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Forum Index > News and Announcements > Harvest Day Festival (11/27 - 12/1)
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Level 70
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Posted: 11/27/2014 at 6:27 AM Post #131
You have to find the cornucopia (horn-looking basket with food) and click it. It's a pop up.

By chance, a pet can come from it.

That's the only way you'll get a pet from this festival, other than the anniversary wheel (where you gotta get the tickets from diamond shop OR the cornucopia).
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 11/27/2014 at 6:34 AM Post #132
Oh... Got it thanks I saw one so far
Level 60
Master Egg Hunter
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Posted: 11/27/2014 at 6:39 AM Post #133
I have been up since 12:30 server time, it seems that if you miss one the timer resets. I missed my first one and didn't see another for about 30-40 minutes. And once I didn't see one for an hour, so I probably just missed it when it did show up. x.x
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
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Posted: 11/27/2014 at 6:48 AM Post #134
I noticed some of the monthly avatar item sets were missing from the holiday shop. The sets I noticed were missing were the following:

The purple snegurochka set
The set that contains the winter veil and windfrost wings
Also a couple of the ninetails weren't in any of the sets

Just letting you know :)
Edited By Angelzrulez on 11/27/2014 at 6:52 AM.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 11/27/2014 at 7:10 AM Post #135
Where are all the cornucopias been on for an hour and only found 1
Level 60
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Posted: 11/27/2014 at 7:24 AM Post #136
Same. Imo, these cornucopias should show up just a tad more frequently.
Level 60
The Majestic
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Posted: 11/27/2014 at 7:51 AM Post #137
Everyone complaining about not having more to do needs to realize there was NOT going to be a festival and then out of the kindness to give something more, the nice admins gave us a few days. I know we all would love another full blown holiday festival but take a break before the winter festival.

I, personally, am glad there is not a lot to do because I would be torn between trying to collect everything or spending time with my family. Also, the admins are having their vacation too, so let's give them a bit of a break. You are getting free crap, enjoy it. If you can't afford to buy diamonds, there's a chance you will get a ticket or egg. Let us actually be thankful for what we do have instead of complaining about what we don't.
Edited By Kyokai on 11/27/2014 at 7:52 AM.
Level 60
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Posted: 11/27/2014 at 8:00 AM Post #138
Where would you find the holiday themed pets? There doesn't seem to be a zone like the fall festival.
Level 70
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Posted: 11/27/2014 at 8:01 AM Post #139
Author: Flute
Time Posted: 11/27/2014 at 6:27 AM
You have to find the cornucopia (horn-looking basket with food) and click it. It's a pop up.

By chance, a pet can come from it.

That's the only way you'll get a pet from this festival, other than the anniversary wheel (where you gotta get the tickets from diamond shop OR the cornucopia).
Level 60
Joined: 9/13/2014
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Posted: 11/27/2014 at 8:02 AM Post #140
Thank you
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