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Forum Index > Roleplaying > Dragon Uprising
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Level 51
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Posted: 11/16/2019 at 3:31 PM Post #171
Cesura gently grabbed the ladle and placed it on the shelf to come back to. The dragonet looked worried now. She was pointing to the tent flaps. Cesura wanted to help the cute little creature, How could she say no? A voice echoed inside her and she winced. You've gone soft it said icily.

She wished it away. Maybe I have gone soft she thought. Cesura opened the tent flaps and gasped, surprised to see a worn and beaten dragon piled in a heap at her doorstep. She recognized this dragon. It was the rebellion fighter from before. Cesura quickly tried to drag him inside so the guards wouldn't see him. He was probably in some sort of trouble by the way he looked. She was struggling a little bit. He was around her size but much denser. She was only getting a few steps at a time.
Level 60
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Posted: 11/16/2019 at 3:46 PM Post #172
Mali followed her, watching her before trying to help, only managing to trip over her own tail and fall on her snout.
"Epah," She said bouncing over to the limp dragon and putting a talon on him, the scales that touched him starting to glow.

Vernik slowly lifted his head, he felt weak and exhausted, I'm never teleporting again, he promised himself as he realized a dragon was trying to drag him.
"What?" He said confused slowly getting to his feet, only to have his legs crumple under his own weight "Where's Lazi?"
Level 72
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 11/16/2019 at 4:11 PM Post #173
Lazi was roughly tossed into the first cell the guards could find, the heavy iron door locked shut after her. The only light came from a small barred window at the back of the cell and the only things inside were a bucket and a straw bed. The guards stomped back up the stairs again, and all was quiet for the couple of following minutes.

Soon the prisoners began to whisper among themselves now that the guards had gone. And then that, too, died down as the sun sank below the horizon and the cells became dark.
Level 60
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Posted: 11/16/2019 at 4:22 PM Post #174
Lazi slowly awoke, her gaze still blurry as she tried to figure out where she was, deffently not at home. Her eyes started to get used to the dim room and she looked around, starting to feel the pain of the injures she had gotten earlier. She frowned, Vernik... she thought feeling grumpy, my brother got me caught!
She stood up, feeling disgruntle as she went to the cell door, poking it with a talon, I'm not leaving anytime soon, she thought walking over to lie on the straw bed, as she placed her tail around her body, trying to stay warm in the cold prison cell, in no mood to interact with anyone.
Level 51
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 11/16/2019 at 5:23 PM Post #175
"You hrmph are injured ugh and I have hrrg no idea where hrrrg the white one is." Cesura stops for a second to catch her breath before pulling the black dragon all the way inside. She began searching for bandages.
Level 60
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Posted: 11/16/2019 at 5:28 PM Post #176
"Lazi!" Vernik says slowly looking around, like she might randomly appear around a corner "Lazi, Lazi, Lazi," He voice going quieter until it was almost a whisper.

"Ragdon, azil eneds leph," Mali said slowly, trying to get Vernik to understand as she placed another talon on him, causing that talon to glow too, when where they going to help Lazi?
Level 51
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Posted: 11/16/2019 at 5:40 PM Post #177
"You wouldn't happen to speak babble would you?" Cesura said turning to the black dragon and then the dragonet, "Hang on- woah!" She exclaimed at the sight of the little ones glowing talons, "Uh- Bandages! We need bandages.." Cesura started looking for bandages again.
Level 60
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Posted: 11/16/2019 at 5:54 PM Post #178
Mali stepped away and followed the new dragon, her talons had returned back to her normal color as she followed the dragon.
"Bdanesg," Mali said pulling the huge dragons tail and pointing to something, thinking it was some bandages, it could be, right?

"Nope," Vernik said simply as he looked around the tent at all the supplies "I'm guessing you did the raid without me," He said, not sounding mad... yet "How did it go?"
Level 51
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 11/16/2019 at 6:07 PM Post #179
"We didn't do the raid yet. That's tomorrow you dingbat." She said jokingly. The dragonet pulled her tail. Cesura turned. "Ah! There they are. Thank you." She patted the little one's head before starting to tend to the other dragon's wounds, "I didn't catch your name the first time we met."
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 11/16/2019 at 6:32 PM Post #180
"Oh," he said looking embarrassed, knowing he should have known that "I'm Vernik, apparently it means believer, not sure why my parents would name me that," he tensed slightly when he said parents, the topic uncomfortable for him "The little dragon is Mali, Lazi wrote it on the stones before..." He trailed off, blinking away tears, hiding his pain as he always did.

Mali smiled "Hantks," She said before sitting next to Vernik and looking up Cesura with giant puppy dog eyes, as she looked around the tent, trying to find something, "Doof!"
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