Jay looked at the floor and shut her eyes. " Well...protecting doesn't always mean killing someone or hurting them...does it? And James...you don't need to be protecting me..." she then looked up at him again, a sad look appeared in her eyes as she saw his face. " I survived this long on my own...doesn't mean I suddenly need lots of protection because I let you drink some of my blood..." her voice was getting a bit fainter as she talked. She couldn't help but feel guilty for this whole mess...she let him drink her blood...he just wanted to protect her...everything that's gone wrong right now...it was her fault...
( Same...but like I said >_> Inu is really really really complicated!!! He's actually hard to rp with XD )
Inu looked surprised as she started sobbing to. He screwed his eyes shut and rested his head on top of hers. He could feel her hair getting wet from his tears and his shirt getting wet from her tears. His arms tightened around her in a slightly protective hug. " Thank you..." he said once again through his tears. " I won't...I won't leave you side..." he muttered into her hair and doubt she would hear it. He didn't want her to either...as though it was a promise she could never know yet he made it to her...
Yasha had been watching from behind a tree. He smiled to himself. He felt happy his brother had found someone he could show his emotions to...someone he could share his pain with through tears and not by hurting them...
He then turned around and slowly walked away back to the house.
Would he ever find someone like that? He doubted that...because of his face...but oh well...his little brother is happy...and that's good...
( Yasha does care about his brother...even if they constantly argue and he is disapointed in him...)
Sap laughed. " Actually...that's not true...there are also Bumble bees...they don't make that great of honey but still..." she shrugged. She suddenly smiled wide. " Oohh! Oohh! " she shouted happly, a happy buzzing coming from her. " Why don't you come to my hive?! That way I can point out the difference of different bees to you! " she cried out happily. " Like the bees who make different coloured honey! Like blue or green honey! "
( true fact. Some bees ate the suger from a sweet thing and their honey was then blue or green or some other colours! )
( And okay :3 )
Wueen snorted. " Well...why don't you run along to your...um..." Wueen paused for a second and just stared at the girl. " Your pack I suppose...you hang around a lot of dogs right? Or you seriously need to take a wash..." Wueen added.
Yoka laughed. " Oh are you wrong..." he said, putting the vial back on his belt. " Some vampires just kill for fun...some want to rule over many humans as though they the shepard and the human the sheep..." he replied to her. " Besides...even though I am born and bred vampire I can't help but loath vampires..."
Yoka chuckled to himself. " Stupid right?"
Life laughed. " You think? It's like a game a god can't get bored of...forever gambaling lives only to bring them back once dead...a dye choosing our every day..."
Life then walked up behind the man and pulled lightly on a bit of his hair. " Besides...what are you anyway? Wouldn't say human because most of them just s*** themselves when they see something clearly not human..."
( gee Life XD )
Both puppets stopped dancing and looked at her confused. " We like the music! We can dance to it! " Matry said. " Besides! Pet likes it to! " he said, a un-naturaly wide grin appearing on Matry's face.
Oshka laughed. " Yes! I love the music! Why would I want it to stop?! " he sang out happily as a equaly, slightly disturbing, wide grin appeared on his face and ripping a bit of the cloth around the wide of his mouth.
Keen nodded and flew after her as she flew towards a building. He scanned the ground benith them as they flew over it. If he could see if he could spot the wolf guy before they reach the building then they won't have to do a large search...he thought to himself.
Koda had walked back over to the body of the man he had killed before and scared away the birds and rats eatting some of the remaining flesh. He looked at the body and wrinkled up a nose. Was pretty bad now...but he was hungry...
Koda sat down and showed a hand into the man's hollow chest and ripped some flesh away which he then put into his mouth before reaching his hand inside again as he chewed.
Level 60
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Posted: 5/24/2014 at 9:06 AM
Post #1412
Elef quirked an eyebrow at the witch, feeling irritiated, but then again, She was probably just as angry at them for intruding her terrain as he was with her attitude towards them...
-So you won't mind if I take that guy off that gods forsaken branch and at Least try to help him? Don't take me as a nice guy- he instantly warned, feeling that he sounds too soft- if it was only me, I'd just kill him to save him the pain, but then Misia would say I have only one resolve to everything.
Suprisingly, his sister smiled before gently but loudly scolding nim, hoping that the pair behind the witch will hear her:
-Because the sun disappeared doesn't mean everyone we meet is bad, Elef. I know you want to protect me and Sheenah but it doesn't have to end in killing. Sorry for bothering you, ma'am- Misia gave the witch honest and gentle smile, Sheenah lying silently and obediently next to her feets- we didn't meant to interrupt your...whatever you were doing. It's just my brother was worried that what he felt there would endanger me and decided to check on that, and that's how we landed there- She smiled lovingly at his brother- If I wasn't the elder one, I'd say he has sister complex...
-Misia, I have my reasons to be overprotective of you and you know that.- Elef interrupted, a little ashamed of his sister speech. He wondered how it worked on the people on the clearing, because it looked like that guy had conflicted feelings regarding...the girl next to him? The situation on the clearing? Himself? Whatever it was, he first needed at least a permission from the witch or that guy on the branch will get into his Death's Shadow claws before he'll even touch him.
Level 39
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 5/24/2014 at 12:50 PM
Post #1413
Tamika was stunned that these two wanted to help so much, but she wasn't sure if she should let them get in between James and Jay. "Listen, thank-you for caring, but I will take care of it. James is one sad, pissed off vampire right now. Who is over four hundred years old and he seems like he would rip anybodys head off at the moment." She said and took a step away from them. She smiled slightly and bowed. "Thank-you for visiting Witch Tamika's house. I greatly appreciate your company." She said and with that turned around and began walking towards the guy on the branch. "If you guys need any potions, elixirs, spells casted, or someone dead. Just come back anytime!" She yelled to them.
Andrew saw a colorful blob coming his way. Everything was blurry and he could have sworn he could see a dark figure to the left of him, reaching it's hand out and beckoning him to reach for it. He didn't know what was happening but that shadow was making him uncomfortable. He never imagined this was the way he would die. Choosing between heaven, which he guessed was that colorful blob moving towards him, or Hell, the creepy hand beckoning him from the left. He had always been interested in what Hell might actually look like but he didn't want to go through an eternity of pain just so his questions were answered.
Level 39
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 5/24/2014 at 1:45 PM
Post #1414
"No," James said and stopped moving away from her. Instead he began walking towards her with his arms out. "Don't say that. I knew what would happen, it is all my fault. I understand you are a strong human because you have survived this long, but don't you think a little extra protection wouldn't hurt?" He asked and pulled her into a hug. he didn't want her to feel guilty. Everything that had happened was his fault. He had took a liking to this human and made her his. It was all his fault!
Fang sat there in his arms, everything felt safe at that moment. Like her life wouldn't end in the next two days even though she knew it would. She deserved the death she would get, she shouldn't of made a deal with that guy. He had spent the last four years of her life killing off her family and friends and she was the last on his list. He would find her any day now and try to kill her, but she didn't want to die. She wanted to stay here on Earth with Inu. She liked him. "Inu, I have something to tell you..." She said quietly, almost a hushed whisper. She hoped he didn't hear her because she didn't want to tell him. At this moment she should be on the run, she had invited Inu and he said yes. Well made a deal with him, but same thing. She needed to leave with or without him and she hoped it was with him...
Lullaby smiled an unsure smile, she wasn't sure if hanging around bees was a good idea. She was a human and wouldn't blend in with them in the slightest. "Aren't bees aggressive towards outsiders?" She asked and dipped her finger in the jar of honey. She wondered what Blue and Green honey would taste like. What if it was better than this honey, sweeter maybe. No matter what the girl says, she would have to go and find out!
"What so you mean dogs! If I run away from cats, what makes you think I would hang around dogs!" Sasha said, attitude in her voice. She wasn't sure what was wrong with this wasp but apparently the girl liked to insult people. It was really bringing her ego down and she thinks the wasp knows it. Dogs were bigger and heavier than any cat and they had teeth and claws too. She couldn't imagine herself hanging around any type of dog...
(Time for Wueen to carry Sasha (Against her will) To Koda!!! Like good little wasp... *Pats Wueen's head lovingly*)
Kazomey was taken aback momentarily, she thought all vampires had some sort of connection with each other and would never hurt each other. She was surprised, "You... You kill your own kind for sport?" She asked and took a step back. No wonder he didn't need to kill humans or animals and take their blood. There blood was already processed in another vampire and he could just take there's. The thought of cannibalism made her sick to her stomach and she couldn't help but let out a groaning noise.
Tommy looked away from her with a frown, what an innocent. She would never know what it was like to rip someone's soul and life away and eat them till they're all skeleton. "I can tell you I am no good." he muttered and turned all the way around to face her. He shook his head and moved all the hair out of the way to show her his two large, red eyes. He was self conscious about his eyes and usually just let his hair cover them. He also didn't like the huge scar that ran down his face from his forehead, over his left eye, and onto his lips. "I'm a Song Demon." he admitted and grinned at her.
Aria gave them an even more confused look and tapped her chin with her finger lightly. "What do you mean? You just asked for the music to stop Oshka." She said, finally calling him by his name. she wasn't sure about taking over these two dolls. They didn't seem very stable to her and she just saw the one ripping his insides out and asking himself what was buried inside or something... Maybe it would be better if she just snook away.
Arcadia pointed to a guy walking up the alley and the alley looked slightly familiar. "Lets check that place out, it is were I just came from." She said and took off at a slow fly. She was scared about meeting Wolf Boy again, he wasn't really friendly the first time. She wondered if he would actually try to kill her this time and she was forced to freeze his tongue again. he didn't seem to happy about it the first time she froze his tongue...
(Lol, I remembered when she froze his tongue! That was hilarious!!!)
Level 60
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Posted: 5/24/2014 at 2:21 PM
Post #1415
Jay was slightly surprised at the hug and looked up at James. " It wouldn't hurt I suppose...but..." she shook her head and pulled away from James' hug. " But hit me if you want...I think you need to be a bit less...protective James...you remind me of my dad you know...to protective..." She looked away and bit her lower lip. They where so close to being fine again and then she said that...moron...idiot! she thought to herself.
Witchy had been watching what had been going on from the safety of her home. Viewing everything through a spell.
She laughed as she noticed the relationship between the vampire and human...and wasn't that human a friend of Tamikia's? She thought.
She laughed again and muttered a few words. Suddenly her surroundings changed and she was standing behind the Jay girl. She heard her say 'to protective' before grinning and grabbing her arms.
Jay felt someone grab her from behind and cried out in surprise, her head spinning round to meet the cruel waze of a dark haired woman wearing dark clothes.
Witchy muttered a few words again and Jay and Witchy disappeared...
Back at her house Witchy had tied Jay to a chair as she fetched some magic books to find certain spells. Once satisfied with finding them she layed the books down on a table and walked over to the wide eyed Jay. " Hold still, or it might hurt..." Witchy said to the girl cruely.
She then placed a hand on Jay's forehead. Her eyes flashed a deep red as she spoke words.
Jay suddenly screamed as she felt like her brain was being pulled out of her head while something else was trying to crawl inside her head. Her screams continued until Witchy muttered the last spell as Witchy removed her hand and Jay fell into a deep faint.
A hour or so later Jay awoke laying on a uncomfortable bed. She rubebd her throbbing forehead and got up. She staggered to the floor as though she was drunk and when she opened it she was greeted with Witchy mixing potions together with a letter next to her. Witchy turned her head and frowned. " Ah, you awake...you lazy slave " she said angrily. " Anyway...you lost your memory so I need to fill you in...your my slave and always have been and your name is Blue...understand? "
Jay...Blue slowly nodded her head. It seemed right...she thought to herself...but she just felt...so dizzy...
( And Plot Twist happens >_> )
Inu heared her say something but he wasn't sure what...maybe he should guess? " I'll come with you..." he said to her. " I come with you..."
He guessed she was talking about them going away together...
( And yay! ( I think XD ))
Sap laughed and waved a hand. " Seriously? Your with the bee who's going to take over the hive! I doubt very much they would try acting outside of my orders! " she said, smiling. She had to admit, she loved the power she had over all of the bees...apart from her bossy mother...
( Since when was Wueen good? )
Wueen snorted. " Ah to hell and back with you! You sure are a strange creature! " she said, grabbing the girl's shoulders and hovering up a bit. " I just need to find something out, because you smell like a wet dog...and if you don't hang around dogs or wet ones at that then I am greatly confused by you human! " Wueen added as she flew up a bit higher, still holding the girl's shoulders tightly.
Yoka frowned and shook his head. " No, not for sport! " he said, frowning a bit more. " Why would I kill for sport? Nah, I only do what I do for a reason...and my reason is a well reason..." He replied to her before glancing at her pet. If she didn't like was he was saying she can set that Minx on her...
Life shrugged. " Soo? Do you want me to run screaming or something? Because all I see if a guy with a scar and red eyes...who gives a s*** about your species? " she said, even though she had asked what his species was. " Anyway..." she walked over to the small pond and kneeled down as she reached a hand in and attempted to grab a fish from it.
Oshka shook his head. " No I didn't..." he replied. " I like the music...I love the music! I like dancing and singing along to it! Why would I want it to stop? I want it to go on forever! So I can ddaannccee ffoorreevveerr! " he said happily, singing the last sentence.
( I remember that XD So funny! )
Koda carried on pulling the remaining meat from the man's body before looking at his un-touched head. He looked at the man's head before eaching over and gripping it between two bloodied hands. He lifted the head up and smashed it on the concrete floor. He repeated this until the skull cracked open and he quickly reached his hand inside to eat the man's brains.
Level 39
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 5/24/2014 at 2:54 PM
Post #1416
James's eyes were closed when he felt Jay ripped from his arms. He only opened them fast enough to see a glimpse of the attacker before she disappeared. "Jay!" He yelled and lunged at Jay and the figure who disappeared in a cloud of black smoke. "No... No... No... No... No...." He said over and over again as he kneeled to the ground and touched the area were a soft ash was left. It was black with a faint purple glow and he knew immediately who took her. "Witchy." He snarled and lunged in the air. He took off in a sprint and he knew he was just a blur to everyone around him. He would kill that Witch when he got his hands on her. He knew he could still talk to Jay through there connection. "Jay, don't be scared.... I'm coming to bring you home." He spoke slowly in his head to her. he knew she would get it, he could feel that she is awake.
Fang smiled up at him and laughed lightly. "Come on, let us leave." She said and stood up. She held her hand down for him to take. She could see the wet spot on the front of his shirt from were she was crying and she could feel her shirt sticking to her body were his tears soaked it. She wasn't gong to ruin the moment by telling him all of her problems but she knew she had to tell him and let him prepare for her to ripped away from him...
Lullaby smiled and nodded her head. It didn't sound like a good idea but it wasn't a terrible idea. Raising her fingers and sticking them in her mouth she whistled for her dragon to come. "Do you wanna go by air or foot?" She asked and felt her dragon nudge her leg.
Sasha was shocked when the wasp suddenly lifted her off of the ground and began to fly her somewhere. "Where are you taking me?" She asked in a shrill voice. She wasn't used to being this high off the ground and heights scared the crap outta her. She didn't want to know what it would feel like to be dropped from this height and hopefully survive. She was a survivor after all and what did Wueen say about finding out about the dog thing. She hoped this Wasp wasn't taking her to any dogs.
Kazomey heard a whistle from nearby but decided to ignore it. She didn't need anymore species hanging around her. "What kind of reason is that, because every vampire I met was nice and well mannered." She said looked back at minx then him. She wondered what that stupid dog was doing over there and not being near her to protect her.
Tommy grinded his teeth together as she talk. He had never met anyone so annoying before in his life. He watched as she began to walk past him and then started messing with the pond. He stared at the fish and saw how frightened they were. how she disrupted everything that seemed to be peaceful about it. "Back off!" He snarled and pushed her away from the pond. "You filthy ******! Can't you see your disrupting there peace!"
Aria nodded like she agreed with him and actually understood what he was saying. "Yeah, sure... That's cool..." She said and began dancing again. "So what brought you two over here?" She asked as she focused on the strings that kept the dolls moving. If she could just cut the strings and restring them with her string she could control them.
"Hey Keen, do you think he will be happy to see me?" She asked, stopping mid flight. She was nervous about revisiting the wolf that saved her life an then threatened to kill her. She had so many questions for him but she was scared.
Level 60
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Posted: 5/24/2014 at 3:20 PM
Post #1417
Blue heard a voice in her head and looked around.
Witchy looked at the girl confused. " What is wrong with you? " she said, growling slightly.
" I...I swore I heard a voice in my head...a male voice..." Blue replied and shook her head.
Witchy snorted. " Ha! Well...I forgot to mention, you where attacked by a vampire before and because your the first human he drank from you two are connected...but don't think he's good..." Witchy lied to her. " He tortured and r**ed you...and he probably wants you back..."
Blue paled slightly. " W-wha?! " she cried out and covered her face. No wonder she forgot...her mind would of forced her to from the shock and pain...
She quickly looked out of the window, making sure he wasn't standing right outside.
Witchy sighed. " No point in looking...I bet you won't remember what he looks like..." she said and walked over to her and placed a hand on her forehead. " I'll bring back one image so you know, but it won't be pleasent..." she said to her before muttering some words.
Suddenly for a few seconds Jay's vistion was taken up by the picture of James. Though his fangs where extended and blood and flesh clung to his teeth. His eyes where staring at her with a murderous look which made her scream, that's when the image left her mind. She fell to the floor and covered her face. So scary...she thought as fear and panic shot through her, he's so scary...
Inu stood up and lightly pushed her hand away. " kay..." was all he said as a wobbily smile spread onto his face. " But where are we going to go? " he asked, wondering if she knew. " The city or what...? "
He wipped his final tears away though his face was red and his eyes swollen and red.
Sap glanced at the dragon. " I think by foot...I don't fancy flying along side a dragon..." she then looked away. " No offence or anything! " she quickly said as her wings buzzed slightly and she hovered a bit off the ground, her bees swarming around her.
Wueen rolled her eyes. " To see a friend-enemy guy...because you are confusing but I want to know what you are human! " she replied with a slight sarcastic tone in her voice.
She flew past some trees and suddenly burst into the city and turned several corners. She was looking around and smelt blood and flesh and followed the smell. She followed it because it might be Koda eatting some person or thing...
She stopped as she spotted him and flew up to him. She gagged at the sight of him eatting a guy's brains as he looked at the two casually.
" Oh, it's the annoying wasp which needs to be squashed..." Koda growled out angrily and quickly got in a sort of fighting positon on all fores.
Wueen dropped the girl onto the floor and held her hands up. " Hold it wolfie, I just have a extremely confusing human...smells like wet dog...like you..." she said as Koda growled and bared his fangs at her.
" Seems human to me! So go away! " he growled and glanced at the human.
" You haven't even smelt her yet you lazy god forsaken b***y pile of s***! " Wueen cursed at him.
Yoka looked away. " I'd rather not talk about it..." he said but instictivly reached a hand to cover where his heart is in his body.
He then realized he had moved his hand and quickly moved it away. " Anyway...it's none of your bussiness..."
Life looked up at him with a bored expresstion when he pushed her away. She then just layed down on her back and stared at the sky. " So? Peace doesn't exist if you think hard enough about it...peace is just a word humans created to give...'hope'..." she replied as she carried on staring at the sky. " Same with love...just a stupid excuse they use for finding someone to reproduce with..."
Matry and Oshka didn't dance and looked at each other. " Can't remember " Matry said and looked back at her. " Bad...memory I suppose...we where just walking..."
Oshka then let out a mad-ish laugh. " Dancing everywhere to make people smile I think! " he added and clapped his hands continously in a slightly irritating rhythum.
Keen looked at her and smiled. " I don't know...I can't just tell if someone is or is not...no one...unless of course you lived with them their whole life and know all their secrets..." he said thoughtfully.
Level 60
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Posted: 5/24/2014 at 4:05 PM
Post #1418
-Well, we checked that out...that was interesting.- Elef turned towards his sister. Misia smiled up at him.
-Un! I'm glad it didn't end with another fi...!
Misia stopped halfway, and Elef turned in a flash, only to see dark smoke and a vampire-James, that called him the witch?- falling to the ground, before leaping into air with an angry growl. Sheenah whined, and Elef instinctively moved closer to Misia, feeling through their connection, that girl-hundreds times more sensitive than normal beings- shiver in fear at what just happened and feelings that probably invaded her senses. He embraced her, when she whispered:
-So cruel...and angry...
Elef suddenly became aware of a dissappearance of the another girl on the clearing. The only reson he could come with was magic kidnapping...but why that girl?
He discovered he started to think about practically foreign girl in a way he thought he won't be able to think about anyone but Sheenah and Misia. What was going on with him?!
He picked up his sister, who by now was probably unable to walk and moved in the direction of the witch that was helping the impaled guy.
"Guess I have to interrupt her again. God, we shouldn't have to get there" he thought dryly before calling out loud:
-Tamika? Will you mind very much us staying here for a moment, and explaining to us just what in the world happened to that vampire and his...erm...friend girl?
Level 39
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 5/25/2014 at 4:53 PM
Post #1419
(I'm gonna try to bring all of our characters together at Tamika's house! Okay! Just role with it XD I'm bringing every single character we ever made so be prepared for epic rping... You don't have to make them all help or if there dead. Pretty much you get to choose who comes but I want this to be a big thing in the roleplay... Like epic battle scenes and people dieing so I suggest you bring the all.. I don't know lol!!! We're going on a witch hunt. Wow Cora! Didn't realise how any characters you had! Lol. I actually forgot how pretty Fang was. Wow Inu, you're a lucky guy XD..)
Tamika could feel the witch's power surging through the ground and it made her anxious. Her land was invaded by an enemy and she could do nothing about it. "Nothing of your concern... I'll take care of it just save this guy." She said and grabbed Andrew (Which I have to change his name in the forum because it was Jacob and I keep changing everyones names around... Woops XD) by the shoulders. She pulled as hard as she could and could hear a squishing noise as he popped off the branch and landed on the ground. "Make sure he survives so I can get some information from him." She said and disappeared in a ball of white smoke. She would need to get everyone together to rescue Jay... Thinking hard she concentrated on everyone she knew who was around and called them to her with a message. "James, Sin, Septer, Tabby, Zach, Yasha, Inu, Fang, Red, Card, Life, Meemee, Sap, Wueen, Lullaby, Sasha, Kazomey, Elessa, June, Tommy, Zoey, Lucy, Kevin, Aria, Oshka, Matry, Teko, Christian, Mokee, Soka, Cherry, Boss, MB, Yoka, Voice, Velvet, White, MR. Angel/Death, Velia, Doea, Vultra, Fate, Tom, See-na, Kiwi, Saw, Peea, Marshall, Loli, Kopa, Ana, Paste, Kino, Zoo, Tea, Cassie, Felix, Keen, Arcadia, Leo, Set, New, 187, Kit, Wheat, Jigoku, Crimson, Hick, Wave, Spark, Thunder, Wind, Frill, Zomee, Water, Copy, Jaydyn, Devi, and Koda....
Please meet up with me at my house, you all know who I am so therefor you should no where to find it. One of our own, Jay, has been taken by a rival and I need a lot of help retrieving her. Please come.
Edited By Sarahbug1020 on 5/26/2014 at 11:50 AM.
Level 66
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Posted: 5/26/2014 at 9:52 AM
Post #1420
(I haven't been here in forever.)
Roxy stared at a large area if forest that has once held the home she lived in. Camp Half-Blood. But...where was the Camp? All she saw was just a big clearing in the forest... What happened? Where was Camp? And why was the moon still in an eclipse? She had gone it bed in the Hephaestus Cabin...and the next morning...everything, everything...was gone. The Cabins, Big House, everything! She shook her head. All she had right now were a few chains... They had been tied around a tree. She had no idea what to do with them at all...
(Not very exciting... Someone find her?)
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