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Forum Index > Games, Contests, and Giveaways > Design the Pciture Above You!
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Level 30
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Posted: 3/7/2016 at 6:38 PM Post #131
So I am on the generator and I made my design right? But I don't know what to do next like what should I click? I know how to put the picture on is to do IMG= then put the link but I don't have any idea what to do in between.
Level 30
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Posted: 3/7/2016 at 6:43 PM Post #132
oh now I know how to do it but it will not work for some reason..
Level 50
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Posted: 3/7/2016 at 7:03 PM Post #133
hahaha, maybe this will help. Go here: The Generator Just start clicking all the choices and you will find out how to use it very quick.

Oh never mind I see you know how to do it.
Edited By Dauntlessscale1 on 3/7/2016 at 7:04 PM.
Level 50
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Posted: 3/7/2016 at 7:07 PM Post #134
Well what I do to post the pictures is to right click the Picture, and where it says: "Properties" in my choices you click that. Then where it says: "Address (URL):" you copy that and that should be the Image's URL. But all computers are different, so I don't know if this will help. Hope it does though.
Level 64
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Posted: 3/7/2016 at 7:25 PM Post #135
Edited By Lynntfox on 3/7/2016 at 7:29 PM.
Level 60
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 3/7/2016 at 8:58 PM Post #136

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Level 70
Benevolent Brewer
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Posted: 3/8/2016 at 12:12 AM Post #137


Level 64
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Posted: 3/8/2016 at 5:58 PM Post #138
just a bop, don't know the character well enough to make a pic people would be proud of.
Level 70
Benevolent Brewer
Joined: 1/15/2016
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Posted: 3/9/2016 at 12:06 AM Post #139
The person in the picture is from Black Butler. He's Ciel Phantomhive, If you need/want to, look up another picture. There is a lot of fan art, so pick one you like~ And here's a little back-round check of Ciel and a bit of the anime; Black Butler takes place in the Victorian era England, around the time of when Jack the Ripper appeared. Ciel is known as the queen's watch dog. He's a detective and a noble. He also has a demon butler on his side that will do literally anything he wants. His parents burned in a fire, so he has a steel like personality-he doesn't show much emotion for a 13 year old. I think that's good to start you off with. Hope it helps.
Level 60
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 3/9/2016 at 8:42 AM Post #140
@Stormfly, it great that you have a strong knowledge of your anime characters! But as someone who doesnt, Its probably best if we don't use too many characters. I too find that they're pretty hard to design :P I actually find the game slows down a bit when the picture is a character. Not that you shouldnt post characters! but maybe mix it up a bit :) Hope I did alright with him! ^ ^'

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