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Forum Index > Roleplaying > Professor Maple's Institute of Maste...
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Level 61
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Posted: 2/5/2016 at 5:49 PM Post #141
Vida growls shaking off the dust"Solllllllll!!" he jumped on to blue and used Bite. Ash noticed all the trainers gathering to watch"Vida, Quick Attack!" Vida jumped over Blue and ran around in circles to make him dizzy. Then while confused, Vida used Quick Attack.(he only at 15 hp so! next out is Tidus! Yay))
Level 60
The Majestic
Joined: 5/17/2015
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Posted: 2/5/2016 at 5:54 PM Post #142
Blue tackles Vida one last time before standing still. Kuro watches and waits.
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 2/5/2016 at 6:01 PM Post #143
"Oh, hi!" Said Floatsie, "we're doing fine! Would you like to join us? You don't have to come in the water though," he said to the ninetales.
Level 59
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Posted: 2/5/2016 at 6:19 PM Post #144
"Sky, Moon, come on, it's really nice." River says flouting around before diving underwater. Her tails spinning to make her swim faster. Moon jumped in and dogpaddled around while Sky just shook her head.
"I'm going to check the rest of this place out." She says as she walks further into the biodome. Her tail flicking from side to side.
Level 60
The Majestic
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Posted: 2/5/2016 at 6:33 PM Post #145
Hound watched as Sky walked off, he had the feeling she was up to something but ignored it to look at ninetails, "Houndoom. Houn-ound. Doom." ("I'm going back to patrolling the school grounds.") With that, he heads out of the dome using his collar key and goes back to his post.
Level 60
The Majestic
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Posted: 2/5/2016 at 6:34 PM Post #146
(Ping ^^^)
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 9/17/2015
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Posted: 2/5/2016 at 6:36 PM Post #147
Diving into the water with skill, Floatsie swam down to the bottom of the lake, picking shells and sticks out of the mud. Coming up, he placed the shards on the shore so that he could transfer them to a larger collection later.
Level 57
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Posted: 2/5/2016 at 7:53 PM Post #148
Autumn noded and smiled, as she was about to respond in the positive Alex suddenly started walking off. Rushing after him, Persian by her side, she kept up with Alex. "Wow," she breathed as she saw the bio dome for the first time. It was huge, and quite impressive, the Pokemon confined within must find it quite comfortable. As if Persian heard Autumns thoughts she hissed and glared at the bio dome. Even the thought of being in that large cage made a shiver work its way through Persians body. "Are any eggs due to hatch?" She asked Alex as he started of towreds the hatchery. "Sorry, I'm not completely caught up on what's going on in the school yet," she laughed
Level 61
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Posted: 2/5/2016 at 8:34 PM Post #149
The Ninetails nodded to Floatsie"Want to see something cool?" she used Flamethrower on to the river and the whole surface caught on fire!"See"

With that last tackle, Vida fell to the ground"Return, you did good." she pulled out Vida's pokeball and clicked the button."Tidus! Show me what you can do!" Tidus ran out in to the battle field.
Edited By Iipurepoison on 2/5/2016 at 8:36 PM.
Level 60
The Majestic
Joined: 5/17/2015
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Posted: 2/5/2016 at 9:10 PM Post #150
"That's fine, you see, before the students got here, we made sure to make this place the best academy we could by building the biodome for the students to view pokemon. We also built the hatchery for those pokemon who have young that are to small or weak to be in the dome. Though we also have a field for those pokemon that are more domestic like miltank and tauros." Alex explains. He reaches the hatchery which was a large building that resembled a large barn only with much more room and a few incubation chambers for orphaned eggs. In a few stalls were some pokemon with small babies. Alex moved to a incubation chamber and checked on an egg. "This egg was found by a trainer who gave it to the pokemon center where the nurse gave it to us to take care of. Though we still have no idea what it is exactly." He says.

Blue runs at Tidus using tackle while Kuro watches with every hair on end.
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