Thank you so much! i'm super excited for them to hatch! I'll come back here for sure! I breed pets pretty frequently just because its fun and it always helps to know the genetics so you know if you should sell them for a decent price or if they're not worth much to just release them and let them go with their species happily in the wild- tysm!
Level 33
Joined: 6/26/2020
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Posted: 8/2/2020 at 8:08 PM
Post #93
I noticed you didn't test the first one on my list and i was just wondering if there was an issue with the way i set it up or linked it? She did just hatch and I'm gonna link it again (hopefully correctly) for testing if that's cool-
Testing Form
ID: 144169
Pet Links:
Tip*: 20
Other*: hope I'm not bothering you lol- sorry if i am- if there's an issue with how it's linked or set up for sale, please let me know so i can know what to fix ^^
That would be cool if it's not too much trouble! I'm leaving for a trip soon so i may not be able to pick them up immediately but it should be by the end of the day.
Other*: thank you again! if these are done quickly i can pick them up before i leave but if not/if you're busy, i can just pick them up (at the latest) tonight.
lol there was no first one XD
I was wondering why you had skipped that space. I'll do it right now :D
Edit* All done!
Edited By Marichoness on 8/2/2020 at 11:39 PM.
Level 75
High Warlord
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Posted: 8/2/2020 at 11:51 PM
Post #95
Hi Mari! First of all, thanks for the nixi! Second of all, I got another batch for ya XD
Testing Form:
ID: 84843 (force of habit!)
Pet Links:
Tip*: 1k
Here's a little something to make you laugh :)
Level 75
The Fortuitous
Joined: 8/28/2019
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Posted: 8/3/2020 at 12:10 AM
Post #96
That Nixi was hiding a lot from you! And a six vis vene, impressive!
Maybe someday I'll get stampeded *is that a word???* by alpacas and get amnesia and magically forget your user ID. But don't worry! If that happens, my computer has it memorized! I don't even have mine memorized lol I think it starts with 13
smh ok im just dumb and accidentally deleted the first link somehow?? idk man i was tired when i did it- anyways thanks for clarifying lol- im not sure what even happened with that heha
Level 69
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 3/7/2018
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Posted: 8/3/2020 at 1:06 AM
Post #99
Testing Form
ID: 104706
Pet Links: this girl
thank you :)
Level 75
High Warlord
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Posted: 8/3/2020 at 1:22 AM
Post #100
Thank you Mari! And ofc I named the Nixi after you! Also, the 6-vis vene I bought from somebody, but I have lots of venes for sale: Thread 91348. If you ever wanna buy a vene, ya get 50% off. I am also the only person selling PB demonic venes on the AS :) I am slowly trying to build up my vene collection so that people can have access to the ones that aren't available rn on AS. And yes, you probs shouldn't be up this late XD. I have your username memorized: 135234 XD.
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