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Forum Index > Official Games and Contests > 2019 Winter Festival - 3 Visible Griffi
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Level 30
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Posted: 12/21/2019 at 3:20 PM Post #161

My inspiration was Jadis, the white witch from Narnia
Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 11/3/2018
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Posted: 12/21/2019 at 4:09 PM Post #162

It's a snowy pine tree griffi!

Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
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Posted: 12/21/2019 at 4:47 PM Post #163
Beet Juice Coco

Edited By Limor on 12/24/2019 at 11:48 PM.
Level 24
Joined: 8/15/2014
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Posted: 12/21/2019 at 5:02 PM Post #164

Went with female, inspiration was a Frosted Cranberry candle with a touch of orange. (ignore the extra link, won't show the picture without it.)
Edited By Winstala on 12/21/2019 at 5:21 PM.
Level 70
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 10/12/2018
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Posted: 12/21/2019 at 7:46 PM Post #165

Cinnamon and spice on a cold winter's night.
Level 70
Wondrous Witch
Joined: 8/28/2016
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Posted: 12/21/2019 at 9:08 PM Post #166

My Griffi is inspired by Mint Chocolates! It's always a treat we have around the house during the holidays. ^ ^
Level 71
Master Egg Hunter
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Posted: 12/21/2019 at 10:16 PM Post #167
Candy Cane
Level 71
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/24/2019
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Posted: 12/21/2019 at 11:02 PM Post #168
My Griffi is based on the beautiful Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) :)
Personally, I love the blend of colors in the sky, simply a breathtaking display.

G1: Barracuda
G3: Galactic Dust*
M3: Galactic Feathered Wings*

If restricted traits aren't allowed, please let me know so I can change it. My design is saved under "Northern Lights 3-vis" publicly.
Edited By Warwolf675 on 12/21/2019 at 11:05 PM.
Level 68
Joined: 8/22/2019
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Posted: 12/22/2019 at 12:23 AM Post #169

A Griffi representing the Northern Lights filling a starry night sky! I grew up in the middle of Alaska, where our long winter nights were highlighted by the aurora dancing when it was clear. Mostly, they appeared as shifting intensities of green, but every so often, a soft violet would appear as well. They were always magnificent - one of those things you can see a hundred times and still feel just as awestruck.
Level 67
Snow Wars Combatant
Joined: 12/1/2019
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Posted: 12/22/2019 at 1:56 AM Post #170
Hopefully this works, this will be a bit longer than most and not nearly as festive.

My Griffi is based on an Australian Christmas, for those unfamiliar with Australia's seasons, here it is Summer. This year, days before Christmas, much of our country is on fire. I understand it isn't particularly festive, but it is the reality here. Yesterday I spent 10 hours in a car, we were trying to make it into the main city to visit family before Christmas. I knew we shouldn't be travelling but a certain someone was hellbent on doing the trip instead of waiting a day or so. Ordinarily, the trip should be 3 hours, but we were turned back twice from two different main roads because of the fires, and after backtracking for an hour, we tried another route and were detoured again because of a major fire that had just gotten out of control. By 9PM, ash was falling on us from the sky, finally, by 10PM, I arrived at my destination. My Griffi pays homage to my Christmas this year and the things I've seen this festive season. *PHEW* that sounds gloomy doesn't it? But we're here, we survived and are luckier than others, so here he is, my Scorched Christmas Griffi.

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