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Forum Index > Games, Contests, and Giveaways > * FREE * Newbie Packs
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Level 40
Joined: 3/2/2017
Threads: 37
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Posted: 9/3/2017 at 5:25 PM Post #151
Godiva can you please take the three puffs I donated off? the Vene can stay on though.
Level 70
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 10/24/2016
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Posted: 9/4/2017 at 8:56 AM Post #152
Updated, thanks!
Level 22
Joined: 8/29/2017
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Posted: 9/4/2017 at 1:42 PM Post #153
My account is only 5 days old, so I guess im a newbie. Could please I have:
1. 10,000 gold (I sent a CoD of a Fairy Mushroom. it was the only thing I could send)
2. The female Ny'Vene donated by Ingiman1
3. An offspring from IvyCat's Atomic Aura Puffadore pair
4. An offspring from IvyCat's Spotted Heart Puffadore pair
5. And last but not least, this lovely fellow:

Level 62
Joined: 8/23/2016
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Posted: 9/4/2017 at 1:49 PM Post #154
Both are currently recovering.
Spotted heart: Should be ready in 2 more hours
Atomic Aura: 23 hours

I'll get back to you on that asap
Level 57
The Artistic
Joined: 8/9/2017
Threads: 8
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Posted: 9/4/2017 at 3:42 PM Post #155
Can i get gold
Level 75
Assistant to the Sculptor
Joined: 9/3/2017
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Posted: 9/4/2017 at 4:01 PM Post #156
Hi!! Im new but ill take these.
Level 40
Joined: 3/2/2017
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Posted: 9/4/2017 at 5:08 PM Post #157
Level 22
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Posted: 9/4/2017 at 6:33 PM Post #158
thank you both, and IvyCat, please ping me when the pairs are ready
Level 60
Joined: 5/24/2017
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Posted: 9/4/2017 at 10:32 PM Post #159
I'm sorry, I don't have that Lighira anymore
I also don't have any males I'm willing to give away at the moment,
but I can breed some and give them to you
Level 70
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 10/24/2016
Threads: 45
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Posted: 9/5/2017 at 6:43 AM Post #160

I accepted the CoD, and here's your lovely boy:

You need to send me a CoD to get gold.

They're all set up for you!

Aghubbs has requested this pet from you:

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