for this poor soul.*
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/15/2014
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Posted: 11/10/2019 at 9:57 PM Post #96
"Yea, yea ... the empire would love to get it's paws on me, it dont nead another constant reminder thank you very mutch. If anything i could be a better ally then you would expect shorty, a fully trained guardian isn't very common nowday." He kept his real title hiden for now, just in case.
Level 72
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 11/11/2019 at 1:27 PM Post #97
(Basically the dragons of Khurazir came to the square to get their rations, but instead the administrator briefly emerged to tell everyone that rations were being reduced further meaning they would be given out a couple of days later. Many dragons are angry and hungry and rebels-to-be are beginning to band together.

That's pretty much it - hope this helps ^.^)
Level 51
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 11/11/2019 at 1:34 PM Post #98
Cesura jumps down from the roof and into an alley. It was getting dark, the warmth of the desert sun shrinking behind the horizon. It would get cold soon. Ugh.

She shook herself, wild excitement flowing through her. She had done it! She had started a rebellion! She allowed herself a smile. The filthy vermin will get what they deserve she thought. She had to get prepared for tomorrow.

She looks toward the exit of the alley, making sure the coast was clear before she left. Seeing no one Cesura quietly leaves, heading to the outskirts of town.

//Open for interaction!\\
Level 72
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 11/11/2019 at 1:40 PM Post #99
Elenor had a good idea of where the smell was coming from. She peered down to the sand, noticing something that looked like a tiny dragon with no wings. She was so amazed she just silently observed it until the other dragon shot down and killed it.

She thudded down to the sand beside him, unsure if this was what hunting was. If this was what an animal was. She at the strange monstrosity in the white dragon's talons for a second longer before logging the smell to the image and turning to look out across the desert.

Looking at him from the corner of her eye as he spoke, her brow furrowed slightly. "I would be a lot more wary if you did," she said, slightly confused. Why would he know her name?

She then looked down at the animal. "I don't usually cook my food..." she trailed off. Heck, had she been eating her rations wrongly the whole time?

His gaze shifted and she sharply followed his stare. Still having to squint against the sun, she could make out shadows floating lazily through the air. "What are they doing out here?" Though she was out here herself, she never really saw dragons heading out of the city. Right enough, this dragon seemed to take trips outside often. She should probably pay attention to the movements of other dragon's again, maybe she would pick something up this time.
Level 72
Ghost Writer
Joined: 11/13/2018
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Posted: 11/11/2019 at 1:41 PM Post #100
(Heh, great minds think alike as they say. Good - enjoy yourself then ^.^)
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