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Level 61
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Posted: 8/13/2020 at 12:49 PM Post #131
Blair whimpered "eclipse is attacking james and she trying to hurt my momma again, she almsot milled momma last time......i dont want momma" she said while she had tears in her eyes and than told them eveything

James mother ears dropped she remembered that alexiscpuld have died and how eclipse only pretended do act apologetic about it to save herslef from getting into trouble "love what if she kills our son.....she trjed to kill alexis and a defenceless pup" she said

Draco a male warrior from eclipse pack jumped though the bush "i have an idea, alexis is an omega and james is unconcous we can banish her or kill her" he said and smiled at eclipse and looked at eclipse "or a noun violet option is to set her up in an arrange marriage with another male werewolf of your chosing im sure you can convice the alpha to agree with you what ever you pick eclipse" he said and smirked

Alexis eyes widened at his statement "our alpha will neber agree to that?" She said and backed up and nuzzled a unconscious james "you are an omega alexis, you might look like eclipses dead sister but you still a worthless omega and james father will want this wedding to go aheaf" he said and licked his lips "if you going to kill her do it now" he said and looked at eclipse
Level 57
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Posted: 8/13/2020 at 1:03 PM Post #132
"She won't kill our son. She's to be married to him." James' father assures his wife. "Blair, where is Eclipse, James, and Alexis? Maybe the best thing to do is let this argument cool down, seperate the three for a while, before grouping James and Eclipse back up."
"I'm so sorry. Eclipse has taken the death of her sister differently than others. I'm sure she will be better." Eclipse's father apologizes in Eclispe's name. He wanted this marrige to happen just as much as James' father did. If the two packs could get together, they'd be nearly unstoppable. And it was nice to have a powerful ally.

"I wouldn't mind getting this problem out of the way." Eclipse says with a smile at Draco. "And if I manage to get rid of it forever..." Eclipse turns on Alexis, ready to finish her off. It couldn't be that hard, now, right? Killing an Omega wouldn't be that bad. An Omega is an Omega, the last of the last.
Level 61
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Posted: 8/13/2020 at 2:37 PM Post #133
Narina and cassandra came forward and cassandra looked at her father "dad please, she hates alexis as she thinks alexis will steal james amd you kbow she always had a short fuse and you kept spoling her" she said and tears up and looped at the floor "i kbow you blame me for iris disappearance as she lead the hunters away from me and never came back but please....for once in your life would you please just listen to me!" Cassandra sobbed "aleix is always nice and listens to me and doesn't ignore me like you and mother do" she said

Narina frowned and hugged cassandra "sir, alexis was found injured with no memories from a gunshot wound she on the day after iris disappeared I can asure you she harmless" she said and suddenly went pail "wait you said iris disappeared five years ago and iris and Alexis look like do you think?" She thought

Alexis knew eclipse was stronger,faster and a better fighter than her and could easily kill her "what? No" she said and stood in front of james protecting her "eclipse kill her fast so i can hide the body in another packs territory" draco said and smirked "don't worry blair will be taken care of we dont harm pups" he said and smirked
Level 57
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Posted: 8/13/2020 at 3:23 PM Post #134
James begins to stir, immediately trying to get to his paws and protect Alexis when his senses had cleared. "Eclipse..." He silently wills her not to kill Alexis.
Eclipse smiles sweetly at James and Alexis before pouncing on Alexis. James growls, hackles rising, trying to coordinate enough to defend Alexis.

Her father's mouth flaps open and shut as he tries to form a response to comfort as well Cassandra as well as turn down the accusation of him spoiling Eclipse.
James' father wasn't quite catching on. "You think that Alexis tried to kill Iris?"
Level 61
Joined: 11/9/2019
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Posted: 8/13/2020 at 3:46 PM Post #135
Blair whimpered as she lead cassandra and james nother to where eclipse and alexis was and james mother belived Blair and was worried for her son the three fenqle wolves hopped they make it in time

Narina rolled her eyes "no alpha, Alexis might be iris.....sir did iris have a birthmark as alexis has one on her left shoulder" she said and looked at the alphas

Draco rolled his dark brown eyes and pinned down james "now eclipse kill her?!" He said and knocked james unconcous hard enough so he wouldn't remember the atatck "quick before the Blair returns with the alpha's" he said and looked at alexis

Alexis yelped and struggled againts eclipse who was in her werewolf form "stop please" she said scared and tears up and struggled againts eclipse who was stronger than her

Suddenly Alexis scream echoed through the woods than there was silence the scream made cassandra and Blair freeze in their tracks while james mother gasped "no" she said
Level 57
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Posted: 8/13/2020 at 7:31 PM Post #136
James' and Eclipse's father both hear the scream and both decide that they need to investigate. Between the two of them, they managed to track down Cassandra, Blair, and James' wife and get that much closer to where Alexis, James, Draco, and Eclipse were. Both father's were hoping that nobody has died.
"Let's go." Jane's father urges, anxious to get to the scene of the crime.
Level 61
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Posted: 8/14/2020 at 7:57 AM Post #137
Cassandra picked up Blair and gave her to james mother "please take her somewhere safe, she should not see this" she said and and once Blair was in james mothers arms she turned around and ran as fast as she could in the direction of alexis and eclipse

Alexis laid still on the ground in her wolf form her eyes closed and blood spattered across her body and she didn't move at all she had blood on her right paw showing she tried to defend herself

Draco looked at eclipse seeing the deep scratch alexis had gave her "are you alright? She got you good" he said and looked at alexis still body "dumb omega!" He said turning into his human form and kicked alexis and then tooj off his shirt and dabbed eclipses wound but pulled away when cassandra arived "its alright, the omega....i belive alexis her name was attacked your sister and kill her....we had no choise" he said and acted upset
Level 57
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Posted: 8/14/2020 at 2:46 PM Post #138
Eclipse snorts in agreeance with Draco's 'dumb omega' comment, also going into her human form. Her moment of satisfaction and triumph of defeating Alexis for good is somewhat ruined when her father came into view. "Hey, Dad!" She says cheerfully as she goes forward and hugs him. Her father briefly hugs her before holding her at arms length and checking for any injuries. Upon seeing the gash Alexis had given Eclipse, he instantly went into over protective mode.

"And that would explain why James is unconscience?" James' father asks next to his son. James' father is in his human form and gently petting his son's fur.
Eclipse tries to come up with an excuse for that on her feet, but is unable to. She looks to Draco for help.
Level 61
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Posted: 8/15/2020 at 8:24 AM Post #139
Draco frowned and dropped his ears "james tried to protect eclipse from alexis but was accidentally knocked to the ground and hit his head" he said and stepped closer and looked at james father "don't worry he wake up soon though from his unconcous sate he might not remember much" he said and looked at james on the ground "at least james and Eclipse are alright" he added

Cassandra ran to Alexis and nugged her "alexis? Wake up" she said and frowned and looked at her father Garth and mentally sighed she always knew her father cared more abpit eclipse he was always protective of eclipse anf not her making her the black sheep of the family "sister? Why did alexis attack you? She kind and sweet i can't see why sge suddely attack you" she said and sat down by alexis she really did look like Iris
Edited By Apache on 8/15/2020 at 8:40 AM.
Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
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Posted: 8/21/2020 at 5:02 PM Post #140
"I, myself, do not know why she attacked me. Maybe it was to get revenge on earlier. Whatever drive may have had, only she knows." Eclipse says giving a half truth.
"I know he'll pull through it." James' father says, backing away from James, deciding he can go back to ignoring his son know that he knew he was alright.
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