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Level 74
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Posted: 4/9/2021 at 6:01 PM Post #1981
Author: Falconetti
Time Posted: 4/9/2021 at 11:53 AM
(Ack, I did go for telepathy before, didn't I? Let's scratch that - seems a bit complicated for my smol brain to handle)

The pair of you wait until, as predicted, a pair of guards round the ring of wagons. It's getting cold staying motionless, but the two goblins don't seem much interested in hanging around either. They head back around before ducking back into the protective formation, muttering high-pitched complaints to one another all the way.

"Now we move," Spork says, anticipation in his voice. "You take point."

"Got it. Let's hope those two dont make a ruckus, i swear if that wyvern starts hallabaluing..." NIcote mutters, before creeping towards the camp. Might as well get it over with. "And by the wya, if all hell breaks loose and we get hunted? I'm heading back to Elvenor, would go to the Crossroads but they hate me right now. " It's a bit of a nimpulsive choice and a gamble but on the chance that his brother gained some niceness points sinc ethey split he might not wind up in jail or as a fugitive.

Time to go get his familiar (and his first companion) back. While not dying. Hopeuflly he (and probably his orc companon) can get in, get the duo out, and get out of the place alive.
Level 75
The Tactician
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Posted: 4/9/2021 at 7:52 PM Post #1982
Author: Falconetti
Time Posted: 4/9/2021 at 4:27 PM
(Hahaha, I just had to xP You just got... rick-roleplayed. Okay, I'll shut up now :D )

Bob laughs. "Heavy seeds? Now I've heard it all. Course, if Balthur's sent you, I'd be more than happy to help - but what is it I can do? I've still got this dock to manage, and not a lot of time to spare."

There's a loud noise as something clatters to the ground, and the foreman turns and bellows: "Get a grip! You're not paid to drop things!"

(Rick-roleplayed is a beautiful phrase wha)

I jump at Bob's sudden increase in volume. When he's done bellowing, I blink awkwardly and say, "Could we help you speed your work up in any way? I mean, we do have Skywhisper here, if he wants to help. He's quite magnificent, you know. The most amazing Familiar in Anaia, you won't find a more majestic Griffin in all the land. He doesn't drop things. Trust me, if he did, I would've fallen to my death seasons ago." I'm just rambling at this point, partially due to Bob's yelling having set me on edge, and partially because I'm just bad at talking to people, having spent so much time traveling with only Skywhisper.
Edited By Larkien on 4/9/2021 at 7:52 PM.
Level 72
Ghost Writer
Joined: 11/13/2018
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Posted: 4/10/2021 at 6:12 AM Post #1983
You've not spent too much time working on your stealth stat, but there's always time to learn. Stealth increased to level 2.

Spork just grunts at your decision, creeping beside you.

The wagon which shook before shakes again when you get within reach of it. There's a moment of aggressive shouting from within the camp in response. Spork tenses, and a few agonising seconds go by before things return to business as usual.

Meanwhile, a red eye gleams from between the bars of the wagon's entryway. You can hear a hushed, scolding voice from within - it sounds familiar.

Then, from the creature at the bars: "Nicote?" you can recognise your wyvern as he presses his face up to the metal. "Is that you?"
Level 72
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Posted: 4/10/2021 at 6:20 AM Post #1984
Skywhisper preens himself proudly at the attention, nodding along that he will help.

Now it's Bob's turn to give a funny look. But, seeing your discomfort, he quietens his voice. "Look, we've got plenty of hands here at the moment. No work needing done, but thanks for the offer. No, I'm just asking what it is exactly you need from me, and I'll give it. You've come from Balthur, I wouldn't think'a doing otherwise."
Level 74
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Posted: 4/10/2021 at 5:25 PM Post #1985
Author: Falconetti
Time Posted: 4/10/2021 at 6:12 AM
You've not spent too much time working on your stealth stat, but there's always time to learn. Stealth increased to level 2.

Spork just grunts at your decision, creeping beside you.

The wagon which shook before shakes again when you get within reach of it. There's a moment of aggressive shouting from within the camp in response. Spork tenses, and a few agonising seconds go by before things return to business as usual.

Meanwhile, a red eye gleams from between the bars of the wagon's entryway. You can hear a hushed, scolding voice from within - it sounds familiar.

Then, from the creature at the bars: "Nicote?" you can recognise your wyvern as he presses his face up to the metal. "Is that you?"

"Yeah, now don't get us caught." Nicote hissed. "Any injuries? Restraints?" Dang, he should think about causing a ruckus on the other side of camp to distract this gorup of kidnappers later.
Level 75
The Tactician
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Posted: 4/10/2021 at 6:30 PM Post #1986
Author: Falconetti
Time Posted: 4/10/2021 at 6:20 AM
Skywhisper preens himself proudly at the attention, nodding along that he will help.

Now it's Bob's turn to give a funny look. But, seeing your discomfort, he quietens his voice. "Look, we've got plenty of hands here at the moment. No work needing done, but thanks for the offer. No, I'm just asking what it is exactly you need from me, and I'll give it. You've come from Balthur, I wouldn't think'a doing otherwise."

"Oh," I say, trying to relax and shut my mouth before I ramble about something stupid. Well, something else stupid. "Alright, uh, yeah. We were wondering if you had, say, a wagon or wheelbarrow of some sort, or any other means of transporting large, unwieldy things? Preferably, one we can hook up to Skywhisper somehow?"
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 4/11/2021 at 10:47 AM Post #1987
Author: Falconetti
Time Posted: 4/9/2021 at 4:34 PM
(Hey, thanks for the ping for your roleplay. Sorry, it looks good but I don't think I have the time for it - already sending you all slow pings here in Creature Kin, though I'm trying to be a bit more active. Thanks anyway :) )

The young creatures nod tiredly.

You, Crimson and Numbat head into the surrounding mountainous terrain, off of the paths. Here, the sparse vegetation clings to the pebbly, rocky ground and thin earth. Enough for small animals to be living here.

"I'll head off in this direction, and we can meet back up at the camp when we've set our snares," Numbat says, departing on his own.

5x makeshift snares added to inventory

"Okay! What do you want me to do now?" Crimson asks, ears pricked up attentively and eyes wide.

(Ty and it's okay)

"Find a creature trail and I'll set a snare there where it would be most likely to catch something," Asteria explains quietly, "the more accurate we are the better a chance of getting food tomorrow so let's do it."
Level 72
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 4/20/2021 at 10:52 AM Post #1988
"Mhm," Knight mumbles. He looks glad to see you, but struggles to say anything else. You realise that your Wyvern has been muzzled. A metal contraption keeps him from using his death spit on his captors.

Chains lead from the restraint across Knight's scales and deeper into the wagon, but it's hard to see in the dark.

A familiar face clops his way over to the bars, and Balthur - seemingly unrestrained - gasps as he looks out. "Nicote!" he exlaims, voice hushed. "After you disappeared... oh, now is not the time! Yes, Knight is locked up tight in here but I'm... fine enough." A dark look passes over his features. "Do you have the keys to the door?"
Level 72
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 4/20/2021 at 11:29 AM Post #1989
Bob chuckles. "Why didn't you say so? Well, we're usin' most of the bigger wagons for this lumber shipment, here. But I reckon you wouldn't be needing anything as big as that."

He brings you a spare wagon with a rope which could be used as a makeshift harness for Skywhisper. "Bring it back when your finished, but I'll need something else from you."

His expression turns serious, and he lowers his voice so only you and Skywhisper can hear him. "I need you to pass a coded message onto Balthur. Tell 'im: 'The lazy dragon sleeps atop the mountain, but his angry brother does not.' Got it?"
Level 72
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 4/20/2021 at 12:02 PM Post #1990
"Got it!" Crimson yips.

The two of you spend the next while working together to seek out routes where animals commonly travel and setting traps. The sun is low in the sky by the time you've set all five snares.

"Maybe after this rest day I'll be up to giving hunting a try," she wags her tail happily. "Now that Chillsky's over, there are bound to be things I can find."
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