Guess who has words for y'all to read! This is part of my second novel, Hiraeth: Soul of Ice and Shadow. Read the first one here!
(Or find the first 10 chapters on Wattpad)
Disclaimer: Sylestia likes to remove my punctuation, so I apologize if I missed any.
I take great pride in my work! Please, let me know what you think of it. :) This is only the first chapter!
Word count: ~2850
Part I: Immortal
A single tragedy divides,
the things we hold beloved.
For an endless twilight
in despair,
Without the dawn
to awake the new light.
Chapter I - Light
A heart of fire, born
of mountains cold
and legends untold
Buried beneath ice
Cold. His body is unmoving, stifled by the icy cold.
Where am I?
He attempts to open his eyes, but the deep blackness is unchanging. He can see her, a bright shine in the darkness.
This way, no one suffers. Her soft voice sounds in the halls of Light's mind, and her sad smile wrenches at his heart.
Luna, no...
His vision slowly brightens to dark, featureless blue. He tries to move again, and though he can feel his fingers and toes, nothing responds. Panicked, he struggles against the invisible bonds holding him. The blueness lightens considerably, and Light can see fleeting shadows at the edges of his vision.
A sudden crack echoes through the deathly silence, and Lights heart races. Something shakes, and he can feel himself falling. A cool breeze skips across his face, and he blinks, attempting to clear his vision. His lower body feels heavy and numb as he struggles to sit up, rubbing at his eyes.
Light can sense he is alone, but the air is heavy with the static traces of residual energy. He can just barely see, and only in vague shapes and muddled colors. His legs still refuse to move, and he gets the feeling that they are still encased in the blue crystal lying in pieces around him. He fights to get them free, black fingernails scraping uselessly off its smooth surface.
Exhausted by the effort, he lies back, staring sightlessly up at the rocky ceiling. He drifts off into a hazy half-sleep, void of dreams.
It seems like only a moment later when a sharp crack awakens him. He twitches, startled. He opens his eyes, blinking wearily. The cavern comes into focus, its walls and floor coated in frost and icy fractals. He slowly sits up, body resting on a natural stone pedestal. The floor around it is covered in the remnants of the blue crystal, and pieces of it cling to his clothing and hair. The fur on his upper left arm is covered with silvery ice-dust, and he brushes it off. Large chains hang suspended from the ceiling, broken. Some pieces scatter the cavern, frosted over.
Light swings his now-free legs over the side of the platform, resting his bare feet on the cool stone floor. He stands unsteadily, quadruple wings aching. His legs tremble, and he flips his tail to correct his balance. Overcompensating, he falls, catching himself on his hands and knees. He sits back, curling his tail into his lap with a sigh. It is bigger and stronger than he last felt, meant for more than purely correcting his balance. He runs his fingers through its thick fur and then stands once more. This time, his balance holds.
With a start, he realizes his memory is strangely blank. I know my name, who and what I am, but nothing else. His hand absentmindedly strays to a turquoise amulet hanging around his neck on a worn leather cord. A crack runs through it, splitting the rune on it in two. Why I'm here, how I'm here... nothing. Except Luna. He slowly crosses the room, wobbling slightly. The doors at the far end are encrusted in ice, polished to a mirror shine. They are barred with a thick slab of metal, inscribed with unfamiliar runes.
Light catches sight of his reflection in the smooth surface, grey-skinned and scarred. Dark freckles form an irregular patch on his nose and left cheek, masking the thinner, almost nonexistent scar on his face. His ebony horns are dull with dusty frost, and he rubs a thumb over them with a sigh. He ties his snow-white hair back in a low, messy ponytail. It seems permanently windblown and hangs in a fringe about his face. His body aches fiercely, and his mouth is dry with thirst. He clears his throat loudly and runs his tongue over his sharp fangs, hoping to alleviate some of his discomfort.
Snapping a spire of clear ice from the wall, he sticks it in his mouth and sucks on it like a flavorless popsicle, all the while surveying the room. An ornate crystal blade is stuck in the ice beneath the pedestal, gleaming in the blue glow of the cavern. He wanders over, brushing his free hand against its hilt. The sword seems more ornamental than practical, but he can sense power within the crystal on its winged handguard.
Light secures his icicle in his mouth and firmly wraps both hands around the hilt, pulling with all his might against the ice binding it. It comes free with a sharp crack, and he stumbles backwards, nearly losing his balance. He steadies himself, admiring the blade in the bluish illumination. It suddenly glows brightly, changing form. The leather-wrapped black hilt is longer now, made for a two-handed grip. The winged handguard becomes a simple handguard carved of a translucent blue crystal, fused seamlessly with the swords metal blade. The angular, single-edged blade is longer and shimmers with a cerulean sheen.
Arondite. That's the name of this blade... my birthright. He doesn't know where the name came from. Perhaps he had wielded it before, in a different form.
The blade ignites with a vibrant cerulean flame, spreading to his body in a bright aura. He closes his eyes and lets the energy flow through him in a refreshing torrent, driving off some of his fatigue. It swiftly dies away, leaving the cavern dim once more. Light sticks the blade through his belt and returns to the bolted doors. Why am I locked in here? What did I do? Peering up at them, he sighs. I'm getting out of here.
Light presses a hand to the cool metal, enveloping it in a vise of blue fire. It shatters, and the doors fly open, revealing a long hall and several unfamiliar white-winged figures, watching him. Light steps forward, curious. A wall of translucent golden energy greets him, and he nearly knocks his nose against it. It crackles as he draws close and pokes it with the tip of his blade.
Several of the winged figures advance down the hall, wielding weapons with the same golden aura. A young woman with hair black as coal stops in front of the barrier, inches from him. "Do you know who I am, Light Ragnarok?"
"Should I?" Light deadpans. "I don't even know who I am."
Her yellow-gold eyes flash with annoyance. "Just like your father."
"'Scuse me?"
"Do you know nothing?" she snaps.
"Yeah. Who are you people?" Light asks. "Who's my father?"
"We are the angels. I, specifically, am Ferran. Your father is Vanitas Ragnarok, king of the demon realm, Thrylos."
"And what am I doing here? Where is here?" Light presses. "What's this barrier for?"
"You were imprisoned here, of course. On Earth, the human world. You're dangerous." Ferran raises an eyebrow.
"What do you want with me?"
"Your cooperation, your death... it doesn't really matter to me. But you'll serve your use some way." She grins, revealing sharp fangs.
"You're-!" Light starts, but a powerful force stops him.
"I'm what, Ragnarok? Silence speaks volumes. Don't talk over it." She releases him from her invisible grasp and walks away. Light watches her go, confused. What is going on here? He turns back towards the chamber. Whatever it is, it can't be good. I've got to get out of here. Light rests his forearms on the crystal platform. Shards of the blue stone lie around the chamber, shimmering softly from the inside. They have power. He picks up a chunk of the rock. So old and powerful.
With a breath, he closes his eyes, concentrating on the power within its oceanic depths. It glows brightly, and a ball of blue fire rises from it, floating between his hands. Light places the stone on the platform and touches the sphere of fire. It melts into his hand and vanishes with a flash of cerulean, and his aura flickers in response.
If I absorb the energy from these crystal shards, I might be able to break myself out. Light sits on the stone altar, legs crossed. He casts his aura through the chamber, and the crystals begin to glow brightly.
Distantly, he can hear the angels in the outer tunnel, shouting at one another. "Lower the enchantment shield!" Ferran commands, her voice thundering over the others. "Stop him!"
The surrounding crystals shatter all at once, their freed power setting Light's aura ablaze. The gathered energy is unstable, and he knows it must be released soon or it will consume him. I need a weak spot. These walls are too thick. He pushes himself to his feet and focuses the energy, sending a blast of power at the wall where the stone meets the metal of the doors.
The resulting shockwave throws Light from the platform amidst a rain of jagged rock and ice. He stumbles to his feet and spreads his wings, stiff from centuries of immobility. The explosion had blasted a hole through the cavern wall, and he can see a thin shaft of sunlight at the other end. He tucks his wings and perches at the other end of the hole, gazing out at the massive city before him. Perfect place to get lost.
"Get him!" Ferran shrieks, jolting him into action. Light leaps from the ledge, swiftly descending into the maze of buildings below. The wind whistles through his ears as he drops, wings aching from the sudden rigor.
I won't be able to stop in time, Light realizes, flailing his wings as the paved streets draw ever closer. Each wingbeat sends dull spikes of pain through his muscles, and he can feel them starting to cramp up.
No! With a growl, Light flings his wings open as far as they'll go, hoping to at least glide to a rough crash-landing. At the last second, he tucks his head and dives into a tumbling roll across the pavement. He slides for a few meters before coming to a stop in the middle of the street.
"That went well," Light groans, pushing himself upright. His body is covered in scratches, and he can taste blood. A crowd has gathered, whispering and muttering amongst themselves. Light scrutinizes them. Humans. He stumbles to his feet, shoving his hair out of his face. The crowd collectively draws back. "What're you lookin' at?" Light grumbles.
"Hey, demon!" a voice shouts. Light turns as a gust of wind ruffles his hair. A red-haired angel lands before him, wielding a thin glowing sword. "Your path ends here."
Light raises an eyebrow. "And who are you?"
"Xerxes Valaris, killer of demons. Ferran decided you're more of a liability than an asset and you must be disposed of." He levels his blade at Light's chest. Light draws Arondite. "I don't want to fight you, Xerxes. Surely we can reach an understanding."
"You missed that chance." Xerxes charges him, sword flashing.
Light ducks away from him, slipping past his golden blade. Almost as if he anticipated Lights move, Xerxes turns and sweeps the flat of his blade into Lights back, throwing him to the ground. Xerxes grins. "Killing you will be fun. At least give me a fight, will you?"
I know what I need to do. He takes a calming breath, gathering his aura around him.
"What are you doing?"
Light grins. "Getting out of here." He presses a hand to the ground.
"No!" Xerxes cries. The pavement cracks into a swirling golden portal, and Xerxes raises his sword. Before Light can react, he strikes, driving his blade down through Light's chest.
The portal vanishes, taking Light and the sword with it. Xerxes straightens with a sigh. ****** took my blade. A splash of black blood stains the ground where Light had been. Hopefully hes dead. Never seen someone with that much raw power. I guess he really is a Ragnarok... but if he is, a wound like that wont be enough to kill him, he realizes suddenly.
How could I have been so stupid? Xerxes snaps open his wings and leaps into the air, leaving the gathering crowd behind.
The portal deposits him on his back in the sand, staring up at the pristine blue sky. Xerxes's golden blade lies next to him, coated in sand and blood. His chest throbs with each breath, and he sits up with a groan. "Agh, that hurts..." He presses a hand to the wound. It isn't as bad as he originally thought - the portal took him away before the blade could fully impale him. I won't die.
Light sighs and crosses his legs, looking around. The ocean rolls a few hundred yards away, and seabirds shriek overhead. The white sand beach turns to forest behind him, and a hazy mountain range bleeds into the distant sky. There's something familiar about this place. Light gets to his feet with a wince, holding his chest. Better get out of here. They'll be after me. He starts towards the forest, leaning on the golden blade for support. Where is here, anyways? Light wonders, following an overgrown path deeper into the woods. A crumbling stone wall winds through the trees, running perpendicular to the path. He can feel a residual energy in the stones, prickly and hostile. A deterrent of some kind?
Light walks through a broken-down gate, rusted over from centuries of exposure. A brass plaque rests in the center of the path, gleaming in the late afternoon sun. He kneels down and turns it over, squinting at the weathered letters on the other side.
Lucerna? He looks up. Up ahead, the path widens into a lonely courtyard, surrounded by ruins. Light continues on, drawn by something. The name Lucerna echoes in his mind like a familiar melody, but without words. The cobblestones are cracked, and forest grasses push up through the gaps. A broken fountain sits forlorn in the center, filled with swampy water and weeds.
This was a town, Light realizes. He sits on the side of the fountain and peers around the square. His heart aches as he takes in the rundown brick walls and shattered glass. What was this place? Why do I feel like this? He takes a deep breath and focuses, hoping to calm his aura. A voice echoes in his ear, and he jumps.
"Come on, Zarya! It won't be here forever!"
His voice.
"One of these days, you're gonna get yourself killed, Kaliar."
Light jumps to his feet, breathing raggedly. The hell is going on here? Who's Kaliar? Why was that my voice? He sinks to the ground, leaning against the side of the fountain. Lucerna. Zarya. Kaliar
"That wasn't me," he says aloud. The statement carries no weight, and he knows it isn't true. He closes his eyes and rests his forehead on his knees. "That wasn't me..."
A warm breath ruffles his hair. He lifts his head, wiping at his eyes. Several grey wolves wander about the square, poking around the ruins. The largest of them sits in front of him, brown eyes holding Light's gaze. No power. Earthen wolves. Light holds out a hand, letting the grey wolf sniff it. "Do you know what happened here?" Light asks, rubbing its ears.
It pants at him, resting its head in Lights lap. Another wolf meanders over, laying down on the stones a few feet away. Light smiles half-heartedly. "Maybe I shouldn't worry about it. Maybe it's just my mind playing tricks on me," he murmurs.
At the far end of the square, the gathered wolves suddenly dart off, yipping. Light looks up. He can sense an energy behind the trees, masking its presence. Light stands, readying Arondite and the golden blade.
Xerxes steps from the ruins, wielding an identical sword. "Of course you'd be here."
"Where is here?" Light grumbles. "Why am I hearing things?"
"Don't you remember anything?"
"I don't even know who I am," Light growls. "How do I know Ferran wasn't lying to me? What is this place?"
"This used to be the human town Lucerna. It was your home, before you...turned."
"How do I know you're not lying to me?" Light demands.
Xerxes leers. "Do I have reason to lie? You're just another kill. Why does it matter what you know?" He lunges forward, sword flashing. Light catches his blade on Arondite and shoves him away, gathering his aura. I have to get away from Earth.
"You're not slipping away again. We'll find you."
"But will you follow?" Light asks. Behind him, a golden gateway pops into existence, swirling with undertones of blue.
"You can't hide!" Xerxes cries, diving for him. Light jumps back, through the gateway. Xerxes scrambles after him before the portal can close. Instantly, Light can tell something is off. His aura crackles, reacting to the energy in the air. This isn't Earth anymore... |