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Forum Index > Item Marketplace > Selling items cheaply, old fest items
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Level 58
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/12/2014
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Posted: 8/3/2015 at 1:18 AM Post #121
That is fine, you do have until the 13th, lol.
Level 65
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 4/5/2015
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Posted: 8/3/2015 at 2:23 AM Post #122
oh okay :( nevermind then. thanks anyway
Level 60
Joined: 8/30/2014
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Posted: 8/3/2015 at 8:35 AM Post #123
I was wondering about the prices of the following items:

-Winter Farmer's Outfit (x1)
-Tom the Turkey (x1)
-Gobbles the Turkey (x1)
-Flowered Ribbon (x1)
-Winter Pajamas (x1)
-Sunflower Dress (x1)
Level 60
The Dreamer
Joined: 7/28/2013
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Posted: 8/3/2015 at 9:05 AM Post #124
-Winter Farmer's Outfit (700k)
-Tom the Turkey (100k)
-Gobbles the Turkey (75k)
-Flowered Ribbon (150k)
-Winter Pajamas (180k)
-Sunflower Dress (500k)
Level 60
Nature Walker
Joined: 10/15/2014
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Posted: 8/3/2015 at 3:10 PM Post #125
hello! I was wondering if you have any items you might to be able to sell for a reasonable price? i'm trying to get more items for my gift bomb shop and i don't want to have to charge to much for players to send them, so was just wondering through and thought i'd ask! thanks for your time^^ I have a total of 6,000 gold i can spend

Gift Bomb Shop-
Level 60
The Dreamer
Joined: 7/28/2013
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Posted: 8/3/2015 at 3:57 PM Post #126
Ok so I though it over and I accept your deal of the box set and hatchling, I been eyeing them anyways, as for color I am not sure >.< I cant decide between the green or the white

After much thinking I believe I fell in love with the green set :)

I'll send the items that are on hold as soon as you confirm that this is correct ^.^

Drowqueen - 8/3/15
Bouquet black roses 10k
Halloween pirate bandana 350k
Angelic Wings 1.5mil
Supernova Robes(starlight) 40k
Herb Collector's Outfit 1mil


Green set + Hatchling
Edited By Treetoes on 8/3/2015 at 4:00 PM.
Level 58
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/12/2014
Threads: 2
Posts: 364
Posted: 8/3/2015 at 6:34 PM Post #127
Ok: so yes. :)

I will be ready a little later. :D

(I am soooooo happy!!!!)
Edited By Drowqueen on 8/3/2015 at 6:38 PM.
Level 58
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/12/2014
Threads: 2
Posts: 364
Posted: 8/3/2015 at 7:03 PM Post #128
Ready! send whenever!
Level 60
The Dreamer
Joined: 7/28/2013
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Posted: 8/3/2015 at 7:23 PM Post #129
Items sent, enjoy! :) I already have a outfit planned for the set your sending me haha ^.^
Level 58
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/12/2014
Threads: 2
Posts: 364
Posted: 8/3/2015 at 7:36 PM Post #130
Same here, lol!

Items sent! :D


I had been looking for the herb collector's outfit for a while now. YAY!!!
Edited By Drowqueen on 8/3/2015 at 7:37 PM.
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