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Level 60
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Posted: 11/27/2014 at 8:11 AM
Post #141
Everyone complaining about not having more to do needs to realize there was NOT going to be a festival and then out of the kindness to give something more, the nice admins gave us a few days. I know we all would love another full blown holiday festival but take a break before the winter festival.
I, personally, am glad there is not a lot to do because I would be torn between trying to collect everything or spending time with my family. Also, the admins are having their vacation too, so let's give them a bit of a break. You are getting free crap, enjoy it. If you can't afford to buy diamonds, there's a chance you will get a ticket or egg. Let us actually be thankful for what we do have instead of complaining about what we don't.
What free crap? Unless you're talking about the elusive cornucopias. I agree the admins are very nice and I love them to bits and respect them highly, but let's call a spade a spade here. This is very obviously a money fest to benefit the site and I get it. They have to have funds to continue growing the site. But if I don't like something, I'll say I don't like something. When I do like something, I say that, too.
Edited By Shadow on 11/27/2014 at 8:20 AM.
Level 70
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 11/27/2014 at 8:13 AM
Post #142
I found a Griffi egg! The first one! I is so happy!
Now, to my queation: Is the griffi egg considered a 'Wheel Pet' even though is came out of the basket thing?
Level 66
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Posted: 11/27/2014 at 8:20 AM
Post #143
I believe it is themed, not a wheel. :D But it's still worth it! :3
I found a Griffi egg! The first one! I is so happy!
Now, to my queation: Is the griffi egg considered a 'Wheel Pet' even though is came out of the basket thing?
Level 60
The Majestic
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Posted: 11/27/2014 at 8:27 AM
Post #145
I was not trying to attack you, or anyone for that matter. I was simply saying that maybe we all get caught up in the rush of something we feel we are deserved and forget that it could just have easily not happened. Perhaps this is not your case. I wasn't speaking directly to anyone. In general, I saw a lot of people complain about things.
Of course you are entitled to your opinions and not being a fan of this festival. I greatly enjoy the festivals where there are lots to do and this does seem difficult and lack-luster. That being said, I stand by the fact that it -WAS- put on for our benefit and you DO get free stuff. It may be small, you may not care for it, the chance for an egg may be too small.. But the chance IS there. Originally, this was going to be PURELY about purchasing the avatar sets on sale. And then it was PURELY going to be about money. They've thrown us a bone (even if you do not think it is a good one) and that is to which I was referring.
I do not know if it is because of the internet and I cannot hear your tone, but you sound pretty hostile and, as I said, my comment was not directed to anyone in particular. You said you have your opinions, and I have mine. I think a shot at something is better than nothing. And I'm not "fawning" over any admins; I think it is nice that they tried to do something for the holiday instead just the diamond sales. So if you were offended at what I said, then I apologize.
I was not trying to attack you, or anyone for that matter. I was simply saying that maybe we all get caught up in the rush of something we feel we are deserved and forget that it could just have easily not happened. Perhaps this is not your case. I wasn't speaking directly to anyone. In general, I saw a lot of people complain about things.
Of course you are entitled to your opinions and not being a fan of this festival. I greatly enjoy the festivals where there are lots to do and this does seem difficult and lack-luster. That being said, I stand by the fact that it -WAS- put on for our benefit and you DO get free stuff. It may be small, you may not care for it, the chance for an egg may be too small.. But the chance IS there. Originally, this was going to be PURELY about purchasing the avatar sets on sale. And then it was PURELY going to be about money. They've thrown us a bone (even if you do not think it is a good one) and that is to which I was referring.
I do not know if it is because of the internet and I cannot hear your tone, but you sound pretty hostile and, as I said, my comment was not directed to anyone in particular. You said you have your opinions, and I have mine. I think a shot at something is better than nothing. And I'm not "fawning" over any admins; I think it is nice that they tried to do something for the holiday instead just the diamond sales. So if you were offended at what I said, then I apologize.
No, I'm not offended and I edited my post because I know I tend to be blunt which, as you said, can come off as hostile sometimes. That wasn't my intent at all and I'm sorry if that's how it came off.
I appreciate the admins and think they're the best admins on any game I've been on. That's simple truth.
The only reason I don't like this fest is because it's lacking the map. Hanging around and clicking various pages, hoping something pops up is frustrating and boring to me personally. It's not that I'm ungrateful, I would simply have preferred a small map to run around on vs. click, click clicking pages, whether I ended up with anything or not.
Edited By Shadow on 11/27/2014 at 8:35 AM.
Level 50
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Posted: 11/27/2014 at 8:39 AM
Post #147
As for me.. If you're NEW to this site BUT NOT NEW TO AVATR SITES, this festival sucks a lot!
WHY!? It's ok making a money festival to give them more chance to upgrade the site and so on BUT maybe giving a better chances to get cornucopias!
I was here for 3 hours and more.. trying to find a stupid cornus and only now I found one....
So... sincerely not a nice festival...
What's teh point to make a festival just for who can use diamonds and spending real money?
'cause as I said, You get diamonds only with money or if you've tons of golds in game and this means you're rich and enough old in this site...
For being my first festival, i don't really like it at all...
I don't mind having stupid gift form a cornucopias.. It's ok!
But jeez... a better rate chance to get it, pls!!
you've 4 days ok... but if you've to find a cornucopia every 3 or 4 hours as I did, then well... IT SUCKS!
Level 60
The Majestic
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Posted: 11/27/2014 at 8:40 AM
Post #148
^-^ I gotcha now. Okay. Yep, a little single square map would have made things easier, I do agree. And as far as the page clicking, that isn't very fun, I will agree with that too. But each year they seem to do more and more so maybe next year there will be a map instead.
I am glad neither one of us is mad, just strongly opinionated lol. Well, I'm off to go start cooking. Thanks for responding and clearing things up; I'm always worried I'll make enemies on here, which would stink because I really love this site and the community.
Level 60
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Posted: 11/27/2014 at 8:49 AM
Post #149
Ax, I understand your frustration, especially if it's your first fest. But really, this fest isn't an indicator of 'normal' fests. This is...well, for lack of a better word...a sale fest... before the major winter fest, which isn't like this at all. You'll see. There will be a map, pets to find and catch, bosses to fight for great prizes, all kinds of fun events, etc, that everyone, whether they have real money to spend or not, can enjoy, so hang in there!
And Ky, I'm glad there's no hurt feelings! I don't want to make enemies either, God forbid! lol
Happy Thanksgiving! I'm going to be doing a roast chicken, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy and fresh bread and salad. Nothing too fancy, it's just me and my two sons. :)
Edited By Shadow on 11/27/2014 at 8:50 AM.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 11/27/2014 at 8:49 AM
Post #150
Everyone calling this a Diamond buyer festival needs to stop. I don't spend money on online sites and I still accumulated 910 diamonds through buying on the exchange. Once missions become easier to complete, it's pretty easy to make gold to be spent on diamonds. I was so excited about being given the opportunity to get past monthly sets since I didn't know about the exchange back then.
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