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Forum Index > Roleplaying > From the Ashes
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Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 4/29/2018 at 8:31 PM Post #991
Minks sifted through the materials, "well you can make grenades with the gunpowder and the Leather or metal strips.... and I can find the other materials to make the lighter......." she said trailing off a bit
Level 63
The Tender
Joined: 7/19/2017
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Posted: 4/29/2018 at 8:39 PM Post #992
Author: Katelynn4545
Time Posted: 4/29/2018 at 8:31 PM
Minks sifted through the materials, "well you can make grenades with the gunpowder and the Leather or metal strips.... and I can find the other materials to make the lighter......." she said trailing off a bit

"or we use the metal strips to produce a
for the gunpowder"
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
Threads: 345
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Posted: 4/29/2018 at 8:45 PM Post #993
she tilted her head a bit " But Taki-kun always-........." she stopped herself short and a look of panic and sadness crossed her face before she turned away and got down off the table " I- uh - I'll go get some more then " She said before dashing out a door down another flight of stairs
Level 63
The Tender
Joined: 7/19/2017
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Posted: 4/29/2018 at 9:15 PM Post #994
Author: Katelynn4545
Time Posted: 4/29/2018 at 8:45 PM
she tilted her head a bit " But Taki-kun always-........." she stopped herself short and a look of panic and sadness crossed her face before she turned away and got down off the table " I- uh - I'll go get some more then " She said before dashing out a door down another flight of stairs

"Hm wonder who that was" he shrugged and kept working and sorting through the stuff they had
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 4/29/2018 at 9:23 PM Post #995
There was 5 strips of leather, 4 screws, two metal plates, 3 strips of cloth, and a few rubber stoppers. also it seemed to be about 5 in the afternoon oddly enough.
Level 62
Joined: 8/23/2016
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Posted: 4/30/2018 at 1:13 AM Post #996
She nodded excitedly " not sure what it is but I can send things to people if I remember what the look like..... but They cant bee too far away"

"That is similar to archive" Arico smiled, "DO you two need any help? I can cook." she'd become fond of Rio.
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 4/30/2018 at 9:26 AM Post #997
Rio and the little Girl Smiled and nodded Happily
Level 63
The Tender
Joined: 7/19/2017
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Posted: 4/30/2018 at 3:20 PM Post #998
Author: Katelynn4545
Time Posted: 4/29/2018 at 9:23 PM
There was 5 strips of leather, 4 screws, two metal plates, 3 strips of cloth, and a few rubber stoppers. also it seemed to be about 5 in the afternoon oddly enough.

"hm" two metal pices snap after the rubber is pulled out sparking the cloth leading to a bag of gunpowder then igniting it,he smiled,"Boom!"
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
Threads: 345
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Posted: 4/30/2018 at 4:48 PM Post #999
You realise you can make 3 makeshift grenades out of the materials you have
Level 63
The Tender
Joined: 7/19/2017
Threads: 254
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Posted: 4/30/2018 at 5:48 PM Post #1000
Author: Katelynn4545
Time Posted: 4/30/2018 at 4:48 PM
You realise you can make 3 makeshift grenades out of the materials you have

(nice avi)

"hmm,Hey Minks!Do you know where a map is?" he asked
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