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Forum Index > Games, Contests, and Giveaways > ~Writing Contest! 2018~
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Level 60
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2017
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Posted: 3/12/2018 at 6:56 PM Post #131
Type: Your characters friend is going through some sort of crisis and they are depressed and unhappy. Have your character send a letter to them, cheering them up!

Status: Finished (although future editing may or may not happen)

Things you might want to know (a bit of background/clarification maybe?):
~Aki and Jace have been friends for a long time
~Yes I am sort of toying with the idea of them having a future romantic relationship
~I believe that as well as trying to reassure Aki that someone does care about him, Jace was also using this letter to vent a bit
~Aki ran away due to an unnamed incident, but you should know it was something pretty much everyone knew about
~Aki and Jace are both teens, almost young adults

Oh, and feel free to comment, I am always willing to take constructive criticism.


Dear Aki,
I know about the accident. Everyone does. Im writing to tell you I dont blame you for what happened. No matter what Tala and the others may say, I believe you. You are probably on the run at this point. Knowing you, I may never see you again. Leaving a note for your parents and taking everything of value to you in that dark green backpack you love so much, chances are you are far away. Scratch that, I know you are far away. Luckily I managed to get your address. It wasnt easy, so dont worry about being discovered. Anyways, I just wanted you to know how much I care about you. You are like a brother to me. Actually, no. You are more then a brother to me. Are you running from your feelings? If so, then let me tell you now that will never be a permanent solution. Hiding from how you feel will only make things worse. Now I know Im trying to be at least a little professional with this letter, but dude I care so much about you. Dont you understand that this is just the way things are? I need to keep this letter somewhat short, as I do not have much time but know that you are almost always on my mind. Look man, if you ever need someone to talk to you know where to find me. Best of luck mate, and stay safe.

Your Best Friend,
Edited By Emberfall777 on 3/15/2018 at 7:10 PM.
Level 60
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 3/12/2018 at 7:41 PM Post #132
I just wanna say that if any of the words in the story make no sense, it's probably autocorrect and I didn't catch it. Oh, and please comment. I love to hear what you have to say.
In a sci-fi world, once humans are born they are put into a virtual reality, so everybody grows up, not knowing what is real or what is not. Things are starting to fall apart in the virtual reality... and your character is suspicious about it.

When It Went Wrong

I felt her cool, soft fingertips under my fingertips as I reached for her hand. A gentle breeze danced around us, pulling at our hair and clothes. I fixed my eyes on her.
Her hair was silky and long, falling over her shoulders in muddy brown waves. Her smile was beautiful, her teeth not too white, but not too yellow either. A playfulness lit up her hazel eyes as she looked at me. I couldn't help but smile back. She was gorgeous, and she was all mine. My soul mate and life. I didn't know what I could do without her.
"Amy, you are as breathtaking as always," I said.
"Thank you, Jake," Amy replied. He voice was full of emotion and was music to my ears. "So where are we eating tonight?"
"Panda Garden?"
Amy's brow furrowed. "Um.... that's not a real place." Her voice was laced with confusion. She was even looking at me like I lost my mind or something.
"What are you talking about? It's real. We eat there all the time." I scowled at her and shook my head. I couldn't believe she didn't remember.
"No we don't. That place doesn't exist."
"I'll prove it's real."
I guided Amy through the streets. I saw where Panda Garden was and headed there. Except..... it wasn't there. The whole building had just vanished. How was that possible? It was just there yesterday! We ate here last night!
I turned to Amy. She gave me that 'I told you so' look. I scowled at her, but said nothing. "Let's just eat at that burger place over there," I grumbled, pointing at a place on the corner.
We walked there and I took in the mouthwatering scents. I could just smell the meat on the grill, the strong scents of spices mingling with the smoke. My stomach growled.
As soon as we were inside, a waiter took us to a table by the window. I looked outside at people passing by. Then I examined the menu. I couldn't read a word that it said; everything was scrambled up like one of those word scramble games. And those kind of games frustrate me to no end.
So when the waiter came, I was feeling rather flustered. I set my menu down. I had no idea what was available to order.
"Are you ready to order?" The waiter inquired. "Or would you like to hear the spec-spec-spec-"
He seemed to glitch, saying spec like a broken record. Amy and I exchanged weird looks before I gently swatted the guy's arm. That seemed to do the trick.
"-specials for today?" He finished.
"I'd like to hear the specials," I said. Then I frowned lightly and wondered, 'Shouldn't he have told us those when we first sat down?'
After hearing the specials, I ordered one. Just a normal, everyday Swiss burger. Amy ordered a steak burger from the menu. Obviously, she'd been able to read it.
"So.... what're you going to do tomorrow while I'm at work?" I asked Amy.
She shrugged. "Not much, really. Maybe go shopping."
I nodded in response. "Better you than me."
Our food arrived shortly after and I looked my plate over. The bun had been toasted to a golden brown and the patty had been grilled to perfection. The Swiss cheese was filled with its usual holes, but the mushrooms..... they appeared to be flickering in and out of view. I lifted my burger up for a closer look.
They looked like they were glitching. It must've just been me, though. Maybe eyes were tired? I took a big bite of the burger and chewed. I was unimpressed. Despite the glorious smell and appearance of the burger, it tasted like paper. I glanced over at Amy to see that she was really enjoying her food. Which made me wonder what was wrong with me.
I shook it off and tried to enjoy the rest of the evening.
I drove to work the next day, feeling refreshed. All those weird occurrences yesterday were fading in my memory. Well, at least until I saw a man on the sidewalk run into a wall and shatter into shards of light.
"What the-" I muttered. I would have pulled over, but I was stuck in heavy rush hour traffic. I drove on, my mind trying to figure out what I had seen. It couldn't make sense of it.
I reached work and quickly checked in. I was very punctual, unlike my partner. I went into the employee locker room and put my valuables in my locker: number 123. Then I changed into uniform.
I looked up after buttoning it up to see my partner. "Tucker! Hey, what's up?" I called.
Tucker made his way over and we performed a secret handshake (No, they are not just for teenage girls). Then my friend proceeded to change into uniform. His dark skin contrasted with the light blue shirt. We both headed to where all the magic happened.
The company I work at is called "Spacerock Mines". It is exactly what it sounds like. Except, we don't go to space rocks, like asteroids, ourselves to mine. No, we control robots who are on the asteroids and they mine.
Everyone has a partner they have to work with to control a single robot. That's why there are so many employees and the company is so huge.
Tucker and I work together on Work-106. We got to our workstation and started with booting the robot up. When I went to press the start button after preparations, my hand went right through the panel like it was an illusion. I pulled my hand away like I'd touched something hot. I cast a quick glance at Tucker, but he had his back turned.
I tried again. This time I was able to hit the button. Finally, we could get to the real work. With great focus, my partner and I began tunneling deeper into the mine. We saw some other bots, but we didn't interact. These robots weren't for such things. Nothing fishy happened either.
At the end of our shift, I was happy to change out of uniform and head home. Before me and Tucker parted ways, Tucker put a hand on my shoulder. "You and Amy should come to my sister's cabin this weekend. It's been awhile since we've done something like that."
I looked up into Tucker's dark eyes. "Yeah, sure. That sounds fun. I'll let Amy know when I see her," I replied with a smile. I waved goodbye to Tucker as we parted ways; me to my car, him to the bus stop.
Amy was delighted to hear about the trip. "It's been so long since we visited that place. It'll be so nice to go back!"
"I agree. We'll pack on Thursday and head over on Friday," I replied.
"Sounds like a plan."
I smiled at Amy and kissed her on the lips. My heart swelled with love as I watched her smile back at me. "I love you."
"I love you, too, Jake."
The next couple days passed slowly. That's what happens when you are anticipating something. I noticed a lot of strange things over this time. The burger place I took Amy to vanished. She doesn't even remember the place. Several people I know have disappeared as well. Something was wrong. The problem was, I didn't even know what was wrong. Things were missing. Objects glitched in and out of view. When I tried to touch stuff, surfaces faded into a green and black grid.
I was relieved when Friday arrived. It was about time I got away from this crazy city. Tucker and his sister were good friends. They enjoyed having me and Amy over.
The car was packed with our suitcases and sleeping bags. Then we hit the road. As I drove along, I listened to a couple of my favorite CDs. It helped me focus on the road. That's when the CD that was currently playing started making annoying static sounds.
I frowned and glanced over at my CD player. Amy reached over and turned it off. "That's odd," she noted. "That one was fairly new, too."
Then the car lurched and glitched in and out of view. "What the-" I managed to say. Before I could pull over to figure things out, the whole landscape flickered back and forth between lush, green forest to a black and red grid. I swerved, losing control for a moment. The landscape became solid again. I got back into control and drove on. The car had stopped glitching, too.
Then a truck was seen up ahead. It was driving on my side of the road. I blinked at this and quickly went over my options. Amy, however, panicked.
"Jake, what are you doing?! Get out of the way!" She exclaimed. She suddenly reached over and grabbed the wheel. We made a sudden, sharp turn to the right.
"Amy! I have it under control!" I yelled. I turned the wheel to the left, knowing if I didn't, we would go off the road. We were going too fast to just stop before that happened, either.
Amy was still panicking. The truck was getting closer. She yanked the wheel to the right again.
I had no choice but to slam on the brakes. The car glitched again, but was solid once more as it crashed through the underbrush off the road. Its left tire hit a rock and now we were rolling.
Amy was screaming. I wanted to reach over and soothe her. But I couldn't reach her. The landscape turned to a black and red grid completely as the car finally disappeared, too.
I laid sprawled out on the ground, dazed. I stared up at where the sky was supposed to be. I couldn't comprehend what had happened. A car crash, obviously. But everything leading up to it didn't make sense. "Amy?" I called weakly.
Suddenly, something began flashing right in front of my eyes. It hurt to look at it. I blinked to lessen the pain. I could read a blinking message in red.
My eyes slid closed and I was engulfed in darkness.
I snapped awake almost as soon as I fell asleep. I sat up quickly and suddenly. A head rush forced me to slow down. I couldn't see anything. I reached up to rub me eyes, but a cold, hard surface met my fingers.
I felt around my head to feel the same surface. My heart skipped a beat. What was this thing?!
I found it was open under my chin. I slowly gripped the object and carefully pulled up on it. It slipped off my head with ease. I blinked my eyes rapidly as I was in a brightly lit room. My first thought was that I was in the hospital.
Then I looked around and saw there were other beds just like mine in the room. Maybe some sort of shared room? There were people rushing about, calling to each other. The people in the beds seemed disoriented and confused. Some still wore the same helmet as me. Wait..... if this was a shared room.... realization dawned on me. "Amy!" I called. "I hope she's okay! Amy?!"
A door slid open on the far end of the room. A man stepped into the fray of people hurrying from one bed ridden person to the next. He had spiky, gray hair and he was making his way towards me. He was wearing doctor's clothes, including the white lab coat. He had long strides.
"Do you know where Any is?!" I called out. "I- I have to find her!"
I suddenly felt a sickening fear. What if Any had died? I had to find her and make sure she was okay! I began to get out of bed.
The man I had been watching ran over, now with urgency in his movements. "Don't get up! You have no strength," he said.
"Who are you?! Where's Amy?! I have to see her! I have to make sure she's okay!" I looked at the man, bug eyed and terror stricken.
"That's going to be impossible, I'm afraid." The man gently forced me back into bed.
"Wh-What do you mean?" My lip began to tremble. My eyes burned with tears. I dreaded the answer to my question.
"Because she was just another NPC in the virtual reality program. Amy does not actually exist."

The End!
Edited By Griffinlokison on 4/12/2018 at 10:11 PM.
Level 70
Nature Walker
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Posted: 3/13/2018 at 2:56 PM Post #133
I was going to do Frisk but decided it would be a sort of fan fiction, so I changed it to Vettie x3

Im gonna do the poem xD yes, a poetry theme ^^
Level 70
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Posted: 3/15/2018 at 7:23 PM Post #134
Fast reping!! :D
Level 70
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Posted: 3/16/2018 at 4:53 PM Post #135
Cant wait to start my next story! I didnt get pinged, BTW. I just happened to be searching through and found this again. ~Self Ping~
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Posted: 3/19/2018 at 3:21 PM Post #136
Here is my letter to a friend!

Dear Jennifer,
I heard what happened on Tuesday. I wish I could have been there to help you, but I guess It's not that easy. I doubt that there is much advice that I could give you, but I'll try to help as much as I can.

There was I time when that happened to me too. I understand completely how hard it is to lose friends. Whether because of moving away, loss of friendship, or even death, it can be devastating. I feel like that just breaking up over an unimportant matter can be the hardest.

It may seem unlikely, but there was once a time where I was literally despised among many. It started off where I had become friends with Clara, and you know how she is in school. We would hang out together all the time in, and out of, school. But then one day, an argument started between us. It lasted for at least two weeks. Finally, I put down that I was ready to be done. Clara took it that I didn't want to be friends anymore, when what I meant is that i wanted to be done arguing and to put it behind us.

We haven't spoken much since that day, five years ago, but it may have almost been the better thing for me, now looking at how her life is rolling. Sometimes, it's for the best. Other times, we should try to mend the broken bonds between us. I remember that time when you and I had gotten into an quarrel and we both ended up grounded due to our rash actions. By the end of the week, we were so desperate for people that we had forgotten about the fight!

Hopefully this will put you in a better mood. Remember that if you ever need anyone to talk to, feel free to ping me or write to me. When I see you Friday, ice cream's on me.

Your friend,
Level 63
The Tender
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Posted: 3/19/2018 at 3:53 PM Post #137
Falling Apart:The last log of the Flyters
"Things fall apart; anarchy is loosened upon earth" this was a saying, before the fall.This saying is my reality now.Things fell apart...those things are the government.Anarchy was loosed on the World.Or worlds I should say.We had found a universe that had of sentient beings...they had been destroyed by something.We knew that their government had fallen apart first.But we were fools and followed their footsteps.We took their technology and brought it back.Slowly the leaders of our world died, no one replaced them.Before the President died he told a small group, us the Flyters the truth.The Aliens we had found had died from a disease that made them slowly lose their mind, enabling them to do nothing as they watched their civilization fall.We had caught would slowly drive us off the edge.We would follow their fate.He told us that we were that last hope for the earth, we were the descendants of the Knights of the round table....he had made sure we made it.We had been vaccinated against it and were grouped to fight it.But we failed our job and now it's spreading...further than we could've ever thought.When we failed we put ourselves into Cryosleep, waiting till we could fix our mistakes.I think the time's come....are we ready tho?
Edited By Dragongem23 on 4/9/2018 at 8:43 PM.
Level 64
The Majestic
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Posted: 3/20/2018 at 5:01 PM Post #138
ID: 46267

Hooray for the second round! I'm doing the poem that starts...

Things fall apart; anarchy is loosened upon earth.
Now Gaia knew it was time for rebirth.
She had given birth to all things great and small
So it was fitting that she would be the one
To end it all.

With one last look at what she had made
She knew it was her fault they'd grown this way,
To hate their Mother and fight for their own gain
Her children had now become her bane.

Gaia wept so fervently
That great rivers began consuming
All they could see,

And all poor Gaia could hear
Were the screams of the children
She once held so dear.

It was time for the Reckoning.
Peace to the earth once more she would bring.
But because she had so soft a heart
Poor Gaia knew she couldn't part
With what she had so loved.

She stored two children in a tree
Safe from all terrors to be
So that the world may start anew
And gave them a chance to be true
Her new children roamed above.

Sadly, this story doesn't end
With happiness in droves to spend
Because her children once again
Take advantage of their friends.

The Reckoning had come again
With no more children to befriend
And Gaia was left all alone
Empty from a broken
Level 66
Benevolent Brewer
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Posted: 3/27/2018 at 11:27 PM Post #139
You characters friend is going through some sort of crisis and they are depressed and unhappy. Have you character send a letter to them, cheering them up!

The last week had been... well, hectic. Things had happened, many things.

The most traumatizing of them all was probably seeing the usually cocky and dismissive Big Brother Yuno crumble upon seeing his little brother's body laid out in front of him, with a barely-beating chest. Since then, Big Brother Yuno had withdrawn into his room, refusing to come out no matter how much Xyniu and the rest of the crew begged for him to get out and explain what the heck was going on.

Xyniu was only twelve. Yet considering he had grown up in a war-torn country, he probably wasn't the most affected by the sight. Kwan, who was usually a bright and stubborn leader, had seemed to take on a phase of silence.

Xyniu combed through his mind, searching for a way to solve... Well, everything. The lull that had fallen over some of Xyniu's friends wasn't a kind sight.

Wait! What about a letter!

Xyniu dashed into Mrs. Kim's office and grabbed her fancy fountain pen and expensive paper, even though he knew that his caretaker would not appreciate it. But- she would get over it.

And then Xyniu wrote and wrote until he was done.

"Mrs. Kim! Can you help me with my spelling?"

"Sure, Xyniu."

Dear Big Brother Yuno,

I'm not really good at writing letters. I bet I'll have to go through Mrs. Kim and have her fix all my spellign mistakes- though she might just be so tired, she'll miss some!

Big Brother, I know that this has been hard on you. But... Well, we're all here for you! Yuno, you can rely on us, because we're your teammates. And maybe we don't know you in-and-out, but it's really clear that you just need a hug. Just because we're not related in blood doesn't mean we don't love you!

I'm really bad at writing letters, but I know it'll be okay. Because I put my heart into this letter, and I'm sure that you'll receive it, I'm sure!

... And next time you go to the hospital to visit you brother... Can I come along? Please?

Your very bestest Little Brother,

Yuno stared at the paper in hands, glowing with the reflection of the sun.

He picked up his pen.


I'm not good at writing letters. It's a weakness,

(just like my tears)

just like Kwan's impatience.


(yes, please come with me...)

no, you can't come with me.

(because i'm not ready yet)

Because I'm not ready yet.

Edited By Dunno on 3/28/2018 at 7:12 PM.
Level 70
Nature Walker
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Posted: 3/28/2018 at 1:06 AM Post #140
I am going to do the third prompt:

Things fall apart; anarchy is loosened upon earth
Partnered hands break apart as selfish desires reign
Massacre envelopes the world in a deep darkness
People fall in all directions as faces turn blank,

Turmoil ensues; people evil and people good
Individuals join either virtue or cruelty
Neutrality no longer existing in the world
Fight or die are the only rules, hero or coward,

Buildings taken; residents long gone by force or death
Poverty rings its bell as pulled skin and dried bones drop
Trees shudder as they gasp for breath in the unclean air
Crimson swirls line the ground, mourning cries spike through the nights,

The terror continues; a bright candle rises up
Hopes are pinned by many on this inspiring saviour
Battles begin, thoughts of the future buried in souls
But alas again and again, failure ensues,

Giving up is not an option; trying again
Still the battles are lost and loved ones gone forever
Until the candle is back, renewing resistance
And back they go, fighting for peace, life and basic rights,

The battle changes and turmoil continues still
When the sun rises for a new day, the fight is won
Success reaches the well-deserved and joy has come back
Dust settles as calloused hands unite in love and care

It was very hard making each line 13 syllables, but Im satisfied with the result :>
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