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Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
Threads: 293
Posts: 19,132
Posted: 12/16/2018 at 4:36 PM Post #1141
Raffle ends soon! Remember to get your secret santa presents, you will be gifting them on the 25th!
Author: Limor
Time Posted: 11/30/2018 at 7:54 PM

Welcome!! This is the Second official raffle for the Anxiety club. This raffle is going to be a two winner raffle. You can only win once at most.. Everyone will get ONE free ticket. If you donated you get 1 free ticket PLUS the tickets you earned from donating. Tickets will be 4k for the first five tickets. All tickets after that are 2k.

Also side note to anyone who hasn't joined yet we have a Discord! Please include when buying tickets if you want a discord link if you haven't joined yet !

The Raffle will end: December 25th at Midnight.

No more donations will be accepted accept in special cases.

People who claimed free tickets:


Money brought in from Tickets:

48 Prizes

Two Half Body Sketches (Donated by me)
Ancestral Deity Lighira Offspring (Donated by me)
Choice of themed offspring [3x] (Donated by me)
50k (Donated by me)
Owlbear Offspring (Donated by me)
River Pool Nixi [Dye Project] (Donated by me)
Mystery OC (Donated by me)
Winter Timber Neph Offspring (Donated by me)
Halloween Neph Offspring (Donated by me)
Winter Terror Offspring (Donated by me)
Regen Delphinium Pink Punch Puff (Donated by me)
PB Astral Wanderer Ryori (Donated by me)
PB Melted Chocolate Ryori (Donated by me)
PB Winter Green Aeridini (Donated by me)
Arctic Foo Dog Luffox Offspring (Donated by me)
PB Ocean Sunset Aeridini (Donated by me)
PB Nightshade Aeridini (Donated by me)
PB BF Faelora (Donated by me)
PB Heart's Desire Rikki (Donated by me)
PB Shrouded Fortune Rikki (Donated by me)
PB Coconut Mocha Lig (Donated by me)
PP Emperor's Dragon Zol (Donated by Osore)
6x Offspring Project Puff (LoveLock)
2vis PB Sunset Clouds Ferrikki (LoveLock)
One purebred offspring of choice from Lava Vent Ryori, Mischevious Specter Ryori, and Astral Wanderer Ryori (LoveLock)
One random themed/exclusive pet (LoveLock)
Free, indefinite genetic testing (LoveLock)
100k (Grapejuice)
2 6vis 6tp regen Luporas (Grapejuice)
1x enhanced bulb essence (Grapejuice)
1x regular Griffi essence (Grapejuice)
female 2vis Reef Guardian Vul (Grapejuice)
female 1vis Blazing fireworks nyte (Grapejucie)
2 fullbodies (drawing) (Taishi)
1x colored simple shading bust (Osore)
1x Mystery OC (Me)
2x Full Color Full Body Drawings (Me)
1x Oil Painted Half Body (Me)
1x Flat Color Half Body (Me)
1x Paw Drawing (Me)
1x Paw Drawing (Me)
1x Paw Drawing (Me)
6v Lupora (Osore)
1 6v Wild Spiderwort Ryori (upon completion) (Lyralecorsac)
1 offspring g of every theme I own (rikki included, all lup except for GF included) (Lyralecorsac)
1 project offspring from all 1-3v lup (Lyralecorsac)
1 project offspring from all 6v lup (Lyralecorsac)
50k gold (Lyralecorsac)
1. Me
2. Me
3. Me
4. Me
5. Me
6. Me
7. Me
8. Me
9. Me
10. Me
11. Me
12. Me
13. Me
14. Me
15. Me
16. Me
17. Me
18. Me
19. Me
20. Me
21. Me
22. Me
23. Me
24. Me
25. Me
26. Me
27. Me
28. Me
29. Me
30. Me
31. Me
32. Me
33. Me
34. Me
35. Me
36. Me
37. Me
38. Me
39. Me
40. Me
41. Me
42. Me
43. Me
44. Me
45. Me
46. Me
47. Me
48. Me
49. Me
50. Me
51. Osore
52. Osore
53. Osore
54. Osore
55. Lovelock
56. LoveLock
57. LoveLock
58. LoveLock
59. LoveLock
60. LoveLock
61. LoveLock
62. LoveLock
63. LoveLock
64. LoveLock
65. LoveLock
66. LoveLock
67. LoveLock
68. LoveLock
69. LoveLock
70. LoveLock
71. LoveLock
72. Grapejuice
73. Grapejuice
74. Grapejuice
75. Grapejuice
76. Grapejuice
77. Grapejuice
78. Grapejuice
79. Grapejuice
80. Grapejuice
81. Grapejuice
82. Grapejuice
83. Taishi
84. Taishi
85. Taishi
86. Taishi
87. Hopeless
88. Dragongem23
89. Me
90. Shayni
91. Shayni
92. Shayni
93. Shayni
94. Shayni
95. Shayni
96. Shayni
97. Shayni
98. Shayni
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110. Shayni
111. Shayni
112. Shayni
113. Shayni
114. Shayni
115. Shayni
116. MysticDragonFairy
117. MysticDragonFairy
118. Lyralecorsac
119. Lyralecorsac
120. Lyralecorsac
121. Lyralecorsac
122. Lyralecorsac
123. Lyralecorsac
124. Lyralecorsac
125. Lyralecorsac
126. Lyralecorsac
127. Lyralecorsac
128. Lyralecorsac
129. Kittyauthor
130. GhostPirate
131. IiPurePoison
132. Grapejuice
133. MissWoolyMouse
134. Ruscell0
135. Ruscell0
136. Ruscell0
137. Ruscell0
138. Ruscell0
139. Ruscell0
140. Niklync
141. Niklync
142. Renic
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
Threads: 293
Posts: 19,132
Posted: 12/16/2018 at 4:37 PM Post #1142
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
Threads: 293
Posts: 19,132
Posted: 12/16/2018 at 4:38 PM Post #1143
2 above
Level 70
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 1/15/2015
Threads: 5
Posts: 147
Posted: 12/17/2018 at 2:17 PM Post #1144
May I claim my free tickets and also buy 5 more?
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
Threads: 293
Posts: 19,132
Posted: 12/18/2018 at 9:44 PM Post #1145
yes of course!
it'll be 25k
Level 75
Guardian of the Realm
Joined: 11/14/2018
Threads: 12
Posts: 110
Posted: 12/18/2018 at 11:41 PM Post #1146
Oh look. A place I fit right in.

(I'll just put a quick about me thing here since I saw some people did that)

Hi, I'm Renic. I'll also respond to Ren. I am a ball of social awkwardness and depression. I stress over any and all social interactions I make. It's not as bad online though. Not what you would expect from someone who's suppose to be a legal adult maybe, but it could be worse I guess. I've been told I ramble. I like the company of animals much more than people which is why I love my 2 bunnies very much.
My social anxieties come all the way back from my elementary school days I feel. I'm not sure exactly when it started, but I feel like it most had to deal with how I had to move after 1st grade and then again after 4th. Each time when I entered the school at the beginning of the new school year, I was labelled the new girl and outcasted. I've been living in the same place since 5th, and now I'm about to go off to college and I still am the outcast in this school. That doesn't mean I haven't made any friends over the years, but they're currently in the process of leaving me behind. I also feel my social anxieties come from how I dislike angering or troubling people. I absolutely hate cause trouble to people or having people angry at me. If there is yelling at a group that I'm in, I more than likely will think it's me that has caused the problem and my mind will make it a bigger problem than it is.
I don't like to trouble people for a couple of reasons. I'm a type 1 diabetic, which causes a lot of people to ask if I'm ok (which I am. My pancreas is just dead, ok?) or if I'm sure I should be eating what I am (which I can. That's why I've got my medicine) and it makes me feel like I'm unnecessarily worrying people. I also don't like troubling others because I normally have to elaborate or repeat what is wrong, and I don't want to cry in front of them and that's what would happen if I did either of those things.
My depression is something I've had an inkling of having for several years, but over the past few months, I have definitely noticed it. It probably started back in middle school when I realized I wasn't going to know many other people than the 1 friend I had at the time. Over the years, my joking about being dead or dying became common amongst my friends and I, but I'm now realizing just how much I wouldn't mind them. Over the past few months with the pressure of maintaining the happy facade I show the world, school, and plans for my future, I have realized just how depressed I have gotten. Sometimes, the only reason I leave my room is for the appearance that I'm still ok.

Let's get away from all my problems not why don't we and I tell you about the things that you probably want to know!
Just a warning, I'm asexual. No, I do not try to reproduce like a plant, it just means I'm not interested in sex at all. I'm also a romantic, which means I'm not attracted to anyone romantically either.
I'm a huge romantic though. I've been told many times I give great relationship advice. I love romances. Especially ones for anime ships. Fanfics. Like Yuri on Ice. That's my life there. My bunnies are named after them. Vitya and Yuuri. Ok. I'll leave how much I love Yuri on Ice here and move on. XD Another anime I love is Hetalia. I swear. That anime is the whole reason I started to learn more about myself. Soul Eater was my start down this rabbit hole though.
As I've stated previously, I have 2 bunnies, Vitya and Yuuri. Vitya is my sweet little cuddler who eats everything. She's a fat bunny. Yuuri is my little explorer who gets beat up by his sister because he tried to eat food that I set out for both of them yet somehow became only hers... hm...
I love blankets. That's enough said right there. XD

While I mentioned I've been told I give great relationship advice, I've been told I give good advice in other areas as well, so if anyone is willing to listen to me, I will gladly hear you. As long as you speak english, I should be able to help you. XD This is my way of asking to be a therapist. Taking psychology next semester can only help right?
I don't really know what else to put about myself because I don't really know what else I can say about myself, so I'll leave this here. Thanks for listening to me. I feel a lot better than I have in a long while typing this out and posting it. XD
Level 62
Benevolent Brewer
Joined: 10/13/2018
Threads: 23
Posts: 296
Posted: 12/19/2018 at 2:04 PM Post #1147
May I join? I could be a therapist. I'm good at listening and stuff.

I'm awkward and sometimes take a long time to say what I want to say, but I like to think things out. I like to pay attention to people, and I enjoy helping, or at least trying to. I study psychology and at this point I think I could literally understand the prompt of emotion behind anyone's questionable action.

I like to read. I like science. I'm probably going to be a surgeon when I'm qualified. I like talking to people, watching action movies, listening to emotional music, and I have a slight anxiety issue sometimes. I also like arts and craft-y type stuff.

That's about it....
Edited By Niklync on 12/19/2018 at 2:11 PM.
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
Threads: 293
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Posted: 12/19/2018 at 2:22 PM Post #1148
Of course! Welcome!! Right now we have a raffle, and theres a discord if you want a link!
Level 62
Benevolent Brewer
Joined: 10/13/2018
Threads: 23
Posts: 296
Posted: 12/19/2018 at 3:51 PM Post #1149
Ooh, I saw the raffle. Could I purchase one extra ticket, and claim my free one?
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
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Posted: 12/19/2018 at 3:54 PM Post #1150
Sure! Sending CoD
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