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Level 75
The Whimsical
Joined: 1/19/2013
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Posted: 4/21/2013 at 1:47 PM
Post #11
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/4/2025 at 10:28:13pm
...Multiple tabs, stare at the forum page constantly refreshing the page to see if there are any new post you an reply to.I was up all night and decided o, I might as well go check my forums at 2 in the morning.
I stare at the forum page all the time. Even doing something else I have it open in a different tab.
Level 60
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Posted: 4/23/2013 at 7:43 AM
Post #12
o.e" When Your sitting on the toilet.....ya know.....and in the tiles you see a male bulbori. Not a bunny on it's hind legs. A MALE BULBORI. XD
Level 60
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Posted: 4/23/2013 at 7:47 AM
Post #13
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/4/2025 at 10:28:13pm
o.e" When Your sitting on the toilet.....ya know.....and in the tiles you see a male bulbori. Not a bunny on it's hind legs. A MALE BULBORI. XD
You're living a magical Sylestian life! DX
I envy you!! DX
Level 60
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Posted: 4/23/2013 at 8:07 AM
Post #14
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/4/2025 at 10:28:13pm
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/4/2025 at 10:28:13pm
o.e" When Your sitting on the toilet.....ya know.....and in the tiles you see a male bulbori. Not a bunny on it's hind legs. A MALE BULBORI. XD
You're living a magical Sylestian life! DX
I envy you!! DX
XD Or hows about when your at work and the horses freak out and start a mini stampede and you scream, "SOMEBODY STOP THE QITARI'S!!!" XD Cause.....I've done that. Like, Four times already. XD
Level 75
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Posted: 4/23/2013 at 4:11 PM
Post #15
Hahaha! Hilarious!
Level 75
The Whimsical
Joined: 1/19/2013
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Posted: 4/24/2013 at 6:21 PM
Post #16
I've done pretty much all of these. I've even started to draw sylestis and I don't draw much.
Level 60
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Posted: 4/25/2013 at 7:22 AM
Post #17
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/4/2025 at 10:28:13pm
I've done pretty much all of these. I've even started to draw sylestis and I don't draw much.
Once, in art, we were taking a test, (I know! A test in art?! Not cool!) But instead of me doingthe test, I drew a Pikachu sitting on a Zolnixi's back. o.e" Without realizing it. Buuut The teacher went gaga for it and gave me full credit! Woooo!!
Level 75
The Whimsical
Joined: 1/19/2013
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Posted: 4/25/2013 at 7:28 PM
Post #18
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/4/2025 at 10:28:13pm
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/4/2025 at 10:28:13pm
I've done pretty much all of these. I've even started to draw sylestis and I don't draw much.
Once, in art, we were taking a test, (I know! A test in art?! Not cool!) But instead of me doing the test, I drew a Pikachu sitting on a Zolnixi's back. o.e" Without realizing it. Buuut The teacher went gaga for it and gave me full credit! Woooo!!
That is awesome.
You know you're addicted when... you talk/dream about portals bringing you to Sylestia and taking (a) pet(s) back home with you.
Level 60
Stocking Stuffer
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Posted: 4/26/2013 at 9:35 AM
Post #19
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/4/2025 at 10:28:13pm
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/4/2025 at 10:28:13pm
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/4/2025 at 10:28:13pm
I've done pretty much all of these. I've even started to draw sylestis and I don't draw much.
Once, in art, we were taking a test, (I know! A test in art?! Not cool!) But instead of me doing the test, I drew a Pikachu sitting on a Zolnixi's back. o.e" Without realizing it. Buuut The teacher went gaga for it and gave me full credit! Woooo!!
That is awesome.
You know you're addicted when... you talk/dream about portals bringing you to Sylestia and taking (a) pet(s) back home with you.
I live a magical, Obsessed Sylestian Life! *Skips through feild of flowers*
Level 70
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Posted: 4/26/2013 at 11:37 AM
Post #20
You know you're addicted when you set up a browser on your phone to link directly to your most frequently needed screens for quick access.
My Chrome app on my iPhone has 2 fixed tabs -- the Missions page and the Sanctuary of Saerielle page.
Then there's another for free roaming across the site.
And yet it grows and grows LOL. (will post pics when I can~)
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