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Level 57
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Posted: 8/21/2020 at 5:38 PM Post #141
Edit: double post, whoops!
Edited By Scoutwolf on 8/21/2020 at 5:39 PM.
Level 61
Joined: 11/9/2019
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Posted: 8/21/2020 at 6:26 PM Post #142
Cassadra looked at her father was devisted he actually bealived eclipse once again and he never once listened to her and laid down by alexis "don't worry ill look after Blair" she whimpered and in tears looked at james father "your son is injured and you going to leave every male a awful father?!" She snapped abd turned into her human form "father as you never seem to respect and listen to me i want to leave the pack and im taking alexis and Blair with you most likey execute alexis and make blair a omega or throw her out" she said and glared at eclipse "By the way sister......i think alexis is a better sister then you and a much better match for james at least she cares about him unlike eveyone else here" she said
Level 57
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Posted: 8/21/2020 at 6:38 PM Post #143
There were a lot of objections from everyone around Cassandra when she had her outburst.
"No, Cassandra, don't leave the pack." Her father begs, not wanting his child to leave him.
"I'm not an awful father. I care about James. James'll be fine! He'll come to eventually. He can take care of himself." His father says. "And as for Alexis and Blair, I just might."
"I care about James! And I'm the best sister you'll ever have." Eclipse objects, if not already in her human form, turning into that form now.
Level 61
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Posted: 8/21/2020 at 6:53 PM Post #144
Cassandra ignored james father and glared at eclipse "lies lies....father the only time you would actually pay attention to me is during meetings so you look good the rest of the time you couldn't even look at me acting like it was my fault Iris died and you constantly only paid attention to eclipse" she said woth tears and glared at eclipse " for years you treated me like i was unwanted only cared about soon as james came you got worse spying on him and attacking alexis as you knew how james felt" she said and glared at her father "its too late, I never even heard you say you love me but you can't be said to eclipse" she said and pulled alexis closer "good bye and have a great wedding" she said and ran off
Level 57
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Posted: 8/21/2020 at 7:07 PM Post #145
Eclipse and the two fathers watch Cassandra go with Alexis to only the gods knew where. "Is anyone going to go after her and make sure she stays safe? Actually, never mind, I think she would easily rip all of our faces off if she really wanted to." Eclipse swivles around to find James wincing as he sat up.
"Oh! James! Hi!" She went forward and hugged him, nearly squeezing the breath out of him. "Don't worry about those two. Alexis tried to kill me and I think Cassandra may be working with her. Maybe the two of them killed Iris? Who knows. We're all good and safe now." She pets James, combing her fingers through his fur, holding him at arms length.
"Why would Alexis try to harm you?" James asks.
"That's exactly what Cassandra said. Are you working with Alexis too?" Eclipse inquires.
"What? Working with her in what, why?" James asks, confused.
Eclipse looks suspiciously at James, "I don't know, a few of us know for certain that you liked her..."
"Ok, yes, I care about her, but that doesn't mean-" James was interrupted.
"James! How could you! Working with such a terrible person! I'm sure she tricked you into it somehow, so I feel like I can forgive you..." Eclipse's unspoken message clearly shouted the opposite. James sighs. This was too much of a problem too soon.
Level 61
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Posted: 8/22/2020 at 11:25 AM Post #146
James mother looked at the scene from afar she hated eclipse as she was so horrible to others including her own sister and james and stepped closer and whispered to james father "why are we going along with this wedding?" She whispred worried she dodgy think eclipses was good enough for her son

Narina walked closer and glared at eclipse "you acxuse your own sister of that awful crime cassandra is fiftteenand your sister disappeared over six years ago are you anually causing her of that and alexis and cassandra never meet untill what yesterday" she said and looked at james and mouthed a sorry to him. Narina turned around amf frowmed
Level 57
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Posted: 8/22/2020 at 4:45 PM Post #147
"We're still going with the wedding because it would help make us stronger. By joining with another pack, we're securing another ally." James's father lists things that make the marriage sound like a good idea. All political stuff.

"Yeah, that's one day to set us up. People can do that." Eclipse says, sitting down. "And we aren't sure on when they met so it could have been longer."
James smiles and shrugs slightly at Narnia, trying to let her know that it was alright. Water off a ducks back. He tried to get rid of any grudges or negative feelings as soon as possible.
Level 61
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Posted: 8/24/2020 at 7:47 AM Post #148
//love your blue tiger, how did you get it?

James mother frowned she wanted her sun to be happy and fine love I'm gonna go time not be some political porn for some gane "my love but are you sure about eclipse? She treats him rather badly" she repiled and glaced at eclipse and frowned "the way she treated her younger sister and you know that are rumours going around that eclipse setup the attack or Cassandra and Iris to secure a place as the only surviving Alpha" she said and frowned

Narina sighed and looked at her mate as he came over " I am afraid I bear bad news welcome Sandra and Alexis and Blair was trying to escape they ran into a diffrent wolves pack .......and killed, we think that the Unknown pack mystic them for trespassers or a theat" he said and looked at the floor.

//Alexis,casanadra and blair aren't dead to protect the females from eclipse ir being leabled as traitors and killed he helped them set up a fake death secne and fooled eveyone
Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
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Posted: 9/4/2020 at 11:02 AM Post #149
// I got the blue tiger from the patriotic event. You get another animal before the tiger. And ok, thank you.

"Eclipse is just nervous about the upcoming wedding and wants it to happen just like everyone else. James is willing to do what it takes to help the pack. I brought him up that way." James' father says. "And those are just rumors. We can't give them any heed. They're the foolish sayings of those that want to cause chaos. Or rise to power through ill means." He smiles at her and gently takes her hand. "I know you are worried, but I am positive that this will all work out. I love you." He says and kisses her forehead.

Eclipse refrained from making a comment about how that was a good thing because possible traitors shouldn't be allowed to live. Instead she hung her head and pretended to mourn. One was her sister, after all. And, if she had to admit it, she was feeling the inkling of regret for having accused her sister and then she die only a few moments later. It may not have felt fair, but Eclipse knew that it was the best. Her rise to power was going well. When she was finally in control of this pack as well, she would simply have to conquor the others. Or have pups and then marry them off, which was a less bloody way.
Level 61
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Posted: 9/17/2020 at 1:55 PM Post #150
James's mother knew better she knew eclipse was a spoilt she-alpha who was selfish and selfcentered and only cared about her self and James mother didn't believe that she loved James and being his mother she saw how he looked at Alexis the way he smile and his eyes would light up when ever he saw her it reminded her of how James father would look at her (James mum) all those years ago "I understand...........let's hope their love won't raid like your love for me" she said whispering the last part and stood up "may the hunting parties go hunting for food and the patrollers patroll our territory" she said and placed at eclipses father "would you like to postpone the wedding to a later date or bring it closer?' She asked him.


Three female wolves arrive on unclaimed territory it wasn't claimed as there was no pray animals only fish so it would be sitible for a whole pack but it be perfect for the three she wolves Alexis,Blair and Cassandra "this is perfect!!" Said Cassandra who smiled at Blair "we miles away from any pack and even father from eclipse and James pack" she said and Alexis nodded and put Blair down and looked at the setting sun "I hope James and your sister will be happy together" she said as a pang of pain gripped her heart as she thought of James loving another and she realised she had feelings for James
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