(I'm not. I made Transalpine be a little turd because that's what his personality is...)
Transalpine growled at her, but gave in. "What do you want?"
"She wants to negoshigate!" Cisalpine said.
(Cis can't pronounce some difficult words. >u<)
((Cis is a nice lil cinnamon bun. Trans is... Trans))
Atlantis calmed down a bit, took a deep breath, and then spoke. "I want to meet with Germany, talk to him a bit. I do not expect to learn anything of your plans, and I am not exactly interested in the plans." She closed her eyes and clicked her fingers, making an illusion of a cup of tea appear in Trans's hands. "Have some... Whatever this is, okay? Maybe it will calm you down." She'd seen England drink it, and she thought it must be okay. Sure, it was an illusion, but as long as Trans believed it was real it would feel real enough; that was how brains and illusions worked. He wouldn't get any nutrients or warmth out of it like a real cup of tea, but if he expected it to be a real cup of tea to an extent, it would taste like whatever tea he liked.
((I hope it's okay if you allow her little illusions. If not, I'll not use them.))
Japan knew she was following him, and tried to shake her off by taking many different routes.
She didn't try to make unobvious she was following him and tried to take shortcuts to keep up with him, she was sweating though. She hoped it didn't get much hotter
Level 65
The Artistic
Joined: 7/14/2018
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Posted: 7/25/2018 at 4:14 PM
Post #153
"I think that was France." America said, turning deep red.
"What?! France?! I would never do that with the pervert!" England said, nearly falling over in shock.
Level 65
The Artistic
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Posted: 7/25/2018 at 4:19 PM
Post #154
Japan knew about her problems with the cold, so he changed his direction, walking toward's Egypt's house.
"I think that was France." America said, turning deep red.
"What?! France?! I would never do that with the pervert!" England said, nearly falling over in shock.
*I don't think France would make howls* he crept even closer, if he could destroy the gun, he smirked, *your neighbours have told me all about what was going on at your house, America.. pity England wasn't here then, I wonder where he was*
Japan knew about her problems with the cold, so he changed his direction, walking toward's Egypt's house.
She gritted her teeth. Faster or gun? She tried to estimate how long until she fully collapsed
Level 65
The Artistic
Joined: 7/14/2018
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Posted: 7/25/2018 at 4:30 PM
Post #157
(It's totally okay)
Trans took a sip of the 'tea'. "Oh my God. How did you get a crappy cup of tea to taste like booze?!" he said, his eyes wide.
Byzantine Empire face palmed.
"You can go through...." Cis said, not wanting to be with Atlantis and Byzantine while his brother was distracted by a cup of tea.
Trans took a sip of the 'tea'. "Oh my God. How did you get a crappy cup of tea to taste like booze?!" he said, his eyes wide.
Byzantine Empire face palmed.
"You can go through...." Cis said, not wanting to be with Atlantis and Byzantine while his brother was distracted by a cup of tea.
((Okay '^-^ I won't use it too often, in case it gets in the way, then.))
"Thank you, dear." Atlantis gave Cis a pat on the head. "Care to point us in the right direction?" She glanced at Trans. "As long as you believe, I can make anything you want."
Edited By Dragonrider1542 on 7/25/2018 at 4:35 PM.
Level 65
The Artistic
Joined: 7/14/2018
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Posted: 7/25/2018 at 4:38 PM
Post #160
America turned red. "How do you know about me and Russia?"
England looked pissed. "Wait, you're cheating on me?!"
America scratched the back of his head with the gun. "Eh..."
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