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Level 74
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 4/5/2018
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Posted: 12/13/2019 at 3:26 AM Post #1451
Sounds fun
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 4/20/2016
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Posted: 12/13/2019 at 8:43 AM Post #1452
i'll be kind and give him a millenia to figure it out
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 4/20/2016
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Posted: 12/16/2019 at 7:44 AM Post #1453
*loud screeching*

so this kid (i'll call him creepo) keeps trying to hold my hand and he puts his arm around my shoulders

i do NOT like being touched, especially by people i don't really know

i don't know how to handle it without socking creepo in the face

he would be punched in the face, but i'm at school. i don't want to get suspended for punching a person in the face, even if he is a creep

please send help ;-;


Edited By Articu on 12/16/2019 at 7:53 AM.
Level 72
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 5/17/2018
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Posted: 12/16/2019 at 1:59 PM Post #1454
Oh my gosh
okay, psychopath there... I dealt with one before He grabbed. My thigh. -///- Don't give him what he wants. Make sure he knows you disapprove. A simple "Hey, man, not cool, don't do that" a few/one trillion times might do it, but if creepo keeps at it, you can totally go to someone and do him in for harassment (make double extra sure you have witnesses, it helps).
Just one problem after another for you, isn't it? x-x
Level 75
The Tactician
Joined: 5/15/2018
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Posted: 12/16/2019 at 2:12 PM Post #1455
Knee him discreetly.
Or tell a friend who's a boy, and flirt with them very obviously.
Or pretend you're already going out with someone.
I mean, look at my sob story. I always attract all the worst ones *thumbs-up*
Author: Larkian
Time Posted: 12/15/2019 at 5:13 PM
Pff, I'm late to the party but this reminds me of last year, yippee.
I'm an orchestra student in high school. I, of course, play first violin. No, we do not have huge egos, contrary to stereotypes, either xD

Most of my friends are guys, because guys are more chill in my opinion, and all the girls at my school like to gossip and put on makeup in the bathroom. What's really irritating is that everyone is like, "Are you two dating?" and spread rumors and such, but that's another story.

Our orchestra is hilarious. Our group chats are the best. They consist of memes, spamming, and random videos that have nothing to do with orchestra. We're like one really big group of friends, after all we've lost one of the cellists in Taco Bell, and pissed off the conductor, gone to Six Flags, etc. together. It's hard to describe, but if you're in band you probably get the idea.

Sooo, the cellists are the coolest people in orch and everyone talks to them. I was particularly close to one of them, let's call him Bob, and we used to hang out a lot during lunch and stuff.

If you know me, I always talk and act in a sort of flirtatious manner, without trying to. I couldn't flirt on purpose if my life depended on it, haha. I'm just weird like that, like I touch people on the shoulder and stuff. I dunno.

So anyways, I didn't like Bob in that way, but apparently he did, because he started, like, no-so-discreetly waiting for me outside my classes and 'accidentally' crossing paths with me in the hallway and stalling outside looking at posters for five minutes but 'happening to' leave just in time to walk to class with me, but not actually talking to me like a normal person.

It got to the point where I was taking long-winded routes around the school to avoid him, and hiding behind the bike rack when he came out of the multi, because he was very obviously looking to see when I stood up after lunch to go outside in order to follow me out. When I hid, he was very obviously looking around for me. It was hilarious, in a frustrating way. And at one point, he and my friend, let's call him Danny, were coming from the same class, but not the same class as me. I was waiting for Danny, but Bob came out the door first, so I ran the opposite direction, down the stairs, doubled back across the hall but on the first story, and went back up the stairs again to meet Danny, who was very confused. Oh, the lengths I take to avoid people.

Eventually, long story short, I confronted Bob, and as I was telling him to stop, he just turned around and walked away, and basically stopped. I think. We don't talk that much any more. Yay? Also, I was sort-of-not flirtatiously talking to the third-chair cellist in front of him. I think Bob might be jealous of Danny now, who by the way, is also a cellist and is Bob's sort-of friend (all of the cellists are really good friends, being in the same section and all). Danny finds it hilarious.
I need to talk to people other than cellists.

So, anyways, I'd suggest just telling him you're not interested, but make sure it doesn't end up like Bob and me? If all else fails, talk to the other guy more, I dunno. I'm horrible at situations like this.

Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 12/16/2019 at 3:07 PM Post #1456
i plan on doing that. life is one big problem after another for me x.x

also today in the class i have with bumbling moron was pretty funny. the people who normally sit by him (they shall be daytona and carrot) came and sat with me because he's been getting on their nerves. i mean, most of the reason they moved to my table is because i am a guaranteed escape from bumbling moron. he won't sit at a table with me, which is perfectly fine

but anyway, bumbling moron was so salty all of class because he was left sitting by himself. he threw a big fit and was all "oh, so you're talking to me now" whenever carrot or daytona said something to him. he also threw a big fit if one of them did something to him that he would normally do to them, such as dropping a hairball on their heads or throwing a pencil at them

sitting with daytona and carrot is fun, though. carrot doesn't talk much, but daytona is pretty nice. he asked if i wanted to work with them and that actually made me really happy because i had been sitting by myself ever since bumbling moron dropped me

i shall find and smack your psychopath

but it was hilarious because carrot was all "you're so annoying, bumbling moron. you never shut up. you were so much nicer and calmer when you were with amanda (that's me). me and daytona are tired of dealing with your annoying s***." bumbling moron said nothing to them and proceeded to pout for the rest of class
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 12/16/2019 at 3:24 PM Post #1457
i almost whacked him across the face. but i went and got my friend's boyfriend and asked him to walk with us so he wouldn't pull that weirdness because my friend's boyfriend is intimidating. he wouldn't hurt a fly, but he just looks scary

it's okay, i attract bad ones too. one was a d**k in every possible way (bumbling moron), another has no respect of personal space (creepo), one never cared about doing things that made me mad because i forgive people within a minute for anything (someone not even worth bringing up). ah, gotta love attracting horrible people, right?
Level 72
Warden of Umbra
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Posted: 12/16/2019 at 6:58 PM Post #1458
Good for them!!! :D
Sounds like progress is being made, then!

Oh, no need to smack my psycho, he got the hint, we stayed friends, and now he's in the military...
Level 75
Joined: 1/19/2018
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Posted: 12/16/2019 at 11:26 PM Post #1459
First, I don't need or want sympathy. I just need to vent. If you want to reply, fine. If you don't, that's fine too. Thank you.

You have it so good, Elizabeth. You realize other kids can't even go to school because they have to work. Girls your age are being sold into marriage and******d and have to walk miles on bare feet just to get water. You could have it so much worse. You have no excuse to be crying yourself to sleep each night, to have arms so covered in scars you can't wear short sleeve shirts. To try venting to an IRL friend over your school email since your parents don't trust you with your own, you're15, and go to the councilor's office because she askes if you're okay. 'you're not hurting yourself, are you.' No, I'm not, but I'm not okay either, but I'm going to smile and lie and say, 'I'm fine.'

I live with a woman who constantly judges me and belittles me and makes me hurt SO MUCH, in so many ways. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Whoever put those posters up at school can gth. Words hurt more than anything. Thing is, she doesn't even realize it. She thinks all 'oh you ungrateful little b*tch, maybe if I insult you and yell at you and guilt trip you into sobbing your eyes out, you'll be a nice person.'
'How do you have friends if you're this rude and cruel and defensive'
Because my friends are actually good people. They're not like you. They don't trap me in the bathroom screaming 'what the hell is your problem' while I'm shaking in the corner crying, I can't breathe, I'm having a panic attack. I don't flinch whenever they raise their arm. I've never had to grab scissors because I'm so terrified when they come toward me.

I joke about not liking school. 'Is it time to go home yet.' But I'm not at home, I'm with people I love, I don't want to leave. Every day, it's an effort to get on that bus knowing it's going to bring me back to the house. Not home. Not my home.

The teachers say 'if you ever need to talk to someone I'm here.' They're also expected to report stuff. My band teacher hasn't reported me when I vent to her, told her I'm legit scared of my mother sometimes. I've told her we got into screaming matches, and how you hit me. I know if I tell her too much she'll have to report me though. Even professional counsellors. They're legally required to tell authorities if you're thinking about harming yourself or others. So no. School teachers and counsellors? No. The friend I already mentioned? Never see her, she's in 8th grade at the MS, and I bet you anything they're checking my email after that one 'incident'. No. Other friends? None of them get it.

I hate her. Both of them. You say 'now Elizabeth, hate is a really strong word. You don't really hate them, you just sometimes strongly dislike them.' No. I meant it. I hate both of them, and as soon as I can, I'm going to go out of state for college, get a job, and never talk to them again if I can help it. Why? I don't care about them. They're my parents, they raised me. But we don't get along. Couldn't if or lives depended on it. I want to be free of them, not constantly judged and mocked and put down. I can't tell them anything. Coming out? Hell no. It was scary enough putting on a rainbow bracelet. And if they read this, somehow... they'd sit down. Make me talk to them. 'Why didn't you tell us sooner? This can't be what you really think. You're a teenager. You don't mean any of it, it's just your hormones raging.' They've said that last one before. It's not my hormones it's my emotions and I know how I feel, so please screw off. The stuff they've said and done has made me almost say 'f*ck this I'm done' more than once. Almost.

My dad said 'when you're 18 you can walk out the door and do whatever you want. Until then you listen to us'. Gladly. I can't wait for the day I turn 18 because I'll celebrate my birthday by throwing all my stuff in my car and leaving. I can't wait for the day I never have to see you again. And when you're old and calling me and wanting me to come visit and I don't, you have no one to be mad at but yourself. You brought it upon yourselves. I've debated leaving before. But if I'm not 18 it would be running away and all that and even if I did, it would just make stuff harder. They'd probably even insist on walking to the bus stop and waiting with me, all this ridiculous stuff. So leaving now would be too hard and land me in deep ****** that I don't want to make myself deal with. So yeah, not worth it.

A little while ago she came in and we got into another screaming match. I said something along the lines of 'we both know I don't like you, glad we can agree on that' and she angled a pretty good punch at my face. Because apparently hitting me will 'fix that filthy, b*tchy little mouth of yours'. I admit I probably shouldn't have said that, and even though I dodged it, something I'm unfortunately good at, it still would have left quite the bruise tomorrow. I've lied about the bruises and cuts on my arms too much to my friends.

So I know this is just a big thing about me whining and complaining when I know other people have it way worse, but thank you, anyway. I don't plan on leaving any time soon, don't worry.

Just used the therapist pinglist. Dunno if I should use the general ones.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 4/20/2016
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Posted: 12/17/2019 at 7:41 AM Post #1460
yeah. it's funny. even my teacher was laughing at him

*sigh* i'm having heart problems. metaphorical ones, not actual problems. my heart just hurts because i still love and miss bumbling moron, even though i should hate him for everything he's done to me, and i don't know what to do about it. i still dream about him sometimes. i still think about him a lot of the time. and it sucks because i don't want to but i just... can't make myself stop
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