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Forum Index > Roleplaying > Attack on Titan
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Level 60
Joined: 11/19/2013
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Posted: 2/22/2014 at 9:59 PM Post #11
((Backtracking a bit so Akira can answer the questions. Also, this is form what I remembered they did ^^ll I can't find the site I watched the vids on ><))
"Well, no. I kind of had an errand to run..." Akira mumbled sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. "But yeah, I'll help." The teen said, as he followed Blair's lead.
"So, have you figured out what regiment you want to join yet?"
He had replied, saying the Recon Corps, but his voice was drowned out when lightning struck. His eyes widened when he saw what stood before him. "T-t-the C-c-colossal... T-Titan..." He said, as he stumbled backwards.
"We gotta move Akira!" He barely heard Blair, but felt her grip on his arm. It shocked him to his senses, and he hurriedly replied, running with the girl to the edge of the wall that overlooked the city.
"A-a-alright! We have to jump!" He glanced behind him quickly, and saw the rest of the group jumping off the wall.
((Blair pulls Akira off the wall and they jump together? :D))
Level 60
Joined: 2/2/2014
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Posted: 2/22/2014 at 10:14 PM Post #12
(We can pretty much go wild with this, cause I don't quite remember what happened by memory either. I just know the Survey Corp saves them.)

Blair smiled faintly, she was quite glad that one of her friends at least were going to be joining her in the Survey corp. Now she wouldn't be alone with all of the higher ups that were probably going to push her around. Although, Blair was kinda worried, Akira wasn't the bravest guys around. "Good job caption obvious." Blair said as she tightened her hold on the boys arm slightly before she jumped off of the wall.

The brunette let her body fall for a small bit before she let go of Akira and activated her 3DMG. She pulled herself onto a rooftop and looked back at the colossal titan, gulping as she watched it break a hole in the wall. " Aw come on! We just set everything up on it." She said and sighed, slightly annoyed. Then as she looked at the hole, frowning as titans started to storm into the town.

Blair looked back at her friends and saw them all worried. "Don't worry everyone, we've trained for this." She said, more so ti herself. Then she felt a little better as she heard Eren giving everyone courage. His words alone made the short girl feel like she could actually help kill a few of the human eating monsters.
Level 60
Joined: 11/19/2013
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Posted: 2/22/2014 at 10:58 PM Post #13
((*goes to shingeki no kyoujin wiki* It's Armin and Eren, as they plug the hole, Eren tires out and faints...? No, he's slightly awake... like drowsy.. Then they see two titans behind them, and they freeze. Levi kills both titans))

Akira stopped himself a few meters below and to the right of Blair, using his left hand to steady himself as his right drew a sword. He could still feel the Colossal's body heat, and looked around to see how the others were doing. He nearly lost his grip as he saw Samuel drop, unconscious to the ground. "Samuel!" He shouted, but breathed out a sigh of relief as he saw Sasha grab Samuel at the last moment.
"Ready the artillery! All groups, prepare for battle! The target's right in front of us! It's the Colossal Titan! This is our chance! Don't let it slip away!"
His head snapped in Eren's direction, just in time for him to see his friend swing by, before landing atop the wall. "E-Eren!"
Level 60
Joined: 2/2/2014
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Posted: 2/22/2014 at 11:11 PM Post #14
(Hm, I thought Mikasa saved Eren both times. Oh well, I remember the rest of what happens. :3 Thank you for the reminder.)

Blair watched in shock as Eren jumped back onto the wall. That kid was seriously crazy, he wasn't skilled enough to kill that thing! None of them were, they were barely graduates. The green eyes girl bit her bottom lip nervously as she watched Eren, then she looked towards the hole that had been created. 'It's going to be hell trying to fix that.' She thought to herself, then looked back up to the Colossal, her eyes widening as she saw it had disappeared. "What the heck? I swear that it was just there." She said in surprise and then looked back towards her comrades.

They all looked just as confused as she was. Blair gently bit her bottom lip, what was she suppose to do now? Her head snapped up as she heard one of the higher rankers saying how they needed to be split up into groups so that they could start trying to exterminate the Titans. "Akira, be careful out there." Blair told her friend as she went to go and see what group she'd be put in to take care of the titans.
Level 60
Joined: 11/19/2013
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Posted: 2/22/2014 at 11:44 PM Post #15
((Nah, that's why it took me so long to answer ><))

The group retreated, back to the headquarters as a member of the Garrison came up to the wall, calling for them to return. Unsurprisingly, Akira was placed in the first guard, or Vanguard. Sighing, the male grabbed his stuff, and got ready for the battle ahead. He gulped, he was scared, he would admit, but he wouldn't back down. "We've got to figt them... For everyone's sakes..." He whispered to himself. He wondered silently which group he would be placed in. With Blair? Jean? Marco? Or the hotheaded Eren? Either way, he prayed he didn't die, he wanted to make it in to his brother's past team.
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