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Forum Index > Item Marketplace > [LF/T] Summer Catas
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Level 75
Luck of the Draw
Joined: 6/26/2018
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Posted: 12/25/2020 at 3:17 PM Post #171
Alright, it might take me some time to gather fairy dust and water, I've had very little luck so far >.<
Level 75
Guardian of the Realm
Joined: 5/17/2015
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Posted: 12/25/2020 at 3:20 PM Post #172
Sounds good :) Just let me know when you're ready.
As for avi boxes, may I have 4 winter and 2 summer?
Level 70
Enchanted Explorer
Joined: 5/23/2014
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Posted: 12/25/2020 at 5:14 PM Post #173
Are you selling the reg catas? I'll pay 80k for all 6 of them
Edited By FierePepr on 12/25/2020 at 5:28 PM.
Level 75
Luck of the Draw
Joined: 6/26/2018
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Posted: 12/25/2020 at 5:30 PM Post #174
Oops, I hadn't updated my catas - I've traded some and got others. If you're interested in them I'd prefer to trade for the ones I'm looking for, but I could sell for 15k each.
Level 70
Enchanted Explorer
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Posted: 12/25/2020 at 5:32 PM Post #175
Ah, okay. I just want the morkko, vorpa, nixi, and both nytes then. I can do 30k for the nytes together but I only really want to pay 10k for the others so I'll pass on them if that doesn't work.
Level 75
Luck of the Draw
Joined: 6/26/2018
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Posted: 12/26/2020 at 12:55 PM Post #176
Bumping up, everything updated
Level 75
Luck of the Draw
Joined: 6/26/2018
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Posted: 12/26/2020 at 7:22 PM Post #177
Bumping up
Level 70
Enchanted Explorer
Joined: 5/23/2014
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Posted: 12/26/2020 at 10:56 PM Post #178
Would you accept 20k for the ice cave fae and frozen berry bulb fressences together?
Level 75
Luck of the Draw
Joined: 6/26/2018
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Posted: 12/27/2020 at 12:57 PM Post #179
Bumping up
Level 75
Joined: 9/11/2020
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Posted: 12/28/2020 at 11:21 AM Post #180
I got a blue spruce ligh, looking to trade the sculpted pet for vene, aeri, or griffi catas
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