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Level 74
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Posted: 8/1/2020 at 11:49 AM Post #161
I'd say b
Level 61
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Posted: 8/1/2020 at 12:18 PM Post #162
Did you mean plot to if so what species do you want or did you mean character B
Edited By Apache on 8/1/2020 at 12:19 PM.
Level 74
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Posted: 8/1/2020 at 12:25 PM Post #163
Plot two

I'll take either character my only "stable" characters are humans, elves, half-elves, merpeople, and one fairy girl that I dont usually use. Oh and some fox-humans that i also dont usually use but i can pull them out if I need to
Level 61
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Posted: 8/2/2020 at 12:21 AM Post #164
Well maybe an elf could work as it could tie in well with the roleplay and i have lots of ocs but all are female so i hope its alright
Level 74
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Posted: 8/2/2020 at 12:51 AM Post #165
That's fine I have both Male and females

(And bunch of random species ones.....let snot tlak about those some of them are very much quesitonable)
Level 61
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Posted: 8/2/2020 at 6:25 AM Post #166
I understand i had some weird ones like a talking artic wolf amd so many human hybrid ocs XD

I will be using this forum for my female character

Name meaning:
Age (18-45):
Element power (optional)
Status (royalty,Barron,King,pauper):

Things/topics in the rp you want to avoid:
Edited By Apache on 8/2/2020 at 6:29 AM.
Level 74
Joined: 11/1/2018
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Posted: 8/2/2020 at 11:20 AM Post #167
Gonna quickly switch to my other elf boy quickly because my main elf boy already has a stable relationship and hes been overused

Name: Newtmore Marker
Nicknames: Newt
Name meaning: ......can I jsut say I randomly grabbed a name starting with N one day while I was messing aorudn with his prototype character and the only thing i came up with was Newtmore? Also i think it means a kind of bug.
Age (18-45): 19 (usually hes liek 1,5 or 16 but....)
Gender: male
Speices: elf
Appearance: white hair light bkue eyes. Pale skin. Think of those elves from Norse mythology basically.
Personality: a bookworm, Newt is rather.....naive when it comes to figuring out things for himself. Hes a good guy, he means well and is otherwise intelligent.
Element power (optional) I usually give him either light or water but preferably light
Status (royalty,Barron,King,pauper): primce?
Occopation: ...prince
Family: A large family but hes the heir (technically his half brother is older stuff. No hard feelings thoguh, since the guys too free of a spieit.
Backstory normal life for a prince except he was more of a reader then a fighter. He earned the nickname "brainy" afterkne too many rambles on a random subjwctsubject. HES ALLERGIC to pomogranates and loves pineapples

Things/topics in the rp you want to avoid: extreme romance
Level 61
Joined: 11/9/2019
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Posted: 8/3/2020 at 6:54 AM Post #168
Awww he is cute his name remainds me of the Harry Potter franchise while his lighter hair and pretty eyes remind me legolas from lord of the rings

May I ask what you mean by extreme Romance? If that is alright with you just so I can avoid upsetting you


Name: Amelia Carpanter
Nicknames: Amelia is called Amy by a few close friends while her mother calls her Mia
Name meaning:The name Amelia means Work and is of Latin origin.
Age (18-45): Eighteenth almost nineteen
Gender: Female
Speices: Human
Appearance: Amelia is a Caucasian human female with light skin and long Raven black hair that reaches down to bottom of her back her hair is slightly curly and she has round bright dark blue eyes and smooth part eyebrows with a Petit and curveless with a avarge bust size image
Personality: Amelia is a patient and hard-working individual who is extremely selfless and kind and she's also I'm very respectful to Wars those with a higher status or our loyalty is also rather kind and can be described as sweet but somewhat emotional and can be a little prone to jealousy and on times can find it difficult to hide her jealousy though she's extremely harmless and physically weak and incapable of self-defence
Element power (optional): Earth [if needed ]
Status (royalty,Barron,King,pauper): pauper/commner
Occopation:maid for the royal family
Family: Jonathan (human father-alive) Mary (Human mother-alive) Eleneor (human sister-alive) Richard (human brother in law alive) Henry (human nephew-alive)
Backstory: Amelia was born and raised in the elven Earth Kingdom father was a simple farmer and her mother was a maid but later became a farmer to help her husband and Amelia's father and she has an older sister who is lives woth her husband. When Amelia was 16g became a made for the royal family at the time she was eighteen she walked away up to become the princesses personal maid and had a somewhat close relationship with the princess. Amaelia secret Friends with Prince Newton after getting to know him while his family vist the earth kingdom


-Amelia has a pet German shepherd called Alexander she discovered the German Shepherd as an injured Park she was journey in with the princesses royal family and discovered him injured in the woods

-Amelia only have one address due to her family status it's a simple but plain dark reddish dress with a sandy bown underskirt and a removable apron and she also has dark brown cloak to keep her warm

-Amelia has a phobia of spiders and is also fighting of Fire due to an accident she had all in the Earth Kingdom
Level 74
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Posted: 8/3/2020 at 9:31 AM Post #169
(Newtmore. I didn't mistype it. It really is Newtmore)

wanna make the thread?

(ill toss in more haracters to round out the water kingom roles)
Level 61
Joined: 11/9/2019
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Posted: 8/3/2020 at 12:20 PM Post #170
//sorry phone keeps auto correcting

//we can start, any idea where you like to start from? Like is tue eleven earth kingdom journing to your kindom or visa versa
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