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Level 60
The Tender
Joined: 1/6/2015
Threads: 6
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Posted: 2/1/2015 at 12:57 AM Post #131
can I have this lady:)
Level 63
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 12/9/2014
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Posted: 2/1/2015 at 1:01 AM Post #132
Level 60
Fancy Pants
Joined: 6/3/2014
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Posted: 2/1/2015 at 7:08 PM Post #133
I am taking a little break.
Level 60
Fancy Pants
Joined: 6/3/2014
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Posted: 2/1/2015 at 7:18 PM Post #134
Author: Cooldude356
Time Posted: 2/1/2015 at 12:57 AM
can I have this lady:)

Level 70
Master Egg Hunter
Joined: 5/27/2013
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Posted: 2/1/2015 at 7:28 PM Post #135
may I be added to the ping list please? This seems quite fun :)
Level 60
Fancy Pants
Joined: 6/3/2014
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Posted: 2/1/2015 at 7:34 PM Post #136
Just saying I am going to take a break, but sure!
Level 60
Fancy Pants
Joined: 6/3/2014
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Posted: 2/1/2015 at 7:34 PM Post #137
Level 60
Fancy Pants
Joined: 6/3/2014
Threads: 49
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Posted: 2/8/2015 at 2:42 PM Post #138
I am back in the game! There is a raffle and other thing.
Level 70
Master Egg Hunter
Joined: 5/27/2013
Threads: 134
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Posted: 2/8/2015 at 2:44 PM Post #139
What the heckle, enter for them all please! :)
Level 60
Fancy Pants
Joined: 6/3/2014
Threads: 49
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Posted: 2/8/2015 at 2:48 PM Post #140
Added! Are you sure you don't want to take a guess at the number?
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