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Level 11
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Posted: 5/25/2019 at 1:42 AM Post #121
Pigwidgeon Aedia

Little Crow, Crow, Monkey, Pig (that last one of only for closer friends, she will prank you otherwise!)

11 or 12 (she doesnt really know)


Powder Monkey

Preferred Weapon
Two daggers (also good for throwing), a slingshot, and sometimes wil use extra gunpowder she has with a firestarter she keeps

Dark coppery red hair normally in a braid, black eyes and freckles all over in lightly sun tanned skin. She wears a dark old tunic shirt and baggy pants with worn dark boots. She has a old, and a bit large for her, worn dark brown pirate captains jacket (with many inside pockets). Shes small even for her age, though she is nimble and fast. She sometimes also wears a blue bandanna to keep her hair out of her face. Has a thin scar running down her right upper arm. As her job is to be the Powder Monkey, she is normally covered head to foot in soot and gun powder dust. So her jacket may appears a sort of stained grey along with the rest of her cloths, her face and skin smeared with black smushes. Because her this and her tendency for spending lots of her time up in the crows nest and climbing the ropes, she earned her nickname Little Crow. (Maybe Ill draw a picture of her sometime)

sparky, curious, and adventurous. She can be snarky and fierce, despite how she appears. She quick and witty for her age and utterly loyal to her captain and crew mates, however much shell tease and play around. The crew and ship are her family and so mean everything to her. She does have a bit of a smart mouth. She loves freedom and high places, and the unbreakable will of the unforgiving ocean. Shes good in the face of danger to keep going despite how afraid she is. Responsible and doesnt like being talked down to. She can normally be found slipping around the crew mates makes jokes and keeping up spirits, or up in the ropes of crows nest.

Her father worked on a merchants ship till it sunk, leaving her and her mother, who also had a little boy too, with no income and not a lot of money. Her mother was smart and it was a while till they were forced into the streets. Her mother then got sick and passed away, and Pigwidgeon was left to care for her and her little brother on the streets, stealing food and other stuff. One day her little brother (Benjamin, or Ben, who was probably about 6 or 7) stole from the wrong person and even when he gave it back he hit him till Pig practically jumped him. The person they stole from threw off Pig, scraping her down her right upper arm with a blade, and pushed Ben, where he slipped and fell off over the small wall and into the water, sinking since he couldnt swim. Pig was dazed and hurt, she (knowing how to swim, though not well) ran down to the water, trying to swim after him to save him, but she couldnt, and was too late to get any other help. She was devestated at her loss and it was amazing that her scratch by the mans blade didnt get infected and kill her too. She scraped by, merely by force of will to live, since she practically had nothing and no one. A year later and shes joined the Nights Revenge crew.

High places, jokes and pranks, freedom, getting dirty, things that go BOOM

Anyone who threatens those she cares for, those who are condescending to her, secrets, being bored

Launching projectiles, things that go BOOM, whit, stubbornness, agility (great climber)

Not the best at swimming, but can, cant really read (can read a few words and thats it)

All her blood family is dead, but shes adopted the Nights crew as her new family

Why'd You Become A Pirate?
Because she had nothing and no one. So why not? She had nothing to lose, so that means you have everything to gain. She was quick and was a survivor, but being so young on the rough streets and brought down by so much sorrow, she was starting to kinda die inside, so a ship was her way out, to be free and escape her bounds of life.

I saw that someone else put I think something for the rank of Powder Monkey too, idk if their can be two, if not then idk, Ill decide what to do with her then
Level 69
The Perfectionist
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Posted: 5/25/2019 at 4:54 AM Post #122
Interest ping?
Level 57
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Posted: 5/25/2019 at 8:53 AM Post #123
Oh my goodness! It worked. Thanks. I edited. :)
Edited By Scoutwolf on 5/25/2019 at 8:54 AM.
Level 75
The Tactician
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Posted: 5/25/2019 at 10:35 AM Post #124
Level 69
The Perfectionist
Joined: 11/2/2018
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Posted: 5/25/2019 at 4:55 PM Post #125
About how many more characters will we need to start? My record of managed characters in 1 rp is 10, with around 15 other side characters
Level 75
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Posted: 5/25/2019 at 5:06 PM Post #126
I'm waiting until Monday. However many characters we have then is what we'll RP with, but people are still welcome to join at any time.
Edited By MistressNyx on 5/25/2019 at 5:06 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 5/25/2019 at 5:07 PM Post #127
Nice! Accepted... but unfortunately the Navy already has a powder monkey. Do you want to change his rank and make him a bit older?
Edited By MistressNyx on 5/25/2019 at 5:08 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 5/25/2019 at 5:09 PM Post #128
Falling, the pirates don't have a powder monkey yet. But really... Pigwidgeon like the owl?
Level 11
Joined: 7/6/2018
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Posted: 5/25/2019 at 6:08 PM Post #129
What, I like the name, couldnt think of anything else anyway that fitted. If its that bad I can change it. Also im Gonna add another character...

Oh, and u can just call me Sky for short!
Level 69
Nature Walker
Joined: 3/12/2019
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Posted: 5/25/2019 at 6:41 PM Post #130
Name: Unknown

Nicknames/Titles: Eclipse (everyone calls her that. Nobody knows if that is her real name, or a nickname.

Age ((17-25)): 18

Gender ((These are the girls)): Female

Rank ((See next post)): Sailor

Preferred Weapon: Katana

Appearance: She has pale skin and midnight black hair. The front of her hair has purple and orange streaks. Her hair is long is has a light wave. She has long fingers and sharp nails with ruby red nail polish. She is also very thin.

Personality: Mysterious, independent, good at keeping secrets, kinda weird

Backstory ((Optional)): She ran away when she was 14, and then left to join the pirates at 18 to escape.

Likes: Close up combat, dark rooms, snakes

Dislikes: Dogs, egg salad

Strengths: Knows karate

Weaknesses: Doesn't know anything about guns

Relations ((Friends, Enemies, etc.)): She has no friends, and no enemys

Why'd You Become A Pirate?: To escape her hometown, so she wouldn't have the risk of being found.

Other: She has a pet python that comes with her wherever she goes
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