(Lol, I believe you, I'm pretty sure the foot wash used to be a thing)
"Obedient?" Qillorik tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Yes, I'd say you're obedient, but more importantly, you're trustworthy, I'm confident that you won't let me die, you've already stopped, like, 3 assassins" He tells you.
"It's getting late, the sun is starting to set" Qillorik observes, looking out the window as he goes to lock them. "You should get dinner for us now, and don't forget to get extra food for your guest" Qillorik commands you
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Posted: 2/11/2019 at 11:12 AM
Post #112
"Obedient?" Qillorik tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Yes, I'd say you're obedient, but more importantly, you're trustworthy, I'm confident that you won't let me die, you've already stopped, like, 3 assassins" He tells you.
"It's getting late, the sun is starting to set" Qillorik observes, looking out the window as he goes to lock them. "You should get dinner for us now, and don't forget to get extra food for your guest" Qillorik commands you
"You will not be eating with your family at the table?" she said surprised, "I will inform them at you're tired" she paused hesitantly, "Prince Oba? May I please wash my wound before standing as night guard? Tomorrow morning I will also try to find out whether anyone knows anything of today's happenings."
She dipped her head respectfully, "As for the dungeon... you know, if it is one of fire or heat, I will become a burden that must be left to die. I am not a ranged attacker either. It would be risky to just take me, please consider waiting a while before tackling one"
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Posted: 2/11/2019 at 12:05 PM
Post #113
"Of course you may, it would be bad for both of us if that wound got infected, make sure to care for it properly" Qillorik tells you. "I'll make sure we find a dungeon we can handle when the time comes" Qillorik sighed, staring out at the window again. He dismisses you, which was his way of saying 'go get dinner now'
As you walk down the large hallway, you see the 6th heir to the throne, princess Qinnara. Surprisingly, she looks over at you, acknowledging your presence.
"Stop." She commands you as she steps in front of you.
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Posted: 2/11/2019 at 12:11 PM
Post #114
"Of course you may, it would be bad for both of us if that wound got infected, make sure to care for it properly" Qillorik tells you. "I'll make sure we find a dungeon we can handle when the time comes" Qillorik sighed, staring out at the window again. He dismisses you, which was his way of saying 'go get dinner now'
As you walk down the large hallway, you see the 6th heir to the throne, princess Qinnara. Surprisingly, she looks over at you, acknowledging your presence.
"Stop." She commands you as she steps in front of you.
Leto did so and out of respect and how the household worked, she lowered her head and gave a curtsy, not looking the Princess in the eyes, as she would see it was disrespectful. She waited to be told off for being in sight, not saying anything as not wanting to offend Princess Qinnara. If she was lucky, it would be asking how Prince Oba was or where her own servants were.
She tried to recall what she knew about the 6th heir. Whether she was close to Quillork at any point Leto remembered, or if she got involved in certain actions. Was she someone to be very cautious around and enjoyed punishments? It was all important.
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Posted: 2/11/2019 at 12:29 PM
Post #115
You do a mental check of the 11 heirs and their attitudes towards slaves. You had sort of a mental list, with the top being 'abusive towards slaves, avoid at all costs' and the bottom being 'doesn't believe in slavery'
Qikoro (2nd heir, has killed most of his slaves, and a few of his siblings)
Qamillia (7th heir, she's known for punishing her slaves over slightest slip ups)
Qenoko (9th heir, he's young and treats everyone horribly)
Qinnara (6th heir, she just really hates anyone not of noble standings)
Quilloa (10th heir, She thinks abusing slaves is funny)
Qilliko (1st heir, he tends to be indifferent towards slaves)
Qilara (3rd heir, she doesn't acknowledge the presence of slaves, acts like they're not there)
Qessa (8th heir, thanks her slaves informally)
Qerro (5th heir, talks to his slaves like they're free people)
Qillorik (4th heir, your master. He doesn't keep many slaves)
Qalio (11th heir, loves his slaves)
She examines you up and down. "Elder brother Qillorik seems quite fond of you. Make him stop, it's disgusting seeing him treat you like a human" She sneers. "If anyone notices how he treats you, it'll be a scandal, and ruin father's plans for him" She scoffed, glaring at you. In one swift motion, she strikes you harshly with her palm, slapping you to the ground before lifting her head and walking off with a sly grin on her face.
Edited By DruidOfBees on 2/11/2019 at 12:29 PM.
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Posted: 2/11/2019 at 12:36 PM
Post #116
You do a mental check of the 11 heirs and their attitudes towards slaves. You had sort of a mental list, with the top being 'abusive towards slaves, avoid at all costs' and the bottom being 'doesn't believe in slavery'
She examines you up and down. "Elder brother Qillorik seems quite fond of you. Make him stop, it's disgusting seeing him treat you like a human" She sneers. "If anyone notices how he treats you, it'll be a scandal, and ruin father's plans for him" She scoffed, glaring at you. In one swift motion, she strikes you harshly with her palm, slapping you to the ground before lifting her head and walking off with a sly grin on her face.
She waited until she believed the Princess was gone, keeping her head down before standing up and rubbing her cheek. She continued onward, staying more to the side and less noticeable corridors to try and avoid others. So much for taking the quick route.
Once she'd reach the kitchens, she quietly asked for Prince Oba's food, she could make a few trips and then get some scraps for herself. There was going to be trouble if Quillok didn't do something soon to show his position, she worried that she held him back.
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Posted: 2/11/2019 at 2:29 PM
Post #117
When you arrived back in Qillorik's room, you find him nowhere in sight. You place the food tray down on a table and take a look around the room. At the side of his bed, there was a letter, ripped in half vertically, and all his windows were still locked, meaning he couldn't have left through there.
The bed seemed to be disheveled, and the piece of paper next to it seemed to have been heavily crumpled up and tossed.
"Leto? Is that you? Come on in here so I can treat your wounds" Oriah called out from your room where she had been staying.
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Posted: 2/11/2019 at 2:38 PM
Post #118
When you arrived back in Qillorik's room, you find him nowhere in sight. You place the food tray down on a table and take a look around the room. At the side of his bed, there was a letter, ripped in half vertically, and all his windows were still locked, meaning he couldn't have left through there.
The bed seemed to be disheveled, and the piece of paper next to it seemed to have been heavily crumpled up and tossed.
"Leto? Is that you? Come on in here so I can treat your wounds" Oriah called out from your room where she had been staying.
She gritted her teeth and hesitated, "Lady Oriah, did you hear any quick footsteps?" she asked, not wanting to break into the Princes privacy and inspect the letter, but her heart was sinking fast. This seemed like a common case of blackmail. Maybe she was over reacting and it was simply the ruler summoning him to the throne room or something along those lines, but after the earlier run in? She couldn't be sure.
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Posted: 2/11/2019 at 3:55 PM
Post #119
"Hmm? footsteps? Yes, I suppose I did, though I would be much more concerned with the fact he shouted 'Is this a sick joke? He can't do this to me!' before he ripped up the letter his father sent him informing him he was arranging a marriage between him and the 2nd princess of Jaivika" Oriah said, examining her nails. "No idea where he ran off to though... I do have some advice, however- if you need important information, don't be so vague about it" Oriah tells you, a grin on her face.
"Also, don't tell Prince Oba that I read the letter, I don't think that's acceptable behavior for guests" Oriah shrugged. "The water bucket is still in his room, I believe, if you need to find him" She informs you, changing positions so that she was laying on her back, her arms crossed behind her head.
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Posted: 2/12/2019 at 1:17 AM
Post #120
"Hmm? footsteps? Yes, I suppose I did, though I would be much more concerned with the fact he shouted 'Is this a sick joke? He can't do this to me!' before he ripped up the letter his father sent him informing him he was arranging a marriage between him and the 2nd princess of Jaivika" Oriah said, examining her nails. "No idea where he ran off to though... I do have some advice, however- if you need important information, don't be so vague about it" Oriah tells you, a grin on her face.
"Also, don't tell Prince Oba that I read the letter, I don't think that's acceptable behavior for guests" Oriah shrugged. "The water bucket is still in his room, I believe, if you need to find him" She informs you, changing positions so that she was laying on her back, her arms crossed behind her head.
She looked amused, "Well, he would have to get married at some point. Why he's so upset I have no idea" she sighed and fingered the clam, closing her eyes and putting it in the water, concentrating hard on Quilloks face and name. She then opened her eyes and the clam with trembling fingers, begging she did it right.
The slap from the Princess still stung her cheek, but she would have to worry about that and he throbbing arm later. The Prince's safety was still in her hands, she only hoped he'd stormed off somewhere in the palace and not outside, or to challenge the Ruler. She couldn't tell which of the two would be worse.
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