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Level 61
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Posted: 7/15/2020 at 12:50 PM Post #111
Narina and the male healer feom cassandra and eclipses pack started to help and heal Alexis and luckly the several bitemarks was faint and easily cleaned and treated amd the scratch on her stomach was cleaned and wrapped up amd they also palced a bangaed over the scratch on her right eye luckly it didnt dammaged or affect her eyesight.

Cassandra looked at james "she your mate maybe you shpuld have a be alpha soin and will haveto take charge" she said and watched as alexis walked over amd gave a weak smile to cassandra amd nuzzled her friend
Level 57
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Posted: 7/15/2020 at 4:45 PM Post #112
"I'm not sure I want to face her alone." James says nervously. The way Eclipse had been attacking Alexis had scared James maybe a bit more than a tiny bit. He hadn't been too injured, just a few scratches here and there, so he brushed the healers away. He tries to pick up Eclipes' trail so that he can go after her and see why she was so upset and try to calm her down.
Level 61
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Posted: 7/16/2020 at 10:00 AM Post #113
Cassandra knew her sister would never harm james as she loved him and thought the issue of eclipse hostile jealously towards alexis should be delt with privately between the couple "its best she tells you the reason she hates alexis" she said as she watched him leave and than turned around and went to her mother

Alexis was laying down beside her friend a male wolf called jasper he was named after the red gemstone as he was vorn with deep redish ginger fur dispite him being a little younger the two had a lot in common "i can't belive him jasper after eclipse attacks me unprovoked he asked that" she saidin a huff and jasper sat up and looked at her "alexis we cant speak ill of the alpha and their familes and im sure he had a good reason i bey his father grilled him on replacing the Hunter and as for eclipse she his bride he has to side with her for the sake of the pack" he said
Level 57
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Posted: 7/17/2020 at 10:57 AM Post #114
James turns into a wolf and runs after Eclipse. He didn't know why she has attacked Alexis and wasn't sure if she was angry at him as well. He soon comes to Eclipse, now done with washing up and currently in werewolf form. James feels obligated to turn into his werewolf form as well.
"Oh! James, why are you here?" Eclipse asks him, coming towards him. She was ready to get her answers no matter how she had to get them.
"I'm here to ask you why you attacked Alexis, so... Why did you attack Alexis?" James asks. Eclipse stops when she is right in front of James.
"Funny you should ask. I have a feeling you know." Eclipse says. James tries to think about what could have done to tick Eclipse off like that.
"I have a more accurate feeling that I don't know." He says, sitting down on a log and motioning for Eclipse to join him. She stays stubbornly standing.
"Oh don't you dare go play the role of the innocent person that doesn't have a clue of what's going on. You know what I'm talking about." Eclipse fires.
"I really don't know and I would appreciate it if you could help explain." James says slowly.
"I saw how you looked at Alexis when she came back. Don't think I didn't notice when you gave her a hug." Eclipse says, roughly shoving James. James doesn't move or back down.
"Eclipse, I don't love Alexis. Sure, I think she's a good wolf, but I don't love her. " James pauses. "And I won't hug anyone other than you." He promises, knowing he would miss friend/group hugs and all.
Eclipse hadn't really been expecting that response. She faulters, "I... Thank you. Okay. I guess I have to go say sorry to Alexis now."
"I'm not sure a 'sorry ' is going to cut it." James thinks to himself as he smiles and nods to Eclipse. James gets up and, with Eclipse, head back to the pack. Eclipse felt calm and, to be honest, a little embarrassed and guilty.
Level 61
Joined: 11/9/2019
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Posted: 7/17/2020 at 1:31 PM Post #115
Alexis had been unaware of the talk between james and Eclipse and was currently by the deepdest part of astream that ran through the packs territory watching the pups try and catch a dragonfly chasing it around and beside her jasper was fast alseep snoring lightly "be careful the strram is deep" she said softy and the pups smiled "yes nanny" she said and Blair dashed over and laid down beside alexis and went to sleep. Cassandra trotted over "may i sit here?" She asked and Alexis smiled at her "of course you can, the more the merrier" she said and cassandra gave her a shy smile and sat down between alexis and jasper "im sorry about my sister, she always been difficult but she never attacked anyone" she said and alexis frowned " im so confused about that, i never had a issues or disagreements with her, would you know why she attcked me?" She asked and cassandra shifted unsure what to say.

Cassandra looked at alexis and sighed "its best you ask my sister, but its not ypur fault" she said and alexis blinked in confusion ahe didnt understand "i think i am more confused.....but im surr she nice as your amazing and so is james" she said and nuzzled a sleeping Blair "ph who is that?!" Cassandra asked looking at jasper and have a shy smile "oh that is jasper he in training to be a figher (or worrior) and defend our pack from threats" she said and grinned "he is cute huh" alexis added
Level 57
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Posted: 7/17/2020 at 2:18 PM Post #116
Since Eclipse and James were also next to the stream, they met up with them quickly. James hung back while Eclipse trots forward slowly. She hangs her head and puts her tail between her legs in a sign of submission. "A-alexis? I... I want to say I'm sorry and I hope I didn't ruin the friendship we could have had. I was being rash and acting on a foolish guess. Will you forgive me?" She asks, sitting on the opposite side of the stream to give her space but at the same time be close enough to be heard.
James stays in the shadows, heading around the drama that might happen. He heads over to Jasper, glad to have a fellow male in a group of women.
Level 61
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Posted: 7/17/2020 at 3:11 PM Post #117
Alexis weakly stood up in fear and limped behind jasper her eyes widened she was frightened of Eclipse who was stronger and larger then her and cassandra sat up and watched her sister nervously while alexis looked at her she could smell james sent in the air "yes, of course i will forgive you" she said only pretending to forgive her for the sake of james and the pack amd she have to learn to forgive eclispe within time. Alexis sat down and gave a beautful and kind smile to Eclipse.

Jasper yawened and sat up and looked at eclipse and jumped up and stood in front of alexis protecting her incase eclipse attacked her and kept his gaze on eclipse "oh hello eclipse hope all is going well with you" he said and looked at at cassandra "oh i don't belive we havr met my name is Jasper" he said while alexis walked over amd stood next to the stream facing eclipse
Level 57
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Posted: 7/17/2020 at 3:15 PM Post #118
Eclipse sighs in relief. "Oh, good. James seemed hesitant that saying sorry would work." She smiles back at Alexis. "I just say, though, that you are one amazing werewolf. Even though I attacked you you forgave me."
Positive that everything was going smoothly, James walked away. He was just going to look around the borders again to make sure nothing else has gotten past.

(I'm trying to remember correctly. Do werewolves have the ability to heal quicker than normal or no? Also, if we don't have the two go out and get lost or something, James can get caught and the Alpha can send Alexis off again to try and fix things.)
Level 61
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Posted: 7/17/2020 at 3:49 PM Post #119
//i dont know much about werewolf but in this rpour werewolfs can heal
////don't worry they will get captured as the hunt takes place at the end of their day

Alexis blushed the red tint visible on her skin even through her fur and she smiles at eclipse more "thank you Eclipse but i know you are not a bad person and with the srrss of the union and the joining of our packs ita natual to be stressed its alright im fine" she said and looked at james direction "i hope you have an amazing night and james likes stories so if he ever unwell tell him one" she said and amiled (saw the book part of your bio lol)
Level 57
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Posted: 7/18/2020 at 10:16 AM Post #120
"Thank you." Eclipse smiles. She felt that maybe, maybe, she could be friends with Alexis.
After doing the patrol, James headed to his den. Since it was night time it made sense to go to bed.
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