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Forum Index > Games, Contests, and Giveaways > The Sylestian Wishing Well
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Level 70
Joined: 1/12/2013
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Posted: 2/9/2016 at 6:51 PM Post #1911
Oh, thank you! o:
Level 49
Joined: 1/28/2016
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Posts: 421
Posted: 2/9/2016 at 7:04 PM Post #1912
I wish I had a cool looking Sylvapora with lots of carried genes :)

Oh yeah and gold for tabs XD
Edited By Cancerian on 2/9/2016 at 7:05 PM.
Level 60
Cutely Creative
Joined: 12/1/2015
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Posted: 2/9/2016 at 7:05 PM Post #1913
I wish I had any of the ny'vene helds.
Level 61
Joined: 1/16/2016
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Posted: 2/9/2016 at 7:41 PM Post #1914
Pretty Please?


1.Nebula Astral Wings

2. Water Pearl Wings

3. Kelpari Riders Wings

4. Cupids Gallant Wings

5. Butterfly Wings

6. Snowdrop Fairy Wings

7. Atlas Moth Wings

8. Oversized Verdant Butterfly Wings

9. Fairy Dragon Wings

10. Bat Wings

11. Draconic Wings

12. Lightning Lords Wings(StormBreaker)

13. Dragon Stalker Wings(White)

1. Shadow Stalker(Sea Storm)

2. Majestic Ninetails Of Fury

3. Butterfly Bandit Cape(Sugar)

4. Pookas Fox Tail

5. Lovely Vines

6. Cupids Gallant Quiver(Broken Heart)

7. Floating Lilies(Twilight)

8. Any Ny'vene Tails
9. Any Zolnixi Tails
10. Any Ghostly Stags
11. Shadow Stalker Joy

1.Butterfly Bandit Hood(Sugar)

2. Ny'vene Tamers Crown

3. Kelpari Riders Crown

4. Feathered Witch Headdress

5. Ghostly Pirate Hat(Candy Corn)

6. Crazed Druid Antlers(White Hare)

7. Pookas Rabbit Headband

8. Flower Flapper Hat

9. Cherry Nymph Antlers

10. Bone Reapers Hood

11. Forest Witch's Hat Thanks Sandstorm514
12. Laural Wreath Of Eros(Lovely)

1. Hydrangea Outfit(Sunrose)

2. Butterfly Bandit Outfit(Sugar)

3. Sylestian Engineer Outfit(Nightwatch) Thanks Imperium!

4. Ny'vene Tamers Outfit(Tropical)

5. Fairy Dragon Costume

6. Summer Rose Outfit(Brown Sugar)

7. Pastel Koi Water Gown

8. Festive Spring Dress

9. Butterfly Bandit Outfit

10. Cherry Nymph Attire

11. Flower Flapper Attire

12. Candy Apple Costume

13. Iris' Rainment(Orange Trim)

1. Delicate Butterfly Spriteling(Sugar)

2. Heroic Owl of Valkyrie

3. Snowdrop Fairy(Golden Kiss)

4. Ghostly Pirate Octopus(Yum)

5. Spring Parasol(Ivory)

6. Red Apple Basket

7. Iris Spriteling(Lacy Linda)

8. Snail Spriteling(Seaweed)

9. Snow pearl Kit(Ember)

10. Dancing Koi(Muddy pearl)

11. Cupids Gallant Harp(Broken Heart)

12. Summer Fairy Thornblade

13. Katana Of the Red Dragon

14. Neried's Scrying Orb(Rose Quartz)

The Sylestian Engineer Badlands Set
Hydrangea Ivory Set


1. Forsaken Guardian Morkko Eggling
2. Mystical Aeridini Essence
3. Any Lunemara Essences


1. Any amount of gold
2. Diamonds
3. Devious Delight Ny'vene

Edited By IiPurePoison on 11/21/2018 at 8:01 AM.
Level 60
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 8/28/2015
Threads: 61
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Posted: 2/10/2016 at 9:14 AM Post #1915
Author: GhostlyFours
Time Posted: 9/3/2015 at 6:07 PM
hi... idk if this is a little much, sorry if it is... :|


If anyone could make this to its exact color and make and everything, I would be eternaally gratful, because i had based this off my friend and he joined Sylestia and i was hoping to give it to him as a welcoming gift because he loves it soooo much.

G1: Tribal Markings
M1: Battle Scars
G2: Maned Wolf
M2: Dragon Wings
G3: Tipped Mane
M3: Dragon Face

EC: FF0000 (RED)
C1: 008685 (DARK NAVY BLUE)
C3: FF0000 (SAME RED)

G1: 000000 (BLACK)
AC*(i have no idea what this is): FF0000

i need him to be exact please

with her she can be as close, doesnt have to be exact
she can lose the wings or the dragon face, but i want her to keep the tipped mane and the battle scars

just go to generator, search me up, they are both named hunter, the one with blue and white is male, the one with black and red is the female

i will be so happy if someone does this for me

Addition to pet^^ I would like a male 3v Black Cat Luffox
Any of the new Morkko themed from the revamp please!!
All that i want most are bolded
some diamonds (maybe 500 for a new stable) so i can organize my project
3 Regular Essences of each Species
ANY Pet dyes
Enough gold to get me a sixth tab ^-^
Any all all ingredients!!!

(Held) Lovely black rose Thanks Hopp!!
(Held) Phantom Feline Ghost, Shadow, or Wisp
(Held) Ghostly Hellhound Fiery or Silver
(Outfit) Robes of Ghostly Shadows
(Head) Tropical Shaman's Tiara
(Head) Devil's Horns
(Wings) Wings of the Soul Collector
(Backs) Devil's Tail
(Backs) Ghostly Skulls
(Backs) Shadow Stalker [Quicksilver or Jade Fire]

this is it for now...
Level 60
Joined: 1/2/2016
Threads: 36
Posts: 227
Posted: 2/10/2016 at 4:20 PM Post #1916
i wish for

herbalists outfit

staff of winter jolly

1 aurleon
Level 63
Joined: 10/6/2014
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Posted: 2/11/2016 at 5:09 PM Post #1917

Starry Night Background (Still need to pay)
Ghostly Stag (Chilly)(Still need to pay)
Ghostly Stag (Sprightly)
Falling Rose Petals(Still need to pay)
Ice Castle Background
Full Moon Background (Clear Night)
Spooky Background
Majestic Ninetails of Elegance
Black Majestic Ninetails
White Majestic Ninetails
Red Majestic Ninetails
Shadow Stalker (Sea Storm)
All Ice Dragons
Midsummer's Night Background
Falling Hearts(Still need to pay)
Witch's Cape
All Zolnixi tails
Shadow Stalker (Desert Storm)
Shadow Stalker (Quicksilver)

Angelic Wings
Angelic Wings of Purity
Ghostly Wings
Arcanic Wings
Runic Aura
Astral Wanderer's Wings
All Astral Wings
Majestic Heart Wings
Snow Swan Wings
Snowflake Wings
Underworld Wings
Wind Frost Wings

Astral Wanderer's Horn
Winter Ball Jewel
Angelic Halo
Flowered Headdress
All Nebula Crown
Vampiric Horns
Jeweled Floral Headdress
Seraph's Winged Petasos

Lovely Kimono***Thank you Myrubypixie! <3
Rain Dress
Astral Wanderer's Garb
Robes of the Peach
Crisp Fall Outfit
Winter Ball Outfit(Still need to pay)
Herbalist's Outfit
Autumn Fairy's Garments
Bone Lord's Jerkin
Spring Acolyte's Armor
Sugar Plum Outfit
Gingerbread Costume
Baker's Outfit
Valentine's Ensemble
Robes of Ghostly Shadows
Dragon Guardian Armor

Festive Adventurer's Lantern (Rose)
Gentleman's Snow Swan Staff
Festive Adventurer's Lantern (Carnation)
Lady's Snow Swan Staff
Festive Adventurer's Lantern (Rainbow)
Foo Puppy (Twinkle)
Foo Puppy (Rainbow)
Poo Puppy (Moochy)
Spring Lantern All
Palaise the Pleasant
Shira, Lightning's Essence
Forest Guardian (Lavender)
Forest Guardian (Deep Sea)
Phantom Feline (Shadow)
Phantom Feline (Cleo)
Phantom Feline (Ghost)
Glowing Branch Staff of Autumn
Glowing Branch Staff of Frost
Valiant Owl of the Valkyrie
Celestial Sphinx (Rose)
All Lovely Koi (But Fruity)
Celestial Sphinx (Deep Sea)
Celestial Sphinx (Violet)
Minstrel's Songbird (Rainbow)
All Heart Staffs
Cuddling Luffox (Omen and Orea)
Cuddling Luffox (Davi and Dori)
Iris' Staff (Midnight Dream)
All Minstrel Songbird
Ice Mage Familiar (Lilac)
Sun-Kissed Lovebirds
All Dragon Lantern
Nimbus Cub (Pala)
Arctic Dragon (Azure)
Cuddling Zolnixi (Dasie and Dapper)
Cuddling Zolnixi (Chica and Choco)
Lunar Apple Blossom Staff

Gold.. I need a lot lol
Gender swaps
Peacock charm 1
Peacock charm 2

I will also look at other peoples wishlist and help out if I can c:

Whoa its longer than I thought... owo'
Edited By Xxthehappyxx on 3/29/2016 at 3:48 PM.
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
Threads: 345
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Posted: 2/11/2016 at 5:37 PM Post #1918
Pet dyes !!! ( I need quite a few)
a shadow stalker.....
or a spectators stead.....
Level 60
Lucky Leprechaun
Joined: 7/19/2015
Threads: 34
Posts: 684
Posted: 2/11/2016 at 6:23 PM Post #1919

ImmortalLight's Wishlist

1. Faun Costume x1
2. Spring Acolytes x1
3. Tropical Shamans Garments x1
4. Mythical/Enhanced/Regular Sylvorpa Essence x1
5. 480,000g for a new tab!!!

Will update this later.. I will help as many people as I can even if my own wishes can't be filled!

Edited By Immortallight on 3/15/2016 at 4:21 PM.
Level 39
Joined: 2/4/2016
Threads: 6
Posts: 131
Posted: 2/12/2016 at 2:46 PM Post #1920

1. Mystical Zolnixi Essence x1

2. Exceptional Genetic Scanner x1
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