Canada doesn't know how to react and curls up in a ball. "Hold me, Mr Kumajino" he mumbled, cuddling his bear.
"Who're you?" Mr KUMAJIRO asked.
"I'm Canada..."
She slow down and finaly stop when the effect of the spiked filling dissipate. Still in a haze from the product she nevertheless figure out that 1. France had still manage to trick her 2. she didn't kill anyone, luckly 3. she had manage to scare Canada, unfortunately and 4. she have to fix evrything .
Level 62
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Posted: 9/7/2018 at 1:17 PM
Post #1902
"I do not mind." Japan said. "We have certain seats anyways. I have to sit with China, Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam."
The conference was huge, like the House of Representatives in America. Each seat was filled with a physical embodiment of a country. Japan sat between Hong Kong and South Korea. Taithlon sat to the right of Russia, to the left of Russia was Belarus (to Russia's dismay). There were many countries that Taithlon had never seen before, such as India, Libya, and Brazil. Others, like Canada and America, were familiar faces to her.
Taithlon gave a small smile to Japan before turning to Russia, "Bol'shoy brat, mogu ya sest' na koleni? Bol'shiye strany strashny, i zdes' tak gromko" she asked quietly, tugging at his sleeve. She still felt like a small child in this room with so many other nations.
((Big brother, can I sit on your lap? The bigger countries are scary and it's so loud here))
Level 65
The Artistic
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Posted: 9/7/2018 at 1:18 PM
Post #1903
France wiped a tear from his eye. "That was hilarious!" he said.
"YOU BLOODY ******!!!" England roared, stomping over to the Frenchman. "I will destroy you!!!"
Level 65
The Artistic
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Posted: 9/7/2018 at 1:26 PM
Post #1904
"Go ahead." Russia nodded. Belarus stared daggers at Taithlon but said nothing.
"It is required that we speak English here," Lithuania said softly. "Because, if we use our normal languages, the other countries might think we're plotting something..."
England walked up to the speakers podium.
"Good Morning, ladies and gentlemen, and.... entourage." he stared pointedly at Sealand, who was climbing all over Sweden. "I would like to begin this conference by letting Germany state the basic rules." he stepped down and made way for Germany.
"Eight minutes each for speeches! No chitchat about side deals... and absolutely no going over the time limit! Now if you want to go, make sure you're prepared and raise your hand! But do so in a way that does not mock any salute of my country's past." Germany yelled.
Italy raised his hand.
Germany pointed to Italy. "Germany recognizes his friend, Italy!"
Level 62
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Posted: 9/7/2018 at 1:30 PM
Post #1905
"Go ahead." Russia nodded. Belarus stared daggers at Taithlon but said nothing.
"It is required that we speak English here," Lithuania said softly. "Because, if we use our normal languages, the other countries might think we're plotting something..."
England walked up to the speakers podium.
"Good Morning, ladies and gentlemen, and.... entourage." he stared pointedly at Sealand, who was climbing all over Sweden. "I would like to begin this conference by letting Germany state the basic rules." he stepped down and made way for Germany.
"Eight minutes each for speeches! No chitchat about side deals... and absolutely no going over the time limit! Now if you want to go, make sure you're prepared and raise your hand! But do so in a way that does not mock any salute of my country's past." Germany yelled.
Italy raised his hand.
Germany pointed to Italy. "Germany recognizes his friend, Italy!"
Taithlon gulped, but dragged herself up Russias lap and sat on it, she was slightly confused by Belarus' look. It wasn't like she wanted to marry big brother, and she was smaller than Belarus by miles, it wasn't like she was squashing him or Belarus could fit on Russias lap. She turned her attention to what was happening on stage before giving a small smile of thanks, not even realizing what language she'd been speaking. Her eyes kept on flickering over to Japan as she watched Germany, Italy and England speak, listening silently.
Level 65
The Artistic
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Posted: 9/7/2018 at 1:31 PM
Post #1906
"Really dude? We always start the conference like this." America said.
"But it's the pasta!" Italy said.
Level 62
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Posted: 9/7/2018 at 1:33 PM
Post #1907
"Really dude? We always start the conference like this." America said.
"But it's the pasta!" Italy said.
She ran her teeth along her tongue nervously, making a weird expression as she tasted blood. She felt slightly sick as lent back against her brother. She'd heard some conferences lasted 6 hours and where boring, although she didn't want to miss what Japan and her big brother said. She'd probably sleep through the rest, though, and also be woken up by England yelling at her.
France wiped a tear from his eye. "That was hilarious!" he said.
"YOU BLOODY WANKER!!!" England roared, stomping over to the Frenchman. "I will destroy you!!!"
She sigh and let England have his fun, she will take care of that later, for now it was better to check if evryone else was ok.
Level 71
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 9/7/2018 at 2:21 PM
Post #1909
"Canada?" Prussia said. Suddenly, a look of horror crossed over his face. "Mein Gott! I didn't, did I? I tried to kiss Canada! France is going to kill me!!!"
"Speaking of France, the Allies are coming over to retrieve you three." Hungary said.
"Don't worry no one will tell France" I say and try not to laugh,
I had never thought France had a thing for Canada but it kinda made sense. At the mention of the others coming to get us I remembered all of my people probably still in the camps here and spoke up
"Actually I'll probably stay behind a little, to get my people back to where they belong."
Level 65
The Artistic
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Posted: 9/7/2018 at 2:32 PM
Post #1910
America continued to ramble about fixing the hole in the ozone layer with duct tape for fifteen minutes until England cut him off. England droned on about politics and how annoying Israel and Iraq were being. He ranted about the EU and how useless it was being at the moment. Then Italy came up and proposed the use of one currency for the European Union. Most people liked the idea, but England stubbornly stuck with his British pound.
Finally, Japan and China got up to speak. "We're friends again." Japan said. "Also, Taithlon and I are officially merged."
"I made orange chicken for the lunch break." China said.
There was a thunderous applause. Everyone loved orange chicken.
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