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Level 60
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Posted: 7/6/2014 at 6:33 AM Post #1541
Glacies aimed a kick at Wheat's knee, before turning away and puffing. "I don't like you two." She simply said, her back turned to both kitsune and siren. Seiun sighed.
"Oh come on... I'm pretty sure.... Er... What are you doing....?" He had felt bad, but the kitsune immediately backed away when the human girl bent down, her hands seeming to work on something.
"Oh... If you two won't help... Then I'll just make one and throw it myself." Glacies now had a mud ball in her hand, and she coated in a light layer of ice. "This should catch his attention. The ice will break upon contact, causing it to hurt, and lets the mud ball retain its form. It will make it easier of throw as well, and less messier." Saying thus, she tossed one to Wheat and went on to making another, remembering to fill it at the core with a stone.

Shirou sighed, but drew Tom close, wrapping the younger - yes younger, Shirou was still over a couple thousand years old - boy in a hug. "Geez. Calm down. Until we can no longer do so, we'll make sure Fate stays calm, and won't hurt you, alright?" We meaning him, Lilith and Seiun. The onmyoujis may help, but definitely his group would. While they may not be able to stop Fate from being angry, together, they could easily restrain him. Three was always stronger than one. "So don't worry, alright?" Shriou drew back, arms dropping to his side. His wolves had left a long time ago, stalking Water, making sure she did not do anything that may harm others.

While a reaper, Vulpes was one of the kinder ones. Eyeing MB, she gave a sigh, bending down to Fate's level, dropping her voice to a low whisper as she placed her mouth near his ear. "Once he's gone, I'll heal you." Well, she would try, unless that demon girl, or one of the other reapers appeared. Really, she just didn't like causing pain to those who weren't meant to die, and Fate was one of them.

Hunter growled. Where was she? Those pesky little intruders.... She was his, and no one else. How dare they take her from him! Unfortunately for them, he was a hunter, and she, his prey. As such, he would never let her leave him. He would track her down. A sickly grin crossed his face. He was close by. Ally.... I'm coming for you....
Level 60
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Posted: 7/6/2014 at 8:04 AM Post #1542
Wheat winced a bit at the kick and looked at the male kitsune. " Geez she's easily angered... " he said to her before he felt something hard hit him. He cried out in surprise and turned. He then realised Glacies had chucked one of those frozen mud balls at him...
" Why'd you do that? " he asked, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

( Geez XD Stalking Water... )

Tom was surprised by the hug. He lowered his eyes to the floor during the hug but when Shirou stopped hugging him he looked back up. " Right... " Tom said. He then laughed gently to himself. " I'm panicking way to much aren't I...? Guess I'll be sticking close to you for a bit to " he added as he rubbed the back of his neck as he laughed again.

Fate growled and pushed the reaper girl away from him. " I don't need b****y healing! I can just get Webber to lick me... " he muttered the last part about Webber. He knew that would cause even more pain but would help speed up the process of healing.
MB growled. " Eeep awooy! " it said angrily as it to pushed Vulpes away from Fate. " Ee needs ppaan! nacht muuthee uff! "

( MB translation time! 'Keep away. He needs pain not motherly stuff' )
Level 60
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Posted: 7/6/2014 at 8:52 AM Post #1543
Glacies laughed. "You were meant to catch it, bakadesu~!" She threw another at Wheat. "Coming your way!" Now, she could get onto making one for Seiun and herself....

Seiun laughed. Bakadesu? Who would've thought, to call Wheat an 'idiot', while using the desu suffix to make it sound cute. 'Hey, looks like she got you on that one." He called out, slight teasing in his voice.

Shiro chuckled. 'It does seem that way, doesn't it? Though, it's only natural to panic, so do not worry. Shall we go back to the others? The others at the clearing that is, for I doubt you would like to see Fate now." He had only quickly added the last part, for it had slipped Shirou's mind as to which group he was talking about. "Perhaps we can find Water as well. It seems that Lilith wanted to have a chat with her."

Vulpes growled. It was rare to get her angry though, and she got up, dusting herself off. "As you wish." She said simply, seconds before her communication watch beeped. Curious, she answered, pulling said device to her ear, as she retracted her scythe into a small blue bar.
"Mmhm... Alright. I've got someone to take care of though- Oh, you'll send those two?... You sure? ...If you say so." Vulpes tossed a tracking gps to Ally, who caught it.
"Alright Ally, I've got to go. It seems a number of people have died, and their souls are messing up this plane. As one of the more senior reapers, I have to attend to this problem." Vulpes lowered her arm. "However, two boys, Kaito and Yukio, will replace me. Be nice." With that, she pressed a button on her watch, and concentrated her power. Soon, she had disappeared from the group's presence.
Level 60
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Posted: 7/6/2014 at 9:18 AM Post #1544
Wheat managed to catch the next one that time before he stuck his tongue out. " Geez, your so mean Glacies! " he joked, trying to frown without laughing. " I don't know why I ever talked to you in the first place! "
Wheat couldn't help but have the urge to chuck the frozen mud ball back at Glacies...and see if it would hit her or not.
He lifted it looking ready to throw it, a smile appearing on his face. He shook his head and lowered his hand, she would probably end up freezing him for revenge...

Tom slowly nodded. Hesitantly at first before Shirou mentioned which group. He was right. Tom didn't fancy seeing Fate right now, especially if Tom assumed Fate was still p***ed.
" Water...? " he said. " Is that the weird girl I accidentally crashed into before? " he asked, not knowing who Water was.

Water had returned to the pond and was busy petting Fall. " Ah Fall " she said, smiling at him. " Those people before where so weird...though that human boy sure looked tasty " she commented as she licked her lips. " Maybe I should try getting him alone and it would be this weeks meal for me...or perhaps I should slowly eat him in front of that annoying female kitsune! " she said, anger rising in her voice.

MB growled and looked away from where the reaper had disappeared at before looking at the bleeding Fate.
Fate glanced at MB before looking away. " I'm going to find Tom... " he growled out as he shakily got to his feet and began walking away from the group, Webber chasing after him.
MB growled as she began to follow him. It was not allowed to let Fate out of it's sight until it was certain the Devil's Assistant had totally calmed down.
Fate walked for a while with MB trailing after him. He then hearded voices and sped up and soon arrived to see Shirou and Tom together. He sneered as he walked over, only to recieve a frightened look from Tom who ducked behind Shirou. " Geez, your so kind to your friend Tom " Fate said as he began walking closer, a sense of hostility returning to the Devil's Assistant.
MB picked up on the hostility and quickly changed into it's fighting form began running towards Fate and plunging a spear like arm through his left arm, making Fate cry out as he had a new wound made.
" D-damn it! "
Level 39
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 7/6/2014 at 2:17 PM Post #1545
(I have decided to keep doing this Rp... I really like this one :P)

Tamika rolled her eyes, 'why did Mr. Angel have to be so rude,' she thought. Looking down at the group of people, she knew that some of them or all of them would just walk away when she explained that they were going to rescue a human from a witch. Letting out a sigh, she let herself fall to the group so she was sitting with her legs dangling over the edge of the roof.

James smiled and pointed to Sin walking to the group in human form. "Unforchantly she wanted to be a human, so there she is." He said as Sin stopped in front of Devi and him. It didn't take her long to smile and grabbed his arm, linking hers with his. "What is up Sin?" He asked, hoping she wasn't going to break out crying from Jay going missing.

Kozomee giggled and shook her head, "A vampire hunting vampires... I'll never understand that theory. Why do you hate vampires so much?" She asked, hoping she wasn't overstepping her boundaries. She didn't want to die just yet, she was looking for someone that she hadn't seen in awhile. Her sister had went missing when the Sun went down and her and Minx have been looking for her sister for the last few years.
Edited By Sarahbug1020 on 7/6/2014 at 2:28 PM.
Level 39
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 7/6/2014 at 2:18 PM Post #1546
Andrew nodded and laid back down. He couldn't help but stare up at the sky. He hated that Sun never showing anymore, it was always his favorite time of day. Night always made him feel so alone and he never understood why. "Hey um... Do you miss the Sun?" He asked her. He always had problems keeping whatever was on his mind on his mind. He told people exactly what he was thinking and it usually led to trouble.
Level 60
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Posted: 7/7/2014 at 12:22 PM Post #1547
Blue had ran around the up-stairs for a bit before finding a bedroom she could only suppose belonged to a little girl. It had lots of plushies and toys in it and the bed seemed to be made into a bit of a nest. She carried on looking around the room before spotting a picture. She walked over to get a closer look of it and saw when she could only assume was the child version of Witchy. The little girl was being hugged by the woman. Witchy's face happy and laughing but the woman's face and been covered by black pen and burnt. Was this the witch's room? Blue thought as she glanced around. Oh well, would be a good place to hide under all those toys...

( my ocs waiting for Tamikia to talk >_> )

Devi looked at the now human Sin before sighing. " Oh geez, I have to admit it's a bit weird a pet having a love life with it's owner " she said, getting the wrong idea.
Sinner looked at Sin with a dark, black eye before nodding his head to what Devi said.
Devi then giggled. " Though if Sinner turned human I bet he would look even cuter then you vamp boy! " she giggled out, her face looking even more childish.

Yoka couldn't help but glare at the girl. " That " he said in a harsh tone. " Is none of your business "
Yoka then turned and began going deeper in the crowd, anger flaring in his mind. How could ANYONE ask that?! That stuck up girl thinks she can put her nose into everything!
Level 70
The Tender
Joined: 12/8/2013
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Posted: 7/7/2014 at 1:07 PM Post #1548
(Sorry for the late reply >.< whenever I was about to reply, I would get distracted. Also Cora I saw your last reply on the Luna e Sole rp, I watched season 2 on Netflix, but Hulu works as well)
They had fixed 1 problem, Mokee being taken over but they hadent thought about Naomi who was still destroying the carcass. " Naomi.....?" Mizuki had thought she had been there next to her all along. " Can you hand me some more pills?" Naomi turned around and ran for Mizuki, teeth bared. Rin looked up just in time to see Naomi charge at Mizuki. He ran to Namoi and gave her a hard shove to send her sprawling.
Level 60
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Posted: 7/7/2014 at 2:15 PM Post #1549
When Mokee saw one of the kitsunes charge towards the other. She instinctively pulled the fainted Soka close to her body to protect him. Her eyes where narrowed and giving off the impresstion on 'Touch him and I'll tear your throat out'.
Level 60
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Posted: 7/7/2014 at 2:30 PM Post #1550
Did she miss the Sun? That was ridiculous question to ask Luminati who lived thanks to the Sun, but then wasn't like a lot of people knew about their race in the first place. Misia smiled sadly, slightly changing her position to get more comfortable.
-I do. Very, very much. You know, if it wasn't for my brother, I'd be dead within a week from its disappearance. That just how Luminati's body work. And what about you?

Elef never turned hearing the man and his sister talk, however he smiled a faint smile as Misia warmly answered to the guy. Too much informations as always, but her listener was hurt so he'd probably won't remember half of it. And even if he will...they were last Luminati in the world, or at least here, where the Sun - their source of life-giving light - had disappeared, so it couldn't be used against their kin. Mostly because there were none left anymore...
Elef sighed, closing his mind off, so Misia won't caught his depressing thoughts through their connection, and focused on Tamika and her...well... Herd? He couldn't help the comparision...
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