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Forum Index > Games, Contests, and Giveaways > ~Writing Contest! 2018~
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Level 75
Fright Master
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Posted: 3/12/2018 at 7:26 AM Post #121
Above! ^-^
Level 63
The Tender
Joined: 7/19/2017
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Posted: 3/12/2018 at 10:01 AM Post #122

Your character's freind is going through some sort of crisis...write a letter
Level 70
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 1/1/2018
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Posted: 3/12/2018 at 11:23 AM Post #123
If it's not too much trouble, I'd appreciate a comment... at least when I (finally? inevitably? promptly?) lose. But if it is, feel free to skip it.


Dear Raphieln,

First of all, you don't need to pay me for this. Are we not friends? ... that was a rhetorical question, please do not send a mail back to tell me we are/aren't. I treasure my delusions, if the answer is no, and if the answer is yes, it won't shake the insecurity. Either way, I'm happy to offer some advice. I'd offer words of comfort, but actionable advice and relevant information seems more to your tastes. After all, you're incredibly driven and the situation isn't inevitably going to go wrong.

I know that you have an Administrator as a sponsor. You're probably terrified of them- no, I know you are, you hired me for advice after all. Almost everyone is, though I suspect that the two of us are less so than most. I am ultimate authority on administrators within this plane. Doesn't it say something about how scared people are to study them, that twelve years of dedicated study, including years where I was a minor and therefore less than effective, could make me the authority on their personalities and society? ...I am neglecting the wandering scholars, because on average they aren't here, and certainly aren't open for commissions.

As the foremost authority, though, I can say with absolute confidence that if they wanted you dead, you'd be dead. Personally, I go through my life trying to slip under their radar and avoid their notice, though that's not exactly hard to do- most humans manage it without trying.

But you're better suited for their attention than I would be. Having the eyes of an admin on you is a grand opportunity, if you want to climb in power and prestige. I am confident you know this already, given the power of the class you have demonstrated. The day you entered, and they granted you your new class, you already jumped up to the 99th percentile of power levels. Whatever you did to catch their attention, you are far better off for it. Most interactions with administrators go well, though the closer you get the more harmful they become.

First, though, let me state the obvious. Don't pick a fight with them. It's a bad idea. You know how there's special game mechanic for sufficiently thorough kills? Admins can kill so thoroughly that it instantly resets the victim's progress completely. If they were to do it in real life, only a superior admin could undo it.

That said, here are some things to note about administrators, because it's hard to separate rumors and truth.

1) Administrators are highly varied in power levels.

I realize that from where you're standing, there are two differences between them and gods: that admins undeniably exist, and that admins conceivably have limits. However, this is far from reality. There is an admin in charge of monitoring your world in real life, and an admin in charge of your solar system in real life, and an admin in charge of your plane in real life. Conceivably- though highly unlikely- one of the council of administrators would take issue. That's assuming any of the seven Designers even persist. The Inventor- most call her the Creator, now, but that is giving her far more credit than she deserves- anyways, the Inventor is definitely missing. Not dead, she pops up briefly, but...

If your sponsor- who is unlikely to be all of these admins, for the overlap is minor- decides they want to kill you, they would need permission from all of these people. It is unlikely they would go to such trouble just because you failed them. I'm not going to say that they can't kill you, but such a whim would prove very expensive- for each admin would require a favor for the permission, and some care very much about admin interference, and they would gain nothing. There's nothing stopping them from doing less dangerous things, like revoking your class, or your position in the dungeon, but you do not need to fear for your life, at least.

2) Administrators are not sadistic.

I realize that looking at the way they regard you seems dispassionate to the level of outright sociopathy, but part of that is a matter of scale. Even the least powerful admins interface with normal humans on the scale of cities, and otherwise only with other admins. If they're even getting close enough to you to come off as socipathic, you're doing something they very much want- most dungeon masters only get dispassionate messages with no other information.

Unfortunately, this makes it more likely that they will care enough to seek vengeance. The chance is still insignificant, though. If they wanted to play god, they'd either go to the Pit, or mess with a plane not yet under the game's mantle. If they're here, it's because they want to make something real, or understand the people here better. Usually, this is sociology or engineering, but they could be trying to make or watch a story, too.

3) Administrators are people.

They are not robots, they are not unfeeling automata. If they were, they would go to the pit, as do the ones who fall prey to depression or ennui. They care intently about making a difference- for all that they speak of the pit as a death sentence, it's not a bad place. I believe your culture calls the concept a lily-eater machine? The pit is that machine, creating a "perfect" but completely unreal paradise... unlike the game, which is real, even while being simulated, each person is isolated in their own paradise.

Administrators are here because they prefer reality to fantasy, or at least believe they do. They're probably right, though only two admins have ever been documented as coming out of the pit, and I am reasonably certain one of them is a lie.

They may be inclined to discriminate against mortals, though. Certainly, some of them regard the rest of sentient life the way humans regard dogs- and this camp run the range from "inferior, but has inherent value" to "should be put down if they ever pose a threat". Most regard us positively, just as sapient and sentient however, even if they think we are inferior... To be fair, we aren't godlike entities, so there's an element of truth. It's unlikely yours is a member of this camp intentionally, but they've probably never dealt with a mortal as an individual before.

4) Administrators are "attracted" to people with drive:

Obviously- hopefully- usually- it's not a romantic attraction, but you have an ambition in your very core that makes you appealing to their goals.

Creators want to see their creations pushed to the edge of the envelope, and the best way to do that is give them to someone ambitious. Ambition means that these sorts tend to inevitably wind up in an ever-escalating spiral of conflict until they finally lose.

Experiementers find that ambitious people make the best sorts for entertaining and enlightening results.

Often they even deliberately place subjects for massive conflict. There's no guarantee that's why you're there- it might be a sociology experiment, a game balance thing, or even just that they think it'll be an entertaining story. They might even want to see how something innocuous works out- maybe the default monsters are the experiment.

I think that's it for administrators in general. Here are some things to note for yours in specific:

5) Your administrator is young, or highly unusual.

Most admins get less and less attached to their experiments or projects as time goes on. Unless your admin really thinks this is their greatest work, the level of care they have shown is almost certainly evidence of their relative youth. Their apparent sociopathy means they're not an ascendant, either- ascendants don't have trouble seeing people as people, as a rule.

They might be unusual, this is just a statistical norm. As a rule, administrators older than one century are impassive and distant from non-administrator culture. But administrators operate on such a large scale that even a few decades of study wouldn't be enough to get actual quality numbers- estimates of their population are in the high millions, and my sample is massively dwarfed by such population..

6) Your administrator sponsor likes you.

They keep communicating with you, and you told me they even did so in person. It is incredibly unlikely that they don't care about you in some way. You're clearly a favored test subject, or focus of a long-run study. Cross your fingers and hope that they don't, haven't, won't- fall in love with you. It happens, sometimes. It's usually a very bad thing. Even when it turns out well for everyone- even rarer than it turning out well for their fixation- it is very unromantic.

You know better, I don't actually think I needed to tell you this, but better to be cautious than not. I've read the horror stories. I don't want that to happen to you. If you think they are in love, message me for a guide on how to rebuff them at first suspicion of any romantic interest... but I don't think they are. If this changes, message me immediately!!!

I realize I've spent all this time talking to you about how bad this situation is- but note how bad it isn't. They can't kill you on a whim. They are highly unlikely to actually seek to harm you. The game is setup so that death is perfectly safe. If they should slay you in a fit of pique, they would quickly find you revived and themselves outmatched by admins who don't care for their antics, possibly without you even realizing you died.

The main thing you should do is continue as though they aren't watching, I would say- or at least don't try to figure out what they're actually testing. It will be fine. You will survive, no matter what happens. You may not triumph, may not keep that dungeon, may lose the war I have heard you recently wound up in- but you will not die, and will be richer for the experience, if not better off. Oh, and hold onto some money, you aren't protected from them killing you in the game, just in real life, so you don't want it all to be in drop-on-kill gear.

Stay calm. It will be fine. Nothing will go wrong. Everything will be fine.

Your friend,
Elis Themis
Edited By 18eities on 3/16/2018 at 10:22 PM.
Level 71
Nature Walker
Joined: 3/17/2016
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Posted: 3/12/2018 at 11:34 AM Post #124
(thanks! Please keep leaving commentary!)
VR Scenario
He knew these paths like the back of his hand. With a single thought, he could warp to any world he could imagine, and it would greet him with open arms, flawless, graceful, without a single scar. He could ride dragons, level forests, tame seas, anything he wanted, and he would not be punished. They were perfect worlds, and he walked among them like a god of sorts, traveling his planes with wild abandon.

But recently, something had felt different. Parts of his once-perfect memory were vanishing, and some events slipped out of his mind after he lived them through. Some of his worlds had a feeling of incompletion. Pieces of land that seemed normal, but were thinner and less solid under his feet. Rocks whose texture was wildly different than those scattered around them. People who seemed less alive than they did before, with less feeling behind their voices. The other gods he passed by seemed nonchalant about the strangeness. "It'll pass soon," they said, "you're just seeing things that aren't there."
But he knew something was wrong. As he continued down the untamed path that branched off to each of his worlds, he felt it shimmering around him with an urgent pattern unlike the calm randomness it had before. He could feel something pressing on his forehead, but when he felt at it, there was nothing there. As he walked down the trail, he saw the fragile glow of the archway portals, lined with strange letters and symbols. Some of the arches had cracks or missing pieces in their structures, and one had caved inward entirely, its world-portal vanished into the abyss.
Something was wrong. And he was going to find out what it was, even if it killed him to do so.
Level 62
Joined: 8/23/2016
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Posted: 3/12/2018 at 12:55 PM Post #125
This story is borderline creepy-ish. I dunno what to say, really. All descriptions and events are on-point, and I kind of felt bad for the spider because it did nothing wrong and Velos is just there, venting or doing something. Also, things are pretty mysterious with your story, aren't they? Whats the setting? Why is Velos in a room with pretty much nothing else? And then, of course, theres the weird voice in his head claiming hes of a rank of blood that shouldn't live. I was confused at what was going on, but everything seemed to fall into place and made sense somehow even though I didn't know what was happening. Awesome writing, and I want to see more of it because I want to know what happens next and hopefully I get some explanation.

I actually plan on continuing the story, slowly, through the themes. Lets see where you take me. ^^ Also will there be a new thread for round two?

Don't support the spider! Just a hint for what you may find later ;3;
Edited By IvyCat on 3/12/2018 at 1:00 PM.
Level 62
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Posted: 3/12/2018 at 12:58 PM Post #126
Things fall apart; anarchy is loosened upon earth the thought crossed Velos mind but he dismissed it, it was pointless wondering about things like that. He stared up at the ceiling as he walked along the stone tunnel, it was a strange circular shape and he could hear water following nearby. Voices echoed up ahead. Velos stepped forward, avoiding the puddles that dotted around. His hands lay in his pocket, staying warm. He was surprised the chilling wind even made it's way down the underground system, but not a muscle of his face moved as a reflection of this.

As he stepped out of the tunnel, he was in an open room. A carpet was on the floor and a few large wooden boards standing up. A girl ran up to him. he gave her a glance before turning away, "Velos~Senpai, what did you do this time?" she ran up to him, tugging on his sleeve. He shook her off and walked off towards another tunnel, she followed him, "Don't ignore me, Velos. I know your secret." he turned around, giving her a dark look, "Why the witch?"

She fell silent, biting her lip. Velos shoved past her, faun ears pinning backwards. he didn't look back. He brushed past a wooden figure, for a moment it felt like thorns had gripped his skin and were hanging on, begging for him to save them. he tore away, walking faster towards the exit. The sound of an arrow filled the rooms silence.

A scream then followed.

Velos broke into a run as he took the small, winding staircase two steps at a time. His ankles ached, they felt like they would break from the strain, the curse of the fallen, was trying to drag him back down. he could smell air, breathe it, feel it in his lungs.

He wondered how much more suffering would be induced until he made it above.

Velos doubted it'd be soon, he stopped on the stairs. he didn't take another breathe, but reached up his hand in the darkness.

Edited By IvyCat on 3/28/2018 at 3:40 AM.
Level 70
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Posted: 3/12/2018 at 2:15 PM Post #127
Pinging myself to remember!! :D
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
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Posted: 3/12/2018 at 3:02 PM Post #128
((Please comment!))


Dear Todd,

I know times have been hard. I know you cannot leave. I know it all seems pointless. I know it seems like you would be better off dead. But please, trust me when I say with all my heart I want you alive. It may not seem like you have much to live for right now but you do. Think about death. There would be no more laughing, no more smiles. We would never be able to stay up till 3 AM fooling around and watching movies. No more sneaking out to go swimming in the moonlight. No more getting drunk and high and just having the time of our lives. Think about it. Death would end all that. You could never eat your favorite food. You could never see New York. Never listen to music, ever again. Death is permanent Todd. If you can't stay alive for yourself, for this beautiful harsh world, then stay alive for me. Please. Please Todd. I love you and soon everything will be better. Just two more years. Two more years. That's all. Then you can come live with me and you can be free. No more fighting or yelling or parents just happiness. Stay alive for happiness Todd. Please.

I don't know what else I can tell you. But trust me I am always here for you. I am always ready to love and support you. Just please stay alive Todd. Just one more day. And one more day after that. Just live one more day until your free.

Remember Todd, no matter what they tell you it isn't true. You are strong. You are brave. You are not weak or an idiot. Please don't believe what they tell you. Think of how much you helped me. Think of the courage it took for you to help me. Think of how brave you were. Think of how brave I think you are. I will never forget you so please don't forget me. Please stay with me. Please just last two years to show me how much I am loved. Because I love you so very much. So very very much. I cannot express how much I love you. It is beyond words. Beyond friendship.

With Love,
Edited By LivingInMyOwnReality on 4/12/2018 at 6:48 PM.
Level 64
The Artistic
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Posted: 3/12/2018 at 3:43 PM Post #129
I decided to do the second

Once again, this story is rather disturbing. So viewer discretion is advised.

My name is Akane. I live an amazing life. I see so many cool stuff every day! But I was told by my grandparents...something odd...just the other day, they told me this world is not what it seems. They didn't tell me what it was. They seemed scared about something. But when I came to ask...

Nothing. They weren't anywhere. I checked, and checked...

and checked....


However..They were just gone. I called out for them, many times. But no voice echoed to me. I was so confused, and I still am. They weren't...anywhere..

But, still, I asked my parents, and my brother. Nothing. I even went up to my great aunt. She listened to the whole story...and agreed with that this world is odd. She had the same thing happen. Nothing. She was nowhere to be found. I closed my lips tight. Did..I do that? Did I make them...vanish?

I didn't speak for 5 days...but slowly I heard that more and more people were theorizing. And the count of people in the world dropped.

999 million people left.

It was horrifying. There was well over 5 billion before. How come...everyone was dropping like flies. That's when I felt a vibration in my pocket. I checked. It was my phone. I had a text message from " " What the... The text message just read "Reflection" I ignored it. Probably some prankster. I spent the rest of the day as normal as I could. When I went to bed, a sinking feeling entered me. But, I managed to go to sleep.

When I woke up, I looked outside. Not a single animal was visible. There...used to be so many. I got another text from the odd number. It read "In". When I read it, each blade of grass shrunk in half.. I then decided to walk around and investigate. Everyone else said that things were odd, but they didn't seem too nervous. So I went on. I spent the day asking everyone around. When I got home it was midnight. I immediately fell asleep.

The next morning, I awoke. And yet again, a new message. "The".. It seemed like it would say mirror next. As I walked to investigate my mirror, a strong earthquake hit. I checked my phone, and instead of getting answers, I got more questions. The caller changed names to "HS OL' O" I stared, dumbfounded. Suddenly, my phone went to the search browser. It pulled up an article. It read "The great black earthquake". It described the earthquake, and how it turned out it wasn't just me getting texted these strange messages. The end is what shocked me. It said "100000." That was how many people were in the world. I spent most of the day pondering, before I fell asleep.

The next morning. The sky looks like a red-orange color, with eerie gray clouds. I no longer felt afraid. I got the next message. "Water." I read it..."Reflection In The Water." I ran to a lake as fast as I could. While running, the scariest thing happened. "100." That...was the population of earth. I went to the lake. All 99 other people were there, surrounding the lake, extremely confused. I joined them. as we looked at our reflections, nothing was off. But then our phones got a call. It was from the anonymous man. His name now read...




I answered. It said in a creepy, deep voice, " installed" before the call ended. I looked back at the reflection. It was mine. But it looked static filled. I looked around, before I noticed that everyone's reflections showed an eerie smile for a second. Nobody seemed to take note, but I did. I started to run, but as soon as I did, I turned around. Half of the people were dying in odd ways, despite not being in any peril. Burning in humid weather, Drowning in the oxygen, Being stabbed to death by the wind. At the moment they died, they just froze, before vanishing, leaving no trace of their existence. Everyone looked around, horrified. I kept running. They all suffered the same fate, except for 9 others. They followed my lead. We found shelter in my home.

When I looked outside, I saw nothing but a rocky, dead ground, which was slowly being eaten up by the nothingness. It was black, and only 10 yards around my house was okay. I went towards the center of my house. By then, we all knew something was insanely wrong. we smushed together in a room, and prayed. But the nothingness ate one person up. Before a few more vanished. It was just me. I braced myself for any pain. But then it froze. As I looked around I kept freezing, before my eyes teleported to another area. It was like...lag??

But then I woke up. I was lying in a hospital bed. There were hundreds of beds next to me, each other one with a lump being covered by the bedsheets. I looked out the window, and the skies were orange. I was so high up, I almost felt nauseous. I heard I voice. "ARE YOU SERIOUS? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!" Before I loud bang was heard. Red poured from under the door. Then a man walked in. With a menacing look on his face. He walked to me, Scalpel in hand.


I saw crimson fill my vision. And at last I put it together..

Someone gathered us in some strange game, and tried to kill us all. Someone intervened, and allowed my survival. But it was no use.

I smiled as I realized it was over. I figured it out. I could be with my family. I let myself go limp.
Level 66
Warden of Umbra
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Posted: 3/12/2018 at 5:02 PM Post #130
Ping to self.
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