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Forum Index > General Discussion > Releasing Discourse
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Level 75
Stoneheart Savior
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Posted: 5/17/2022 at 1:24 PM Post #11
I think it's a very valid point to bring up why releasers feel it's ok considering the reasoning behind their agreeance/support with release (you mentioned why you don't like it, it's fair for releasers to say why they do).

The issue is that while there are extremists on both sides with all discourse, the extremists on the anti-releasers side have taken it to breaking site rules on a variety of occasions. You can't just say the past is the past when it's been an issue for so long (not sure when releasing was added to the site but the site's been around for almost 10 years). You asked why people were so upset with anti-releasers and their actions are a big chunk of the reason so it's fair to bring up. The rules on the site AREN'T handling it and that's the problem.
Edited By Unstaeble on 5/17/2022 at 1:28 PM.
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
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Posted: 5/17/2022 at 1:24 PM Post #12
Oh, don't worry- most are (or should be) concerned with the inevitable devolvement of the releasing topic. All I can say now is that we've got a few releaser's perspectives, now we just need the anti-releaser perspectives - namely why some feel it's okay to harass other players, or why they think releasing should be removed from the game.

I'm glad you brought this topic up with an opportunity for both to share their opinions~

Edit: Also just wanted to express sympathy for you. It's never okay to harass. I'm sorry you were harassed. sending virtual hug :p
Edited By Hiraeth on 5/17/2022 at 1:26 PM.
Level 75
Fairy Sous Chef
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Posted: 5/17/2022 at 1:28 PM Post #13
Because it should be a non-issue at this point. Krin made a statement on pet sale conduct seven years ago:

If you sell a pet and the buyer releases the pet (or does any other thing with the pet that you did not want, such as dying it, mutating it, nullifying it, changing its gender, etc.), there is nothing that you should ever say to the buyer about it. When they purchase your pet, it becomes 100% their own pet. You have zero say over what happens to the pet. You should not request the buyer to not buy more of your pets, you should not request the buyer to return the pet, you should not request the buyer to not do whatever it is that they did again to any other pet. This is inappropriate and this is harassment. As a seller, you would not want buyers messaging you and asking you not to sell pets the way that you're selling them or not to breed pets the way that you're breeding them, would you? So please give buyers the same respect.

and people are still harassing users who buy then release pets.

Thread here
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
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Posted: 5/17/2022 at 1:30 PM Post #14
I don't know what you refer to with "the anti-releasers side have taken it to breaking site rules" because I haven't experienced that, could you offer an example? As far as I know there isn't a way to get something back that has been purchased without the pet being put up for sale again. My only interactions with the topic have been met with "You can block the person for messages," and I'm not really sure how else a rule can be broken.

I also think its unfair to place all of the blame solely on the anti-releasers, because it feels unfair (in my opinion, I am probably biased) to say that they are disrespectful in their dealings. It's been my experience that there is no way to tell that something has the chance of being mass purchased and released until one reaches the Lost Grove, and the bonus becomes a part of your game.

I would like to hope that a simple clarification of the rules would help, alongside perhaps a better communication of the feature to help? In my experience it seems like miscommunication is the major part of the problem, since anti-releasers will often post in their bios that they don't like their stuff released and it is ignored; similarly, releasers don't have any way to communicate that they use the feature because most people don't know its a feature to release for a bonus.
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
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Posted: 5/17/2022 at 1:33 PM Post #15
I'm glad at least someone gets my intentions with this post. >.>

It seems to me that a lot of this frustration comes from a lack of communication of some people's boundaries on this website, and the lack of communication of why its a feature in the first place because it only really is relevant to the LG if you're looking for the bonus and fests if you're going for the boards (as far as I know?).

As for the anti-releaser perspective, I think it's just going to be me on this thread lol. In my traversals of the forums, every time someone vocalizes a dislike for it they're immediately shut down, that's why I keep bringing up the "strong arming." One side is very clearly allowed to talk while the other isn't.
Level 75
The Carver
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Posted: 5/17/2022 at 1:34 PM Post #16
There were always site rules to handle it, it was never allowed to harass players over pets they've bought-- but I digress, I don't know exactly what your version of a discussion would be then, because this is mine.

I acknowledged that my response may have come off/been aggressive but when its a controversial topic there's really no way to avoid that? You inquired why it always has to become a strongly worded argument-- there's simply no other reason than that the people behind it are strongly worded people. Such as myself, I have trouble sweetening my words and tend to be very straight forward when I discuss things.

In my post I laid out why *I* had an aggressive post on the thread which shall not be named because you inquired as to why its such a sensitive topic. So I explained to you exactly how I saw it. I don't see how you expect a topic which has become very sensitive through the years because of the harassment to not have strongly worded people on either side. That's... just how these things work??? That's how people disagree on things? And the loudest will always be the most heard-- I'm sure there were people who may have seen that thread who agreed or disagreed and just didn't say anything.

You question of "why is this an argument" becomes redundant when the explanation is simply 'its an argument because that's what happens when two very passionate sides clash'. So then are you asking *why* they're so passionate? Well, as I said before I could point at prior harassment, or just a differing view and the person themselves being a very argumentative person. Perhaps I should have made it clearer, but when I said that people have gotten harassed in the past It was implied that people still get harassed now.

It's just going to be an issue as long as people have differing opinions I guess? It's less of an issue when nobody brings it up but-- thats just how human discourse works?

Again, maybe I just don't understand what you're asking but I dont think I can get much clearer than: Its an issue because people disagree on things.

(And I never assumed you were against releasing, I was just further explaining why I took the side I did on the thread which will not be named.)

Edit: Not always, but for a very very long time. Most players weren't around back then.
Edited By Drowned on 5/17/2022 at 1:36 PM.
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
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Posted: 5/17/2022 at 1:34 PM Post #17
This isn't really what I wanted to discuss, my intent isn't to discuss if releasing should be allowed or not because, as you said, it is. It's a feature of the game, and what people do with what they buy is their right.

My intention is to discuss why it immediately becomes a non-productive discussion or an argument whenever its brought up.
Level 75
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Posted: 5/17/2022 at 1:38 PM Post #18
I mean that's kind of fair. I also struggle to communicate in the way I intend through text because most of the time when I talk, my tone differs from what I say. It's a bit harder to communicate effectively through text.

I was just trying to figure out why we can't discuss this like we do other features, because there are other features on this website that people disagree on and it never becomes what even this thread has turned into lol.

And I'm sorry about assumptions I've made. I've said it a few times in this thread, it looks like miscommunication is a big part of why this is an issue. It's hard to not make assumptions when context isn't fully provided.
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
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Posted: 5/17/2022 at 1:43 PM Post #19
Pinging you guys because you all responded.

Do you think it would make any difference if I suggested that there be an amendment made for the feature?

Through the discussion we've been having, it seems to me at least, that a lot of the contention and hostility comes from a lack of communication about the feature and rules pertaining to it.

A lot of the issues I've seen on the end of "pro-releasing" can be explained as a lack of understanding of the feature and its benefits, and the rules made surrounding it.

I was wondering if making a suggestion to better explain the rules of the feature and what the feature can be used for might help with some of the issues because of the lack of explanation for what the feature is for. In the beginning of the game, and honestly until you hit the Lost Grove -if you go looking for it- the bonuses or uses and points for the feature are never really explained to the player.

Most of the features on this website are pretty self explanatory, or there is a reason to go looking for a guide or thread (like combat), but releasing does not have either on its side.

Do you think it might help the issue if there was?
Level 75
Stoneheart Savior
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Posted: 5/17/2022 at 1:43 PM Post #20
I mentioned it in my post, but I can re-state it for you;

"I think a lot of releasers are upset with non-releasers as there has been a trend of some (not all) non-releasers who harass others for releasing. Players who publicly price their pets, especially for extremely low prices, cannot control if someone buys that pet and then releases it after but yet we still have players who will send PMs yelling at other players for doing so. While it's a player's choice to put on their About Me for players to not buy and release their pets, not many actually read those About Me's before buying pets on AS as well as users don't have the right to enforce what a player does with a pet after buying.

Those who don't want to release or who don't want their pets bought and released are encouraged through the sales conduct to price them privately, make a forum, etc because it's 100% up to a player what they do with a pet after they buy it. The one exception is when you have a pre-agreed plan for say, borrowing someone's party pets, not to breed, release, alter, etc the pet. Regardless of these rules, players who buy and release (I can speak from this first hand having received PMs like this) STILL get hateful PMs from some users about how they can't buy and release pets publicly priced and sometimes even insulting them for being a bad person for releasing. There have also been occasional issues where players make public blacklists of players who buy and release (which is also against the site rules to do)"

Torey linked the sales conduct, here's ToS relating to blacklists

You may not harass, libel, defame, threaten, spam, or insult Staff or other players anywhere on the Site.

It's extremely disrespectful for other players to break the site rules and basic decency of not harassing another player and it has a long history of occurring. Even if not in the LG, players have the opportunity to release and get rewards for Patriotic fest and as we see right now (as well as in the past this existed), the releasing boards

I'll be honest, the clarifications feel like trying to downplay or discredit valid points relating to the actions of anti-releasers. If they're actively breaking ToS and sales conduct, it's against the rules and that alone puts them in the wrong. Again, not all non-releasers are harassing others but it's definitely enough that it's been a long term issue and when you ask the community why releasing is such a discourse, the harassment is going to be brought up.
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