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Level 75
Majestic Brewmaster
Joined: 4/4/2019
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Posted: 6/30/2020 at 4:04 PM Post #181
Yeah, when a person is they/them, that usually means theyre non-binary, but for the simplicity of the story that may be better. Theres always the option of just making the character non-binary as well. Im also writing a LGBTQ+ book atm, so I know it takes a lot of research and trial-and-error. So Im the end, the they/them should work if youre really just going for a simpler approach.
Level 60
Ghost Writer
Joined: 9/17/2017
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Posted: 6/30/2020 at 4:14 PM Post #182
Yeah. See, we have to go asking around for opinions, because I'm a female bisexual and my friend is straight as a ruler.
Level 75
The Tactician
Joined: 5/15/2018
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Posted: 6/30/2020 at 4:31 PM Post #183
Orcaaaaa are you in or not >.>
Level 71
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/16/2019
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Posted: 6/30/2020 at 5:25 PM Post #184
I'm agender myself and use she/he/they all equally and don't give much thought into who calls me what but I know everyone is different. If you're worried about offending a reader by using the pronoun they for a genderfluid character, don't.
It's good to ask experience from real people at the end of the day but remember your character is not a walking sexuality/gender identity. They are a person first and foremost and that generally tends to be the best way to write any character, lgbt+ or not, imo.
Your character is going to have their own opinions on their own identity and how they choose (or not choose!) to present themselves and what pronouns they opt to use for themselves. I hate to say don't let it be a focal point because that sounds dismissive, but honestly, it's going to cheapen their role as a character to basically the "token gay."
If that makes sense.. I think using they is a good way to go about it since it makes them automatically ambiguous to the reader.
Edited By Xedite on 6/30/2020 at 5:26 PM.
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 7/14/2015
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Posted: 6/30/2020 at 6:48 PM Post #185
I know I'm not part of this conversation, but well said (typed?) Xedite. Part of writing is making your characters seem believable, or like someone you'd know irl. Some examples of people neglecting this is seen in recent marvel productions (cough cough). Of course, people pick up on it, and it's wonderful to have a socially diverse cast, but don't push it too hard - if you do, it can be interpreted as 'pandering' and no one wants that lol.
Basically, when writing complex characters, you want to keep in mind that they're not you (unless they are) and they have their own set of beliefs and preferences. <-- keeping this in mind will help you avoid same-face syndrome in writing. (same-face syndrome means you only write one type of character, e.g. the stone cold hero or whatever)
Anyways, I think I rambled and butted in enough. Always keep in mind that you write for no one but yourself, so write whatever makes you happy! :)
Level 74
Joined: 11/1/2018
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Posted: 6/30/2020 at 7:37 PM Post #186
I mean I think it depends on he character and person and all.

Like for some like Alwx Fierro they prefer using she and he. For others they might use they or honor it. I think it really depends on what kind of personality and person your character is.

(Like for me I usually use she but I'm fine with they, which I usually use late at night, and I like to say I'm "that fish" instead of pronouns on occasiom.)
Level 74
Joined: 11/1/2018
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Posted: 6/30/2020 at 7:39 PM Post #187
I'm a fish
Yet I'm not a furry
Go ahead and explain hat and you have my answer probably
Like I said my brain is a muddled mess so um......<><
Level 75
The Tactician
Joined: 5/15/2018
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Posted: 6/30/2020 at 7:43 PM Post #188
You know I'm kicking everyone who hasn't confirmed out in two weeks right
Level 74
Joined: 11/1/2018
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Posted: 6/30/2020 at 8:24 PM Post #189
Confirmed what?

Sorry I kinda skimmed over a lot of pings XP

Remind what I've managed to forget I know I kept the ping bit I've somehow deleted it

Also I'm very distracted XD
Level 75
The Tactician
Joined: 5/15/2018
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Posted: 6/30/2020 at 10:26 PM Post #190
Lol I did an activity check
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