Greetings, I am Seeker Catriona! I am the head of the Order of Lost Pets. My job, along with Widjitt here, is to track down lost pets for their owners. Sometimes during exploration pets and owners unfortunately get separated. Widjitt here has an exceptional nose for sniffing out lost pets, but unfortunately he has come down with a case of the Wakimikaloopyloos and his nose has been rendered useless until it clears up.
You notice bright lavender bubbles bubbling out of the little seadog's nose.
If you could so kindly help us out, here are the scrolls with each lost pet's information. We would greatly appreciate it! We are a small local seadog business and don't want to go under.... :(
There will be great compensation for helping me and Widjitt out!
Game Rules
The object of the game is to take the information from each scroll and go to the generator and design what you think the lost pets look like. All provided information must be used. If there are specific color hexes given, then that hex must be used visibly on the pet design. Same with the traits, you may only use the traits listed.. After you have designed what you think the missing pets look like, come back and post their images in this thread.
Krinadon and I at the end of the contest pick the best designed three missing pets. Those that get their design chosen will receive some well as a participation prize for everyone that helped try and find the missing pets. :)
End Date
This contest will be concluded at 11:59pm Sylestia Time on March 31st 2018.
Congratulations to the following players who found the correct pets! Unfortunately, the owner who posted these notices happened to wander into Eleane's camp in the Lost Grove and was never heard from again.
As such, it is our official policy to allow the adventurers who found the lost pets to keep them as their own. They are available for pick up at their earliest convenience. =)