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Level 61
Fancy Pants
Joined: 3/28/2014
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Posted: 11/22/2014 at 11:43 AM Post #11
Name: Evelyn
Gender: female
Year: 8
Age: 13
Creature Type (picture optional): (Just the size of a really large wolf

Appearance (picture or description):
Personality: clever, cunning, can be a smart alex, nosy, cheerful most of the time
Classes(at least 2 specialty and 3 normal): Biology, Ancient Runes, Folklore, Legends, and Myths, Beast Taming, Potions and Elixirs, Herbology
Pet(if you have one): (the green and brown one) Haru: very playful, loves napping

Weapon(if taking Combat, P.E., or Extensive P.E.):
Club(optional): Rune Club
Edited By Jadelion on 12/19/2014 at 3:09 PM.
Level 64
The Perfectionist
Joined: 8/23/2014
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Posted: 11/22/2014 at 8:02 PM Post #12
Quoting from her original post:
RP Rules
Keep swearing to a minimum.
No super graphic stuff
PM me if you want to quit.
As many characters as you can handle
No "only one" monsters ex: landon, cerberus, just monsters that there are only one of

I'd just PM Nixie and see if she'll let you be a teacher. ;)
Level 64
The Perfectionist
Joined: 8/23/2014
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Posted: 11/22/2014 at 8:16 PM Post #13
I thought I could stand only having one in a RPG but you really need some more boys at your school.

Name: Whitaker (He prefers Whit)
Gender: Male
Year: 10
Age: 16
Creature Type:

Appearance: Boy on left

Personality: Likes to impress girls (Hence why he's in all the PE classes), He really doesn't like reading, Hot headed (Mostly because he could beat anybody in a fight at home), Over protective of Blake (Blake's younger by the way)
Extensive Physical Education
Beast Taming

Physical Education

Swim Club

Gender: Male
Year: 11
Age: 16 (They're twins)
Creature Type:

Only the feathers are black
Appearance: Boy on right

Personality: Booky, Likes the company of a good book rather then people, just about the opposite of his brother, Hates to see others cry and will stop it if he can, seemingly a little bit cold until you get to know him (Mostly because he doesn't know how to act with other people around)
Charms and Spells
Potions and Elixirs

History of Empires
Folklore, Legends, and Myths
Ancient Runes

Rune Club
Edited By Bmrbgttyjjl on 11/23/2014 at 8:53 AM.
Level 64
The Perfectionist
Joined: 8/23/2014
Threads: 86
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Posted: 11/22/2014 at 8:24 PM Post #14
Name: Davin
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Creature Type: Winged Kitsune


Personality: Likes to write poetry and songs, Kind, Boneheaded, Hates conflict but knows it's important to know how to defend yourself, Likes to help guys get girls or visversa
Charms and Spells
Golem Making
Potions and Elixirs

History of Empires
Folklore, Legends, and Myths
Ancient Runes

Pet: Morph (Pictured in bottom right corner) It's a shape changer
Debate Club
Charms and Spells Club

Gender: Male
Year: 11
Age: 17
Creature Type:


Personality: Likes to feel free (Hence why he doesn't have a lot of classes), Kind of a prankster (Not really serious about them but he likes to pull some of them), Hates thinking he was ignored.
Element Control-Wind
Beast Taming

History of Empires
Folklore, Legends, and Myths

Pet: Sanja (Hawk in picture)
Weapon(if taking Combat, P.E., or Extensive P.E.):
Debate Club
Soaring High Club
Edited By Bmrbgttyjjl on 11/24/2014 at 3:58 PM.
Level 60
Joined: 11/19/2013
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Posted: 11/23/2014 at 3:15 AM Post #15
Ooooh! I wanna join! I'll have my form up soon enough that will (hopefully) be a balanced of girls and boys with maybe more boys than girls.
Level 60
Joined: 11/19/2013
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Posted: 11/23/2014 at 6:21 AM Post #16

I filled in everything to my best ability, but I'm confused about the year. That's their grades right? But what do you mean from grade 6-16? Like what is the intellect of a grade 6? A six year-old? Sorry, I'm not very used to working with grades. And with what you're going by... is there a max age for students in this school? Like say... 19? (I come from a different schooling system so please forgive me for my little knowledge with the grades and years)

Anyway I hope I'm not missing out anything or doing anything wrong so far... but if you spot something wrong with my form, please tell me! And if you don't mind, once I get a clearer picture about the grades/years, can I change them?

Also, I hope you don't mind my Trivia part of the form.... It's just that I thought I might as well add some likes/dislikes and other stuff there so the personality part doesn't get too crowded... hope you don't mind!(it'd be best to give my trivia for my chars a once over just in case)

On a side note, the pic of that dog is cute! I'll finish up Ryo's and the other two characters once I get back online again. It's pretty late right now.


Acacia Kim (Her siblings call her 'Accel')
Creature Type:
She's human... Just that her family is gifted with technopathy/techonokinesis and cyberpathy. Aside from that, there's the matter of all the Kim siblings have a varying degree of control over space/spacial rifts (time control's a different matter, that's applicable to only two of the Kim siblings who would never join the school [cause that would be overpowered] ) - sort of like teleportation if you will. However, for both Accel and Add, their powers over this teleportation is weak, and they can only traverse short distances.

Accel is quite often a anti-social person, someone who prefers to keep talking to a minimal. There are cases where she talks more though, but those scenarios are rare. Also, while generally a sadistic, slight insane and uncaring person, Accel has a different face around her family members, only allowing herself to genuinely smile and be happy around them.

Often, Accel likes to spend time finding out how to upgrade her Dynamos and Armour (She'd ask her brothers for help, but it's a silent rule that no family member can reveal their secrets to another, even a family member. Slight helping out was allowed though.) During those times, she coops herself up in her room, refusing to come out even for meals, had it not been for the school rule.

Accel is also a fighter - she likes fighting. This is the reason why she is so intent on perfecting her Nasod Armour and Dynamos to become perfect weapons. On the other hand, because of this, Accel can be quite... unapproachable, as she is often quick to snap at others due to her quick temper towards nearly everyone but her family and the school's staff - hey, she still has a sense of respect!

Though, sometimes it can be hard to keep up with her, as she does not like wasting her time. AS such, she's often seen making her way to classes at a face pace, sometimes even using her Dynamos as a skateboard in the event she needs to be faster. Accel is also impatient and as such, hates waiting and making others waits - resulting in her usually rushing to classes she's not even late for!

Specialty: Combat, Extensive P.E., Beast Taming
Normal: P.E., Science, History, Math, Algebra, Geometry, Biology, Ancient Runes, History of Empires.

A pure black male wolf - lethal enough to be a dangerous opponent in any situation. Extremely protective of Acacia and her brothers. His name is Nightsaber

Her Dynamos and Nasod Armour - both are hard to explain, but to put it extremely extremely briefly, with what they do only in combat, the Dynamos are able to physically hurt someone (in sense of striking them) or using electricity (thats oddly enough, the color purple) to hurt an enemy or opponent. The Dynamos are able to use homing attacks as well and are able to levitate Accel by using a special AI.

The Nasod Armour on the other hand, allows Accel to be up close and personal with her enemy by allowing her to unleash a flurry of punches and kicks with near inhuman strength and speed. What with her ability of crossing and creating spacial rifts to avoid attacks/travel short distances, she can become invulnerable.

Of course, all weapons have set backs, and the Nasod Armour and Dynamos are no exception - her Dynamos consume vast amounts of energy in combat, and unlike her brothers Arc and Mind who use a different AI to conserve and replenish the energy needed to keep the Dynamos functioning during combat, Accel has to let her Dyanmos take a break from battle to conserve and store up energy, or she will find them out of power soon enough. Thankfully for her, as long as she doesn't abuse her Dynamos, they can be all she need to finish a fight.

Her Armour on the other hand, takes a lot out of her - thus she only uses it when she's in a pinch. With her never staying longer than a couple minutes in her armour, she is able to continue fighting and not tire herself out. As such, she is forced to balance out using her Dynamos and Nasod Armour - lest she herself becomes her own downfall.

Debate CLub. (She'd join the Green Thumb Club, but doesn't want others to know she likes growing plants)

Acacia is the sole female in a group of seven children, all of which (except one) attend a different school.

Her Dynamos can be used for various functions - from acting as a chair, steps, toys to allowing her to view the status of anyone (such as any injuries, currently feeling... etc), dictionary and a data collection device. The possibilities with them are endless.

As a hobby, sometimes Accel finds herself tending to plants and sewing, things she did to pass the time when she had absolutely no idea what to do.

Due to growing up in a family made up of a majority of boys.... Accel has a tendency to act like one, and her entire wardrobe is filled with boys' clothes.

~Will add more as time goes one, to reveal more information about Accel's character and background~


Adam Kim (His siblings call him 'Add')
Creature Type:
The same as Accel

Add is, like most of his family, anti-social, preferring to keep to himself than to confide in others. The sole exception to this is his family, to which they all agreed one would be there for one another. Once again, like his siblings, there's an air of insanity around him - befitting him and his family members due to them acting often like mad scientists, even the more brawler types like Accel and Psy. Like them, he's a little cold to others.

On a side note, similar to Accel, he is impatient, and in that aspect resembles his sister. However, unlike his sturdier built sister, he is a lot more fragile. As such, he abstains from combat whenever possible. Due to this, he has a calmer temper than his sister, but he is still easily annoyed. However, despite getting annoyed, he will most likely just growl or scoff before speeding away, no longer wanting to be in the presence of whatever had made him mad.

As the youngest of the Kim siblings, the others look out of him - this is an annoyance in its own right, despite how much he cares for them. This is because the way the siblings show their care is mostly either through extreme over-protectiveness or through harsh words and making him feel like a fool. The rare cases where they show their affection like a normal human is rare, but that just makes it awkward. However, Add is quick to forgive his siblings and no matter how badly he is annoyed by them, he always end up forgiving them soon enough.

Add is also quite competent with machinery - his entire family is! However, once again, as the youngest, he has limited knowledge about how to progress his Dynamos further, as he has only recently finished completing them. Currently, he's researching to figure out just how exactly he can combine the AIs for the Dynamos his siblings use. Perhaps that could be the ultimate level for the Dynamos.

Specialty: Combat, Alchemy, Golem Making
Normal: P.E., Science, History, Math, Algebra, Geometry, Biology. Ancient Runes, Folklore Legends and Myths

A grey female wolf pup - still growing, but with how she's training with Add, she'll become a dangerous opponent soon enough. Like Nightsaber, she's protective of Add and his siblings. Her name is - surprisingly - Lily, which shows Add's hidden soft side.

He uses Dynamos - ones that have better conservation of energy than Accel's, allowing him to rely solely on his Dynamos for any given fight, seeing as how he has yet to, unlike his older siblings, create anything else to serve as weapons.

Rune Club, Charms and Spells Club

Add likes sweet foods, especially chocolate - its something his siblings all have a fond of, but him especially.

For some reason, Add is terrified of ghosts, and it's something he's not proud of. After all, he's never been afraid of anything.... so a ghost? It'd turn him into a laughing stock! Doesn't change the fact that he hates 'em....

For Add, cleanliness is a top priority. He hates getting his clothes dirty and he hates humid places. However, that's also just because being sweaty isn't something he is fond of. As such, his Dynamos have a cooling function added to them, in case he finds himself in a hot or humid place.
Edited By Soltra8 on 12/2/2014 at 6:07 AM.
Level 60
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 7/19/2014
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Posted: 11/23/2014 at 10:56 AM Post #17
Name: Esarosa (sometimes called "Ezz")
Gender: Female
Year: 14
Age: 17
Creature Type (picture optional): Winged Wolf

Appearance (picture or description):
Personality: Quiet, kind, gets overly excited, sweet, can be sour, intelligent.
Classes(at least 2 specialty and 3 normal):


History of Empires

Pet(if you have one): None
Weapon(if taking Combat, P.E., or Extensive P.E.): None
Club(optional): None

(Has an adopted sister, look below.)


Name: Lenna
Gender: Female
Year: 14
Age: 17
Creature Type (picture optional): Winged Lion
Appearance (picture or description):
Personality: Just as quiet as her sister, usually grumpy, doesn't like to talk to others but her sister, just as intelligent a her sister.
Classes(at least 2 specialty and 3 normal):

Charms and Spells

Folklore, Legends, and Myths
History of Empires

Pet(if you have one): None
Weapon(if taking Combat, P.E., or Extensive P.E.): None
Club(optional): None

(Look up for her sister.)


Name: Aura
Gender: Female
Year: 12
Age: 15
Creature Type (picture optional): Unicorn

Appearance (picture or description):
Personality: Secretive, tough, can be friendly, serious.
Classes(at least 2 specialty and 3 normal):

Element-Control Wind
Golem Making

Ancient Runes
Folklore, Legends, and Myths

Pet(if you have one): Alpine (The white one)

Weapon(if taking Combat, P.E., or Extensive P.E.): None
Club(optional): Hooves Club

(Her twin below)


Name: Gethin
Gender: Male
Year: 12
Age: 15
Creature Type (picture optional): Black Pegasus

Appearance (picture or description):
Personality: Sneaky, mischievous, flirty, usually happy.
Classes(at least 2 specialty and 3 normal):

Element-Control Wind

Folklore, Legends, and Myths

Pet(if you have one): Beauty (Black one)

Weapon(if taking Combat, P.E., or Extensive P.E.): None
Club(optional): Hooves Club
Edited By Desiree on 11/23/2014 at 8:25 PM.
Level 66
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 3/26/2014
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Posted: 11/23/2014 at 6:21 PM Post #18
Ok, everyone's good. To whomever asked if they could also be a teacher (sorry, I forgot and I'm too lazy to check), of course! Ask and you shall receive. And you've got your work cut out for you. You choose the teacher you want and you've got everything set up for you.
Level 64
The Perfectionist
Joined: 8/23/2014
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Posted: 11/23/2014 at 6:52 PM Post #19
Pussssst. Look up ;)
Level 60
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 7/19/2014
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Posted: 11/23/2014 at 8:25 PM Post #20
Edited with new characters. :) Look at my last post.
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