The Ping list for all members: GreenNightcoreKitty, Radarr, Earthprotector49, Lemontine, Rubycookie, Sakurakuromi, Orcastration, Thefoxqueen, Rottiegirl, Shimeree, Espenfalls, Cian, Torchii, Picklethedarklord, Painishidden, Arcticllama, Taylorliu, Twilia, Ilovechu, SpaceElf1, Superocelot02, Articu, Scoutblu, Duckbunny427, Veronicarose, Phoenixwinchester, Xxwinterwoodsxx, Thewildone, Twinkleunicorn, Slytherin7, Ogammy, AaronAmpora, Ahsokatano66, Larkien, Sairento, ArrancarWyvern, Tripb28, Jennia, Jademeka, Wolfiesparks, Mossflight2, Marichoness, Doggie33, Minifang2006, Rillamar, Bluetiger, Marie22, Cactustoesss, Midnight3062, Vanillalotus, Bananashaman, Valkyriespirit, Wloflove, Maplepuppy365, Stryker666, Beaubuddyz, Alphadawg
The Ping list for those wanting info on regular sales: Radarr, Lemontine, Sakurakuromi, Rubycookie, Thefoxqueen, Rottiegirl, Shimeree, Espenfalls, Cian, Picklethedarklord, Painishidden, Arcticllama, Taylorliu, Ilovechu, SpaceElf1, Superocelot02, Articu, Duckbunny427, Veronicarose, Xxwinterwoodsxx, Thewildone, Twinkleunicorn, Slytherin7, Ahsokatano66, Larkien, Sairento, ArrancarWyvern, Tripb28, Jademeka, Wolfiesparks, Mossflight2, Marichoness, Doggie33, Minifang2006, Rillamar, Bluetiger, Marie22, Cactustoesss, Midnight3062, Vanillalotus, Bananashaman, Valkyriespirit, Wloflove, Maplepuppy365, ArrancarWyvern, Beaubuddyz, Stryker666
The Ping list for those looking for themed info: Radarr, Rubycookie, Sakurakuromi, Orcastration, Rottiegirl, Espenfalls, Picklethedarklord, Painishidden, Taylorliu, Twilia, SpaceElf1, Superocelot02, Scoutblu, Duckbunny427, Phoenixwinchester, Xxwinterwoodsxx, Thewildone, Twinkleunicorn, Slytherin7, Ahsokatano66, Larkien, ArrancarWyvern, Jademeka, Wolfiesparks, Mossflight2, Marichoness, Doggie33, Rillamar, Bluetiger, Midnight3062, Vanillalotus, Wloflove, ArrancarWyvern, Beaubuddyz, Stryker666, Alphadawg
As for looking for a certain theme; I suppose you would just ask around to see if anyone has that theme or wait until somebody posts something about themes; I don't record what themes people have, sorry.
Any other questions; please feel free to PM me ^-^ |