((Dang it. Parents stayed up later than expected. O,o So I couldn't get past their bedroom to get my iPad.))
"Top." He said. He liked the higher view, though the higher view right now showed him smoke and shooting in the distance. Maybe he should tell her he had more over. "I have some other people living with me." He said. "Only one guy." He confirmed...though he knew he was lying. He knew that the other girl was there too.
Noa sighed. "Hey what." She said. "Would I wait and want to see how many people chasing me?" She asked. No. She did not. "And it was hard to hear the footsteps in the mud." She added. She didn't go in the mud.
"Okay." Alison said, sighing. She'd kill herself, later. When this girl was gone. She looked awkwardly at the girl. Ugh. Stupid her. Why couldn't she just walk?! It was annoying, and now it just made her plain embarrassed!
Level 39
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 1/25/2014 at 11:46 AM
Post #102
Rose nodded and stared at the ground. She didn't know if she should ask him if she could stay or not. He spent his time hiding it so no one could find it. She sighed and decided to take a chance. She slowly looked back up at him and started fidgeting with her shirt. "Can I stay the night? There is suppose to be a storm tonight." She said quickly after. She hoped he would say yes. Hope was the only thing she had left to hold onto.
Kimberly smiled an looked around as they were walking. "Is he family?" She asked a little jealous. Her whole family was gone, she had no one to go home to. No one to help her through this. No one to hold her through the storm that was to come. She wiped a tears from her eyes and took a deep breath.
Dimitri sighed and dropped his head in his hands. "You could have looked over your shoulder!" He exclaimed and than began to laugh. "Yeah stopping and counting them would have been pretty stupid." He said and continued laughing. It felt good, like a weight was taken from he chest.
"Did you know soldiers were patrolling this area?" Elaina asked confused. Didn't she know it was dangerous to stay in this area. They could check her house any moment and take her. They could torture her and beat her. To Elaina that didn't sound like a good way to die.
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Posted: 1/25/2014 at 11:52 AM
Post #103
Finn eyed the girl suspicously when he asked him. He knew girls could be tricksters and all that...he could sleep with his food near him... " Yeah " he said after a while. " Yeah, you can stay at my home " he added.
He went back to the trash can and found a half empty 150ml of some liquid. He read the back, flamable. He tested the sprayer and relised that was blocked, he tested pulling off the lid and discovered it had been super-glued down, he would have to smash it open with a rock or something...he tossed it onto his small pile of things for a fire.
Level 39
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 1/25/2014 at 12:32 PM
Post #104
Rose nodded and smiled. "Thank you so much! I really appreciate it." She said and looked at the small pile of wood. "I understand if you don't trust me. I don't really trust anyone anymore either." She added and than turned her attention to the sky. It was getting dark fast.
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Posted: 1/25/2014 at 12:34 PM
Post #105
Finn decided to leave the trash can and he picked up his pile of things to burn. " It would be easy for anyone to understand...because of this stupid war... " he sighed as he stood up holding his pile. " Follow me then " he said and started walking in the direction of the train station.
Level 39
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 1/25/2014 at 1:07 PM
Post #106
Rose followed a little bit to eagerly. She wondered what his house would look like. He made it in a train station which was a little weird. The train station was the last place she would think about making a home. "Why did you make your home at the train station?" She asked and made sure she stayed a foot or so behind him.
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Posted: 1/25/2014 at 1:15 PM
Post #107
Finn didn't answer as he walked down the pathway. " Because it's the least place people would go so that means privacy and no one would look out for anyone living down there " he exsplained. It was a good tac-tic, using other peoples suggestions to his advantage.
Level 39
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 1/25/2014 at 1:58 PM
Post #108
Rose nodded because it made perfect sense. She didn't know why she didn't think about it. Maybe if every thing worked out okay she could build a house down there. They could be neighbors and what not. It wouldn't be enjoyable but she would be safe. She had to wonder if he had bedding for her and were she would sleep.
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Posted: 1/25/2014 at 2:26 PM
Post #109
Finn soon arrived at the steps to the train staition and he started going down. " Come on " He said to the girl who he had said could come along. He went past the broken gates which where no longer there, he managed to tear them off very very slowly...hard to remove metal...
Level 39
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 1/25/2014 at 4:05 PM
Post #110
Rose followed and made sure she kept a close look at were they were going so she could find her way back out. She didn't want to be stuck in the train station for the rest of her life. Things were bad enough and she didn't want to die today.
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