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Forum Index > Roleplaying > Upon a Night
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Level 66
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Posted: 5/30/2014 at 8:37 AM Post #1441
(*is creating a ninja RP oc* < random But I am going to. A ten year old ninja in training.)
Level 60
Joined: 6/7/2013
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Posted: 5/30/2014 at 8:50 AM Post #1442
( *Rolls off rp cliff once again * OOkkaayy...* stuffs you in rp cannon and fires towards the hospital * Think of rp which scary people do a operation on you :D )
Level 66
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Posted: 5/30/2014 at 9:05 AM Post #1443
(Whawhawhawhat. *teleports to Alivon* HAHA )
Level 60
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Posted: 5/30/2014 at 9:15 AM Post #1444
( Isn't that place being over run by the devil's army? )
Level 66
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Posted: 5/30/2014 at 9:20 AM Post #1445
*facedesk* and you can never escape...dang...)
Level 60
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Posted: 5/30/2014 at 9:43 AM Post #1446
( XD )
Level 39
Fancy Pants
Joined: 11/13/2013
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Posted: 6/1/2014 at 1:29 AM Post #1447
(I'll reply on this when I finish my evil characters! Mwhahahaha!)
Level 70
The Tender
Joined: 12/8/2013
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Posted: 6/1/2014 at 2:00 PM Post #1448
(Sorry for the late response, I was grounded and not a problem, I was hoping somone would RP with my characters)

Lunar Eclipse growled at boss and said " Call me a freak again and your dead meat." Naomi lightly swatted Eclipses ear and apologized to Mokee and Boss. Mizuki leaned down and petted Soka, sympathetic about his gruesome appearance. "No ones a freak here." She looked at Boss then at Mokee " What are youur siblings names? They are your siblings right? " Mizuki asked, hoping she was right about them being siblings
Level 60
Joined: 6/7/2013
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Posted: 6/2/2014 at 11:42 AM Post #1449
( Okay >_> )

Mokee laughed. " Yes, these bundles of annoyance are my seven year old siblings..." She then pointed to the giggling Cherry. " That's Cherry, as sweet and as cuddly as a Cherry! " Mokee said, scooping her sister up and cuddling her.
She then put her sister down and picked Boss up by the tail before be tried pouncing on Soka. " And this grumpy boy is Boss..."
Soka ran around the girl's legs who had petted him. His tail wagging.
" And that little boy near your feet is Soka...he's a bit...unique " she said, smiling. " And yes, he's not just a wolf but is meant to be like us all but born un-able to change..."

Soka licked his mouth, suddenly talking which seemed a bit impossable with his appearance and form. " Sister says though I will be a better wolf then the others though when I'm older..."
Boss then growled and got out of Mokee's grip. " Yeah right freak! Your backside is so bony all your bones will fall out of you! "
Soka frowned at his brother as he backed behind one of the girl's as if to hide from his brother.
" Boss! " Mokee said angrily picked him up by the tail again. " These three are such a handful!! "
Level 70
The Tender
Joined: 12/8/2013
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Posted: 6/2/2014 at 4:04 PM Post #1450
(Whoa, Cora, you look almost exactly like Crystal O.o)
"Its okay, I think I just have to watch out for this bossy furball." Naomi said and pointed at her angry puppy, Eclipse, then pointing to each everyone else in turn " this is Lunar Eclipse, Im Naomi, Thats CherryBlossom, and My sister is Mizuki." Mizuki smiled and again stroked Soka" I bet youll be an amazing wolf when you grow up Soka! No matter what your brother says, I bet hes just jealous." Mizuki picked up Soka and snuggled him. Cherry Blossom ran up to Cherry and began trying to play by rolling on the ground and lightly tapping Cherrys paws." You can call me Blossom, to avoid confusion on our names."
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