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Level 39
Fancy Pants
Joined: 11/13/2013
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Posted: 8/21/2014 at 3:41 AM Post #11
****** the other characters, I got rid of a rule. When you guys are done with your characters we can start. ^_^
Level 60
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Posted: 8/21/2014 at 6:09 AM Post #12
Eh >< Sarah! You missed my pm!!!! :<
Level 66
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Posted: 8/21/2014 at 9:44 AM Post #13

Anastasia Callis || 20 || Open || Crystal25152

||She isn't really a magical class or anything. The only thing close to magic that really isn't magic is that she devours souls. Anastasia also cries blood, though I don't call that magic. But of course, I may be exaggerating. She is very, but barely psychic. She is able to sense magical beings from not too far away. As for her skeletal appearance, it's just the way she wants to look. There is no hidden power. Her skull mask is only for show. So she isn't very powerful, you could say.||

||Before she was killed, she had quite the normal life. Well, pretty normal. She sent to elementary school, middle school, and high school. Throughout her life, she was the odd one. The one that most people didn't notice, and when they did, they'd just think she was weird. Anastasia was Greek, and deeply interested in Greek mythology. She liked to act out as the monsters and gods. Like being in her own world. Or in other words, she was awkwardly social. But now, she still is, but she doesn't act out. Instead, she talks to herself. Back in middle school, she took archery and and she's very good at it. She is very accurate, but nearly always accurate with still targets. Some also say that she can predict her prey's next move. Besides that, she is very defenseless.||

I just read what I typed and it stiff and unconnected...

Full Name || Age || love Interest || P/B

||Special Ability/ies||


Edit: Cora! I accidentally pinged you... I was looking at your chars for examples. Ignore this... Sorry! >.<' *facedesks*
Edited By Crystal25152 on 8/21/2014 at 6:15 PM.
Level 39
Fancy Pants
Joined: 11/13/2013
Threads: 17
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Posted: 8/21/2014 at 9:10 PM Post #14
((Another character and CRYSTAL! I love Evenz! He is amazing! ^_^))

|| Sarah Night || 3 years old || Female || Open || NightBug

Looks: She has a small musical note tattoo under her right eye and a barcode on her upper right arm. They are both a light blue color that almost matches her eyes. Her hair is black but if you catch it in the light it has blue highlights. She has a petite muscle build, not really strong physically. Though this makes her quick and light on her feet. Stealth is her strong point. She only weighs 120 pounds and stands about 5'5. She has scars all of her body you just have to look closely to see them because of how pale she is.

Species: She isn't demonic, she isn't even alive. Well technically she is, if you count putting a soul in a dolls body. Sarah is a living doll that can only really survive off of music and has learned a new trick. She controls storms, with the thunder and lightning.

Strengths and Weaknesses: With her height, weight and hair color, stealth comes easily for her. She can walk around and not be noticed easily. She has extreme accuracy and usually uses the bow or throwing knives as her weapon of choice. Though in hand to hand combat she is very weak and she is gullible around people. She always wants to make friends and tries hard not to see the hard truth such as reality.

Personality: She is very shy, finding it hard to find the right words to say. She can't express herself and this usually pushes people away. She is gullible and falls for tricks easily. She has a huge heart and cares for people to easily. Though all of this doesn't mean she doesn't have her dark side. She has no patience and will usually snap if pushed to hard. If her mind is pushed to far she will usually just turn off her emotion and go into full robot mode. This makes her a killing machine, what she was originally created for.

Bio: She doesn't remember much about herself. She can only remember a few memories from three years ago and than everything just gets blurry. She remembers waking up inside an orphanage but she doesn't know who her parents are. Nobody has been able to figure that out. She had spent a few years in that orphanage until she left, rather living on the street. She started developing these feelings for the human race, they disgusted her. They treated her like trash because she didn't have a home but she would watch and laugh because she would rather live by herself than in a broken family.

She doesn't know that she was created by a scientist a few years ago. That her memories aren't her own, that her feelings are not her own. She was being used for sex, that was what she was created for but than it was easy to tell that the scientist had developed a new idea. He wanted to use her to hurt the people he hated. He soon remade her into a killing machine but soon tossed her out when he realized she wouldn't do as he said anymore. Though this didn't mean he didn't try to teach her. He would beat her down, hoping that she would get angry but she wouldn't. She would never hurt a fly unless she was beyond angry, than her eyes would turn red and start to bleed.

Quote: I didn't want to wake up, I was having a much better time asleep. And that's really sad... It was almost like a reverse nightmare, like when you wake up from a nightmare you're so relieved. I woke up into a nightmare.
Ned Vizzini

|| Avia Tremguard || 21 || Female || Open || NightBug

Looks: She has long white hair and slate black irises. Her ears are long and ends in a point. She has a small build but under it she is pretty muscular. She weighs only 125 pounds but her wings add another twenty. She only stands at 5'3. Her small build allows her to be quick and light on her feet, making flying for her so much easier. Her wings are a good twenty feet in length together and ten for just one of them. She also has a small house cat that she carries around with her, named him Tom. :3

Species: She is an Angel on the verge of falling. At the moment her wings are slowly turning black and her eyes are slowly turning red. Her teeth are getting sharper and she is losing her innocent state of mind. She has many other powers such as the power of light and whatnot but she rarely uses it.

Strengths and Weaknesses: She is able to fly very high due to her weight and strength. She has very good reflexes and is able to remember her surroundings easily. She has a great sense of direction and has like a sixth sense, able to sense danger. She has problems fitting into small places due to her rather large wings. Her wings also make walking and running harder.

Personality: She is a loner, rarely talking to people and usually sticks to the shadows or the sky. She finds this world disgusting but oddly attractive. She had always wondered what the end of the world would look like and sometimes caught daydreaming about it. She only cares for herself and doesn't give a damn for others well beings. She does not share and can be found as rather... Greedy... Though the selfishness and greed is strong this doesn't make her a coward. She is very brave, often doesn;t run away from a fight. She is strong willed just has a very weak heart.

Bio: As a younger angel she stumbled across people that she liked but no one she could ever care for. She went through her life without really anyone, unable to actually find the truth in anyones eyes. She found a boy one day, someone she terribly loved but as if blessed by bad luck, he was taken away. he didn't die, or at least she hopes but she hasn't seen him in what felt like forever. She wished she could stumble upon this guy one more time, hold his hand one more time. Everyday she goes without him her soul gets darker. It was like he was her lifeline, something she holds onto for dear life. But she is a fighter and promises herself and him that she won't stop fighting till they're together once again. She refuses to die.

Quote: There is no good and evil, there is only power and those too weak to seek it.

J.K. Rowling
Level 66
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Posted: 8/21/2014 at 10:26 PM Post #15
(Yay? o.O I'm sticking with two chars and taking it slow if you don't mind. *.* Btw, jp > eng XD)
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