America scowled at England, and made a face that one would make as if carefully thinking about what to do next. He sighed and punched England in the face. "Maybe I'll just date Russia." he said.
Scotland was bored at this point and couldnt keep his excitement contained. He brought his axe crashing down on anyone possible around him
Japan looked at her sadly. "You can shoot me, but I will not die unless you tear down my country, brick by brick. I am sorry that Russia made you into a monster."
Her finger trembled on the trigger. She didn't really want to pull, but she didn't want to see Russia hurt because she was too incompetant. She settled with a raising of one lip in an almost snarl andc aimed for Japan clothes, not keeping eye contact. She couldn't look at his hair. It was too dark, hurting her eyes
Level 65
The Artistic
Joined: 7/14/2018
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Posted: 7/25/2018 at 5:39 PM
Post #173
England was bopped on the head. He crumpled into an unconscious heap at America's feet.
"Dude! What the heck man?!" America said. "We should totally get burgers!"
England was bopped on the head. He crumpled into an unconscious heap at America's feet.
"Dude! What the heck man?!" America said. "We should totally get burgers!"
Scotland turned, a flame in his eyes as he felt his veins pulsating, he attempted to do a second blow to America
"Can you make me a pair of socks? Like wooly socks?" Cis asked timidly. "I'll show you where Germany lives..."
((Dunno about that but it seems slightly inappropriate...))
"Err, if you want your socks to last, then please do get me some wool and knitting needles."
Level 62
Joined: 8/23/2016
Threads: 106
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Posted: 7/26/2018 at 3:19 AM
Post #176
(( I've changed around Taithlon crush section and added paragraph to personality now she's more developed as a character ))
Edited By IvyCat on 7/26/2018 at 3:29 AM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/15/2014
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Posted: 7/26/2018 at 1:50 PM
Post #177
Name of Country/Empire/Territory/City/State/City-State/Region/Province: Limas Ostra
Age: 22 years old
Birthday: 12th january
Gender: Female
Personality: Polite but cold, is not the one who start conflict but won't hesitate to be brutal if she have too be. She have a sweet and protective side but she only ever show it with Fiz.
Weapon: she is alwais having several scalpels hiden on he at all times
Allegiance (Axis/Allies/Neutral): Allies
Pet (If any): Fiz - Honduran white bat female
Anything else: nope, i don't think so
Level 65
The Artistic
Joined: 7/14/2018
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Posted: 7/26/2018 at 4:54 PM
Post #178
"Alright, dudes! Who's ready to kick some Axis butt?" America asked, standing in front of the blackboard. "Now, remember, I'm the hero, so you have to do everything I say!"
"I'm not going to follow orders from you like some lackey, you bloody ******!" England said angrily.
"I agree with England. I will not take orders from you, America." Russia said, a dark shadow crossing over his face.
"Ai yah! Just stop arguing already, aru." China said, leaning back in his chair. "You all act like such kids!"
"Not everyone can be 4000 years like you, China." France said, playing with a strand of blonde hair.
"If everyone was 4000 like me, world would be better place!" China said.
"I would have conquered world by then, da?" Russia said, smiling.
Canada ran into the room, panting.
"Sorry I'm late..." he said quietly.
"America? How did you get over there?" England asked, frowning.
"That's not America, eyebrows! That is Canada!" France said.
"Oh. Sorry about that, Canada." England said quickly.
"It's alright... I'd like to introduce our newest ally..." He said quietly.
He beckoned her to come into the room.
"Alright, dudes! Who's ready to kick some Axis butt?" America asked, standing in front of the blackboard. "Now, remember, I'm the hero, so you have to do everything I say!"
"I'm not going to follow orders from you like some lackey, you bloody wanker!" England said angrily.
"I agree with England. I will not take orders from you, America." Russia said, a dark shadow crossing over his face.
"Ai yah! Just stop arguing already, aru." China said, leaning back in his chair. "You all act like such kids!"
"Not everyone can be 4000 years like you, China." France said, playing with a strand of blonde hair.
"If everyone was 4000 like me, world would be better place!" China said.
"I would have conquered world by then, da?" Russia said, smiling.
Canada ran into the room, panting.
"Sorry I'm late..." he said quietly.
"America? How did you get over there?" England asked, frowning.
"That's not America, eyebrows! That is Canada!" France said.
"Oh. Sorry about that, Canada." England said quickly.
"It's alright... I'd like to introduce our newest ally..." He said quietly.
He beckoned her to come into the room.
Limas enter the room her pet sitting on her head '' Howdy, nice to meet evryone.''
Level 65
The Artistic
Joined: 7/14/2018
Threads: 68
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Posted: 7/26/2018 at 5:32 PM
Post #180
"Sup! I'm America!" America said, pushing Canada out of the way. China looked up from the table but didn't say anything. Russia just smiled.
"America, you don't need to be so loud..." England said, slightly annoyed.
"Oui! He should be even louder if it annoys you that much!" France said, taking a sip of wine.
"Shut up, Frog!" England said angrily.
"Make me." France smirked.
"I'll rip your whiskers out!"
"This happens everyday. We never get anything done, aru." China said.
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