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Level 18
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Posted: 11/11/2019 at 3:40 PM Post #111
"I advise you to bite your tongue, your pride is irking me. You might not want to start blathering about how precious you are to just random dragons. They will take you out.", Aloisia called back, their voice gargled by the acid burn that never healed in their throat. "You aren' the most powerful here, you don't even know what some dragons can do to simple-minded folk, that's why I wanted to help you out." They turned, bearing their teeth and standing on their hind legs, pretending to be a hungry dragon going for a kill. The dragonet next to them yelped, scooting back. "Anyway, you aren't always going to be the center of attention, and I probably shouldn't be talking to you because I and my family could be targeted if you really re that special.", They said while falling back into a crouch.
Level 51
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Posted: 11/11/2019 at 3:42 PM Post #112
"Hah! Neither would I." She said, a little relieved, "We can talk more inside. The fabric is enchanted to be soundproof." She shivered again, longing for the warmth of a fire. She remembered the hearth in the stronghold but quickly wished that memory away. She checked if Kai'hel was still following before entering her tent. She breathed flame into a lantern and set it on her table.

In the space, there was a circular bed, a table, a cauldron, and a shelf with many jars. Most of the jars were empty but some had desert plants and such. Cesura moves out of the doorway for Kai'hel to come in.
Level 72
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 11/11/2019 at 3:51 PM Post #113
He squeezed in, keeping his head low and keeping his wings and tail close into his body. He looked around the place and smiled - it wasn't just a house, it felt like a home. He hadn't experienced that for many years and once again he felt gratitude for meeting Cesura, even if it was by tripping her over.

The enchanted cloth interested him - he'd heard of enchanted items before but he'd never seen any. It just looked like ordinary fabric. There were things in jars with loads of different colours he'd never seen before, too.

"Did you enchant it yourself? The tent, I mean," he asked, looking around. He found himself almost looking her in the eye and silently cursed, looking down at his claws again.
Level 51
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 11/11/2019 at 4:15 PM Post #114
"No, I didn't. It was done by a dear friend of mine. She had a gift for enchanting." She noticed his gaze falling. Odd. She decided not to question him for now, "So the reason I was coming home in a rush was that I was trying to prepare for something I started earlier today. A rebellion." Cesura smiled. She was quite proud of herself, "You, like many, wish for change yes?"
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/15/2014
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Posted: 11/11/2019 at 5:02 PM Post #115
He smirk playfully, compleatly unaffected by her bluff and words. " Maby, you dont seem the type to do so tho. Any way, dont attempt anything around here, the area is so dry a simple spark from my end could do serious damages... let alone if i summon my armor. If you care for the city, you may want to keep that fight outside. "
Level 18
Joined: 8/23/2018
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Posted: 11/11/2019 at 5:25 PM Post #116
(Seriously dude, Can please stop making your character act like he's better than everyone elses'? I get it he's cool, but it's kind of getting annoying because he's basically crippling Aloisia's career by saying they can't fight. And I bet you if they really wanted to, they could sneak up on him and wreak his s***.)

Aloisia let out a low growl. *His he threatening my job?*, They thought. They weren't bluffing, he can and will get killed with how he was talking. They were done with this stranger's crap. They took a step forward, they were extremely displeased with the male. "Alright, Mr. I'm better than everyone, here are some words for the wise; Don't step into someone else's business, but if you do, don't go flaunting your position. Also, never and I mean never threaten someone else's way of pay because you think you're so cool. I swear if I hear you threaten me or any of the good dragons here, I will personally destroy your face." Aloisia stalked away, the yellow dragonet on their heels. The black and teal dragon seamed to disappear into the market place, their head low. They sighed, leading the dragonet through the crowd and towards his den.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/15/2014
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Posted: 11/11/2019 at 5:48 PM Post #117
( Sory, this is just how he act when he is on his own with nobody to keep him in check, he is overconfident it dosn't mean that he is as strong as he see himself, it is one of his biggest flaws. I guess i underplayed the non-verbal side this time around so it came off wrong, sory about that. And by the way, he dosn't know what is Aloisia's job yet. )

He huff, anoyed, he wasn't better, he was only suposed to be, that's what was alwais asked of him, well, that and following orders but he dont do that anymore. " I wasn't trhreatning them... i was warning you, you may not have notice because you are so small but this area is preaty narrow for me, if i fight here even by being carefull there will be collateral damage and i would rather avoid a wildfire." He didn't wanted to fight at all, but of course, he had to try and help the wrong dragon again and now his pride was slowly digging a hole for him as he tryed not to show any weakness to the unnown dragon.
Edited By Cian on 11/11/2019 at 8:09 PM.
Level 72
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 11/12/2019 at 1:50 PM Post #118
(Here's something I prepared earlier... xD)

The words reverberated around his head. Funny - it was something he'd never thought of before, but now they seemed to make so much sense. Like they had always been there, but he hadn't realised it.

"I would be lying if I said that Empire didn't deserve it," he said, a smile forming on his lips. "Just what did you have in mind? Even talking about such things is worthy of whatever creative punishment the administrator can come up with."

She sounded quite triumphant. If he could see her face, he had no doubt she would bear an expression to match. But that wasn't possible, so he worked with what he had. She didn't sound like she was baiting him before reporting him to the guards. And, though it was possible this was a new tactic of rooting out any dangerous dragons in Khurazir, that wasn't the Empire's style.
Level 72
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 11/12/2019 at 1:58 PM Post #119
Suddenly, footsteps can be heard and the clank of armour from around the bend of the alleyway. There's the sound of gruff chuckling, before a clear voice rises above the rest.

"I normally wouldn't have bothered out in the square, but the growling ball of scales took himself somewhere quieter. I think we've deserved a bit of fun, eh boys?" A few jeers echo around the corner.

"The administrator better pay us this time for dragging this one in," another agrees.
Level 51
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 11/12/2019 at 2:14 PM Post #120
"Exactly!" His smile was contagious. Cesura was smiling too, "I know where the dingbats keep their rations. I have a tunnel to get there. We get in we get out rations in hand. We feed the people and starve our enemies, giving us a position to overthrow them. I even have a few other dragons helping me." She began taking off her pouches and arranging them around her.

(sorry I actually have to go. I will be back tomorrow :( )
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