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Level 60
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Posted: 3/15/2014 at 1:54 AM Post #1211
"A week?! But... now that you put it that way... I guess I can understand why you can go without food for a while..." Glacies said, scratching her neck as Misaki purred a laugh, dancing around both Wheat's and Glacies' feet. The female onmyouji laughed, and bent down to pet her companion's head, rolling the ryori onto her back and scratching her stomach. "Aww.... She's cute!" Misaki aimed a bite at Glacies' finger though, and the female chuckled. "She really doesn't like being called that..."

Lilith laughed as well, splashing Fate with water again. "Water fight, anyone? We're already wet anyway." She asked with a shrug. "And Kiwi? Fate just dunked me under the water for splashing him with water. Bad Fate!" She added with a mock frown which turned into a smile a few seconds later. "Ok, I really can't stop smiling!" The demon then started laughing, placing a hand to her mouth.
((XD Kiwi isn't that bad at smiling lol. I've seen worse XD))

The kitsune blinked. "I kinda just met him today...? I think he was an experiment gone wrong though... Doesn't seem to be many like him around... I do know a few others who look like a cross between a human and an animal though... But as for what Peea is... I'm not too sure." Shirou said. "You should ask Kiwi, See-na or Saw on that subject. They... live? with him. I think..." He trailed off, unsure if he had said the right thing. "Peea seems a little overprotective though..."
Level 60
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Posted: 3/15/2014 at 6:40 AM Post #1212
Wheat laughed and knelt down. He then gently tickled the ryori's head, smiling. " But she is cute! " he said, laughing again as he carried on stroking her head. He had tensed his arm, ready to move it if the ryori attempted to bite him as well.

Kiwi did a faint smile again. " What happened to tag? " she joked. " How about a mixture? Tag and water you can splash water at people while trying to tag or not get tagged! " she suggested, a wet tail came out of the water and then waved about, the fur clinging to it.

Fate laughed. " Well it wouldn't take a genius to know I'm not all good! " he joked, smiling at the two girls. He then swam over to them. Smiling still as his eyes looked at Kiwi's wet tail poking out of the water. It looked weird because of all the fur being shiny and sticking to her tail like glue...
Fate's wings flapped gently sending small waves of water around the pond.

Tom laughed. " I have no clue who those three are... " he said, shaking his head and smiling. " And I think your right about that peacock thing...maybe we should both ask him sometime? " Tom suggested to him. He had completely forgotten about finding Fate because of starting up a conversation with the kitsune.
Level 39
Fancy Pants
Joined: 11/13/2013
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Posted: 3/15/2014 at 2:34 PM Post #1213
Voultra concentrated until the girl began breathing again. "I need you to scoot further away. She doesn't know you so seeing... A soul carrier..." She said trying to not be offensive. "Might scare her slightly." She smiled and pulled the girl into her lap. She began singing because most humans say that her singing sounded heavenly and she hoped it would bring the girl back to awareness faster.

Zach crawled closer to Tabby and stared down into the girls face. He hoped Voultra could get the girl to wake up. She wasn't one of the strongest angels and it might be a huge challenge. When she was finished with Tabby he would ask her if he was any closer to getting his wings back and being able to fly back to heaven.

James kneeled next to Yasha and pulled him slightly further away. "Trust me, angels know what is best." He said and sat down next to him. "Septer is crying from what happened. If you could, she would probably want to hear that Tabby is better and maybe throw in that Zach didn't mean to do it." He said and noticed how happy Zach looked when Tabby began breathing again.

Sin threw herself into James arms and began sobbing in his shoulder. "Master, is Tabby going to be okay?" She wined and curled up into a small ball. She liked Septer and didn't want her to hurt. It was one of her first friends she had ever had.

James wrapped his arms around her and smiled. "Yeah she is going to be fine now." He said and cradled Sin closely. "I could never imagine loosing Sin, she is like a sister to me." He said to Yasha with a small smile.

Fang smiled and nodded. "If you want, I can try to figure out another way out but it may take a lot longer." She said and wondered what kind of powders the witch had hidden away. She could mix a few things and put it on the shield.
Level 60
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Posted: 3/16/2014 at 6:37 AM Post #1214
((oooops.... I may have kinda forgotten about finding Fate... What now...?))

Misaki tried nipping at Wheat's fingers, but made a disappointed purring sound when Glacies tapped her lightly on the head. "No! Bad Ryori, bad ryori!" The girl said frowning, hands on hips. Misaki barked nervously though, and Glacies laughed. "You know I can never be mad at you...!" The ryori laughed again, and licked Glacies' hand.
"She just doesn't like to be called that..." The girl continued in a slightly sing-song voice. "She likes you. But I think you already know that, huh?" She added with a smile.

Lilith laughed. "Yeah, let's do both. That sounds fun actually! But.. when do you suppose we should get back...? I'm pretty sure that... peacock... thingy... would come after you trying to find you, no?" The demon said as she swam over to the pair. "And doesn't the water drag you..? Ah never mind..." She continued, shaking her head.
"And Fate, you sure you're not good?" She asked the male, stretching her wings as she yawned. "Ok, so shall we start the game then?"

"They're kitsunes too... I'll show you who they are later, alright? Though I guess we should ask him together..." Shirou shrugged. "It's better than getting screamed at or something... Which I'm sure he would do if we asked him what he was... I swear, that guy's as easy to angry as throwing a stick at a lion!" It was a bad reference, he knew, but the kitsune had thought that up on the spot. He did have a nagging feeling that he had forgotten something though... "Did we, by any chance, forget anything...?"
Level 60
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Posted: 3/16/2014 at 10:13 AM Post #1215
Yasha shuffled back a bit, even though the vampire had pulled him back. "Tabby is a sister to me..." he replied to the vampire. "I feel so sorry for the girl...dead twice... " he added, muttering most of this." She was always the loner...she told me that...bullied for no reason..." his only visable eye seemed distant even though hewas staring at Tabby's rising and falling chest.

Inu sighed. "I'll drink it...half if it anyway so if it doesn't work I can make you drink the rest..." he said dryly, begining to raise the cup to his mouth. His nose scrunched up at the revolting smell. Why did I agree to this? He thought glumly.

Tabby's face gently scrunched up slightly. Her thoughts where slightly clouded as the memory of someone bursting into her home...grabbing her...tearing her apart and when sbe fell to the floor...seeing him grab her older sister, kicking and screaming as he pulled her away as she choked on he own blood. I don't want to die, she thouht to herself, thinking she was there.
Level 39
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 3/16/2014 at 10:50 AM Post #1216
James nodded and listened to his words closely. "Well the world is different now, I think she has a better chance." He said and scooted Sin off of him. He gently laid her down net to him and ran his fingers through her hair. It never had a single tangle and he wondered how much of her soul she had give to keep her hair that way. "She does have you, Zach, Jay, Septer, Tamika, Me, Sin, and Voultra to protect her now." He said and turned to Yasha with a smile plastered on his face. "When everyone first met it was chaos, but now it's like we're family. Even your stupid a** brother is apart of the family. He's like a princess locked away in a tower. I'm planning on letting him out soon. " He said and pulled the sword out of his belt loop. "Here, when he gets out. Give this to him." He said and slid the sword over to Yasha.

Fang shook her head and held out her hand for him to stop. "You only need one drink! Also, i'm not going to drink that with you because I am not stuck in here!" She exclaimed and stuck her tongue out in disgust. Just the thought of drinking her own species made her sick. His blood did smell pretty good though and she could feel the sharp points of her fang extend.

Voultra laid her hand on the girls head and stroked her hair. ""It's going to be okay, just open your eyes." She whispered and continued singing. She saw Zach inch closer and closer and it was starting to piss her off. If Yasha couldn't be close then what gave him the right?
Level 60
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Posted: 3/16/2014 at 11:03 AM Post #1217
Wheat laughed and shook his head. "Usually animals hate me..." he said, smiling. "Ut she should't hate being called 'cute' after all...she will be called thag a lot! "He joked, laughing.

Fate smiled. "I'm sure I'm not all good..." he smiled " I am after all a ex-devil assistant...can't get rid of all the bad blood... " he said, smiling. "Also I'll be tag if you want! "
Kiwi dive d under the water and swam away from the two. When she surfaced she hadbthe half-smilebagain. "Ready! "She said.

Tom smiled and noddd. "Right. "He then thought for a moment. "I have no clue...thogh I do feel like we forgot something. "He then sddenly snapped his fingers. ." Fate! He said" we where going to find Fate... "
Level 60
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Posted: 3/16/2014 at 11:24 AM Post #1218
Yasha growled at Zach's name and glared at zach who was getting closer to Tabby. "That ****** shouldn't even be mentioned in the word 'family' " Yasha said angrily. "And he should also back away if he knows what's good for him! "

Inu stuck out his tongue. "So what! I'll make sure you do drink some! " he said, moving the cup away frkm his mouth and his nose un-scrunched.

Tabby's eyes slowly opened, fear was clearly in her eyes. She stared up at at a girl's face, who had been singing. W-what was going on? She thouht.
Level 39
Fancy Pants
Joined: 11/13/2013
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Posted: 3/16/2014 at 11:34 AM Post #1219
(How long had Tabby been dead before Yasha brought her back? Also Inu is being unusually playful... i like it :) )
Level 60
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Posted: 3/16/2014 at 12:19 PM Post #1220
(She had been dead for three months
And this is Inu when he's not over stuffed with souls and really wants something XD)
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